I think it's funny these two girls got raped and murdered. Doe that make me an Incel or a white nationalist? I'm confused
I think it's funny these two girls got raped and murdered. Doe that make me an Incel or a white nationalist...
Well you are not as edgy as you want us to think kiddo.
>doe that
It makes you a retarded nigger.
Crusades is happening. Soon white men
I love my mom, fuck these whores
That makes you rational to think these girls were retards.
How do you know they wuz raped? Her panties were still on. Who rapes someone and then puts their panties back on? What is this garbage? What is this?
its makes you a non white
also sage these threads
Who was the one murdered in the tent?
It's not funny user. It's just sad.
But it's as though they were killed by the very thing they loved most
How sad did you think it was when Heather Heyer got run over and killed in Charlottesville?
How sad was it when the German "refugees welcome" activist was murdered in Spain?
Is that supposed to be funny?
These women were optimistic and hopeful people. They had hearts full of love and wonder for other cultures.
In the end their naivety and inexperience got them killed. What if they were your daughter?
It's sad.
He's saying it's sad when anyone loses life.
it makes you a realist. these sluts hate white men and they love jew propaganda that tells them to open the borders to shitskins.
the ony good thing to come from this is that other white females might have learned what happens when you trust the jew.
The sound is the best part of the movie. Someone should incorporate it into a song.
The fuck is cultural guidance
Were they raped? The girl that got her head chopped off was wearing a top and panties. Why wasn’t she nude? If they were raped I guess those guys didn’t video it which was such a waste
show flag, Vlad
Sweet. and you know what happened?
Some of us take standing up for the white race seriously. Others are just trolls who hide behind meme flags.
only one of those girls is actually white
These are the same people that want to bring Muslim "refugees" into our countries so that our own daughters can be raped and murdered.
They are enemy combatants, plain and simple. I don't give a fuck if they're naive or not, their actions have consequences.
Gotta say, I underestimated those Moroccans... they're consistent
Why wasn't their a video of both of them, why only the one?
>How sad did you think it was when Heather Heyer got run over and killed in Charlottesville?
Yeah, but she was fat and I feel less sympathy for fat people
Not white nationalist, at least.
Sounds more like you're a muslim.
Brutal rape murder of two young women and you find it funny... I believe that makes you a psychopath. You are not worthy of that meme flag
Stop this meme with these 2 girls . it makes me angry and sad .
The other chicks head was outside the tent I'm guessing.
Bang bang you fucking sandnigger . BANG !
>How sad did you think it was when Heather Heyer got run over and killed in Charlottesville
Oh come on that one was objectively funny. Big fat ass got hit by a fuckin Dodge Challenger lmfao and then died from her greased up her arteries auahahahahaha oh my God
I was just about to look into this case as I haven’t heard about it before, but thanks for telling the bitch was fat now I wont bother
based and redpilled
Somebody post the video.
Not that it matters but, when these girls were hiking, where do they go poop? Do you just poop outside? I bet they watched each other poop.
It does not.
I probably makes you a mad Israeli that Jow Forums didn't take your bait. Now, let's get back to the yellow vest movement sweeping across Europe.
>israel did it
kys mudrat
Her thong split her steamy log in half as she let out of her final death shit.
>I think it's funny these two girls got raped and murdered. Doe that make me an Incel or a white nationalist? I'm confused
An incelist.
A friend linked me to the snuff vid, didn't make it past the gurgle.
There's just something so personal about machete / knife vids it makes me queasy. Like that chechen russian one. Don't bat an eye at chinese CCTV stuff.
It's "funny" in the sense that these two white girls thought africa was perfectly safe to travel alone in and that bad things couldn't happen to them. Even as a man I wouldn't want to go there even if I was strapped, let alone unarmed.
What's amazing is that this savagery is being imported into Europe and governments don't think anything of it.
Also what kind of cucked parents let their daughters go ahead with this? I'd be warning them about staying out of bad neighborhoods during a NYC trip let alone fuckin' Africa.
it pisses me off that the heads are the bottom and top don t match. LEFT HEAD should be ON THE RIGHT !
mohammed came with the idea of filming after they chopped the first one
>Still virtuing for these two scado thots
Meanwhile how many thousands have died around the globe since then and no one gives a fuck, fucking move on
>Hurr its different cuse their heads got choppy choppy'd
It literally isnt, if anything it was a quick merciful death
That's fake. But the video shows the girls were split up during the murders.
>What kind of cucked parents let their daughters go ahead with this?
The ones that listen to the Jews, user. You know this.
It would have been hot had she pooped while her head got the chop. The the Muslims could put the turd in the mouth of the head
the russian one is worst than this imo, i honestly get more angry when i see animal abuse than people getting killed.
her mother told her not to go, but she didn t listen, and now she is paying the price.
No it isn't.
You keyboard warriors will sit there like the good little cucks you are, just like you have been since 2001.
>comparing a guillotine to the back of the neck to a machete chopping from the front/side
Are you retarded?
You need help
Anyone remember in the movie "Taken" Liam Neeson was driving his daughter to the airport and Red-Pilled the fuck out of her about the dangers that are out there? That was 2009 and Paris wasn't nearly as bad as it is today. I wish I could find the clip on Jewtube, but I can't.
quick my ass. at least 30 seconds of suffering+ the rape that happened before. a bullet to the head is merciful.
I'm starting to think the video isn't the right one. The chick in the tent was alone. No blood beside her from the other friend and was only one tent in the photos from the news.
The video's been confirmed as legitimate.
Recognizing there's a problem is the first step towards getting better, user, so you're doing great! Don't be afraid to ask for help in life, everyone has their own issues they have to deal with and there's no reason for us to deal with them all on our own. Good luck!
what other videos is there of blonde chicks getting beheaded mate
>knife wounds
Makes you guilty of Association With said sin.
It makes you neither. You're a psychopath and should be locked up because you're a danger to society.
Truth, people who celebrate it are muslim-tier
>its makes you a non white
>also sage these threads
This. Being white means to be a giant cuck.
When our women completely destroy our nations, openly betray us, vote in millions of brown cocks to satisfy them, and laugh in our faces about it.....
Being white means to still feel sorry when shit like this happens to them.
I may have white skin, but I despise traitors, and therefore give no shits when stuff like this happens to white women. But that makes me non-white. I'm simply not cucked enough to be white.
I hate hat they got offed like that, but I feel they were going to lead destructive lives anyway. You can’t live the travelling whore lifestyle and go back and be a solid mother. They were headed for a life of empty drifting and likely would do nothing but contribute to social decay at home.
I feel bad saying that, but deep down I’m afraid it’s the truth.
Not only did these worshippers of the beast fulfill a prohpesy, but also reduced their chance at redemption further more
Where's the other female? I could find any still photos
I'm an incel before I'm a nationalist of any sort.
Forgot to remove meme flag
It makes you a cringe faggot.
They are lower than the muslims. They are literally the muslims little bitches doing their masters bidding
i will laugh when you die
i hope you die in a much more brutal fashion too
you are a traitor
ahmed comes out of the tent with the other head. You can see the tent moving around
>t. whiteknight cuck
Women are below muslims
oh are you talking about the side to side pic?
i havent seen that one confirmed
The British Imperial system is in a state of collapse. It is fighting in agony against the American President, Donald J. Trump.
Get Active
Agreed. They were cock teases. something islam has no tolerance for.
>go to Morocco to fuck sand niggers
>some sand niggers hit on them
>they reject the sand niggers
WTF were they thinking??
I remember a video of a female reporter getting raped and killed in either Iraq or Afghanistan. She was a brunette though.
It's all part of the Kalergi Plan user, you should know this.
I don't think any have been released. There was something outside the tent in the last few frames, but who knows. They killed Louisa and sent the video to her mother, possibly on her phone.
Nudity isn't allowed in Islamic beheading videos, strictly haram. They made her put her clothes back on for the final chop.
Under Sharia law beheading videos are halal, producing pornography is not: you can't film your rapes but you can film your murders.
Oh fuck off.
any videos/pics from this?
What? No.
What the muslims want is the infidel to get scared and submit to them.
yeah okay
>you are a traitor
The guy who despises the people who vote to destroy white nations is a traitor.
But the cunts who actually vote to destroy us are not traitors because they have cunts and you like cunts.
Imagine being this much of a slave to your basic instincts. Your IQ must be below 90.
>Laughs at two naive women that were told that area of the world is very dangerous but wanted to prove "brown people ain't bad"
It honestly pains me that I'm 16% Scandinavian and only 9% Irish
I trust muslim men more than white women
Israeli Psyop to distract away from Yellow Vest Revolution in Europe
Nah, that is the government. People are just misled by their naivete. Do we blame a child that was taught the wrong thing?
Well, they were adults. Young, naive adults. Then again plane can crash too, but I suppose it's more chances to die beheaded and filmed on Moroccan mountains by the filth, when you go camping there alone with your friend overnight, and talk about complete strangers on town about it, maybe even post on social media "hey we're here camping! It's so beautiful".
Despite being adults, another's mother had warned her daughter not to go because she felt the place was unsafe.
It's stupidity and bad luck combined that led to the random events and brutal end that I wouldn't wish of someone my race, unless it was "an eye for an eye retaliation" of something equally horrible.
They seemed kind of "world travelers". People like that often tend to be curious of other races and places, cultures and such. Curiosity into that ain't no crime enough to deserve such a brutal, senseless end.
It looked like they had no clue this could ever happen. To me the whole situation looks like surprise attack. The girl in the video looked like she didn't even know what was happening to her until the last second. With her panties on she probably wasn't raped, but was just surprised with a knife and video cam by the scums. I could be wrong.
These kinda "world travelers" often seem to cherish the foreign cultures as they're treated and greeted well where they decide to go.
I suppose that when you take a good start while traveling places, and have the luck to meet the kind people and get to know them, you start to feel "overly safe" and believe that all those horror stories on the internet about dangers on those 3rd world countries are lie or over exaggerated. You start to believe goodness of people in bad places, until you actually come across some really bad people.
Looks like they had lost the sense of danger while going on there, talking to complete strangers, and camping alone on those areas. Stupidity shouldn't had ended in this brutal manner by those pigs.
you despise them enough to sell out your own race
you are a shameful cuck
be sure to kill yourself before we have to