Reeeeeeeee. This shit has already been done. Bush built this steel slat fence in 2008. From san diego Cal to texas...

Reeeeeeeee. This shit has already been done. Bush built this steel slat fence in 2008. From san diego Cal to texas. I even google mapped and saw the steel slats all along arizona. Wtf is going on?! Are we getting jewed?

Attached: 170216172849-griffin-dnt-trump-border-wall-lead-large-169.jpg (460x259, 30K)

No you’re getting trumped.

Die shill. I will eat your children

The fuck is going on. This tge dunes in arizona.

Attached: 170125142046-03-us-mexico-border-september-28-2016-super-tease.jpg (1100x619, 123K)

but what he said is 100% true

No you dumb nigger its true. Im in fucking phoenix with family and all my family is telling me a slat fence has already existed. Were going to the dunes to offroad on 25th. Ill take picks. Anyway theres pic on google images.

No bars at the top to throw ropes over or rest ladders against, and going from 15 ft to 35 ft. It's literally going to be a steel palisade wall with giant spikes every six inches.

Pic related. Its new mexico. I want know wtf is going on? Is this why trump only asked for $5bn?

Attached: Bollard-fence-630x473.jpg (630x473, 41K)

Its not 15ft nigga. Its already at 30ft.

It got 10 ft higher

>walls keep getting 10 feet higher all the time
>eventually the slats cave in on each other as they get too tall
>they intersect at one point
>creating the great american geodome
>literally cannot climb into america
>they go straight to canada instead
it's almost genius

Is this the same design Trump will use?

Trump is going to take credit for building that fence and his retarded supporters will undoubtedly cheer with glee.

Americans are so fucking stupid

You all want a wall because you want to be like Israel. Hilrious

Attached: israel bombs for land.jpg (600x419, 43K)

more like getting conned by a russian/jew cuck:

"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me. Believe me. And I'll build it very inexpensively. I'll build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
Individual 1 - June 2015

Attached: 1523069212342Qpp.png (1507x1647, 1.67M)

its a fuckin fence

Attached: wall.png (1099x616, 420K)

>End Result
pic related

Attached: The Great Wall.jpg (521x697, 201K)

Video killed the reality star.

Attached: 20180807-193546.png (666x500, 231K)

Wait, do people think there's no wall/barrier at all and Trump is going to finally build one?

the wall is mostly symbolic. people can get over walls and there is no way to monitor the entire border. really what we need to do is deport all illegals but that is not going to happen unfortunately

Low IQ thread.

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