Where does your area rank, Jow Forums?

Where does your area rank, Jow Forums?

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>more racsist than average
proud of you 813

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>tfw Eastern PA

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>the appalachian mountain range

>States with more niggers are more racist


Lol@Idaho and Montana being less than average
We only seem that way due to a lack of niggers and spics.

>tfw much less than average

Attached: Screenshot_82.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Look it's where all the black people live

Apparently more than average, that one part in California.


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>Rhode Island
>Cajun country
>Upstate NY
>having any blacks

really now

I'm sure this map doesn't take into account anti-white racism or else all the urban areas would be dark red.

proud of you fellow pennsylvanians

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>SE Missouri

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>Live in the only light blue part of PA
what the fuck

To be fair I don't know anyone googling nigger in their free time, even though we hate them.

Only more than average in my region.

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>lex, KY
Looks to be either completely red, or peach. Feels pretty good.

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>my region is less than average
>90 percent white, possibly more

How can they claim searching nigger on google is a way to measure racism

Why is Ohio all much more than average statewide? Are nigger causing issues in those areas?

This is bullshit. Everywhere is racist. This is places where white prols are accused of being double plus bad racist as a political tactic.

Jews believe in religion that LITTERALY want the rest of humanity enslaved or eliminated... who OFFICIALLY rate blacks as ‘above a monkey, below a human’

This is the reality.

>searching for the n-word means you're racist

i live in the no data zone. i have a monthly dinner date with the kkk. i wonder how that happens.

no data means no dindus.

Because they are the washington post and have a collective IQ of 40 and an agenda that stretches thousands of miles

>much more basist than avg

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What if it is black people who searching for the word?

People who don't live around or work with nigs are always more accepting.

The map is bullshit. Hawaii is known for being violently racist against haolis and openly so.

Much more than average.

>most nigger searches
>areas in which the most niggers reside

pol please tell me about Ohio

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>Ohio despising niggers
Pretty accurate.

Based northeastern Texas.

Also, notice how the least-racist places are the most white.

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>Much Less Than Average

There aren't a lot minorities here, yet.

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They say a very hungry, disgusting man lives there.

>cajun country
>not filled with niggers

Attached: USA map black population density.jpg (1280x997, 1.18M)

Screw your optics, I'm going in.

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We literally call them Canadians. They still haven't caught on.

Niggers that is

> niggers are calling themselves niggers in social media
> you are now literally worse than the Russian Hitler

>South has the most blacks
>Blacks lovingly call each other 'nigger.'
>South is the most 'racist' region.