How to rid Western Christianity of slave morality?

How to rid Western Christianity of slave morality?

Attached: christcucks.jpg (780x438, 56K)

Abandon all Abrahamic religions.

t. Jew

What the fuck kind of satanic symbol is on that sign

It's a United Church of Christ (UCC) church.
It's a liberal Calvinist Church founded in 1957 when two Evangelical denominations merged; big out in the Midwest, Wikipedia says it has around 900,000 adherents.

The Holly Family had a home and was traveling legally.

Another Christian who dosen't know the bible.

And apparently this is Obama's church. Didn't know that.

>traveling legally
nigga wut

ask the joos about slavery since they stole their land to keep as diamond mines

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That symbol looks like a combination of all three "principle" alchemic symbols, which are rooted in hermeticism, which is just satanism

Attached: Alchemical Symbols.jpg (1300x973, 84K)

Okay, but don't pretend Catholics aren't doing this shit too

Cant, its too cucked.

Literal heretics

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>Okay, but don't pretend Catholics aren't doing this shit too

I didn't. That sign was clearly not for a catholic church, and I was talking about the sign in the picture.

Yeah, on a totally unrelated note, the pope is most likely the antichrist.
And I don't mean this pope specifically, but all popes.

1 John, Chapter 2

First Explain Slave Morality
Then Explain how Christianity is Slave Morality.
I reject your very premise, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

You worship a Jew, you dumb nigger.

They didn't illegally enter another country for gibs. They started in the Roman Empire and ended in the Roman Empire.


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They worship God, the creator and father of us all.

Catholics are heretics to begin with.

you type like a faggot lole

It doesn't look much like those. Also those are the Christianized version of the symbols, look at all those crosses.

everyone converts to EO, problem solved

>fleeing oppressive regime
>within same empire
>neighboring country with similar culture
>eventually returned
totally the same

...but they fled one king's dominion who was trying to kill baby Jesus to go live in another territory that he did not have dominion over... is that not being a refugee...

God was a kike, faggot

>The so called Jews of today are the same people from two thousand years ago
M8 they aren't actually Jews. They are the intellectual spawn of the Pharisees who had Jesus killed because he told them to stop acting like covetous faggots.

Even if Jesus ever existed, Herod's life is well documented in sources outside the bible and there is zero historical evidence about the whole massarcre of innocents.

>>fleeing oppressive regime
>>within same empire

Mexico and the United States are both part of NAFTA...both part of the UN...this "empire" shit is a ludicrous deflection.

>>neighboring country with similar culture
Texan and Californian culture is pretty identical to Northern Mexican culture. It's former Mexican territory, after all.

>>eventually returned
Well, if the countries they're fleeing from ever see their problems get fixed, I'm sure they'd be happy to return. Problem is, the problems aren't being fixed thanks to US meddling and intervention.

Are you calling Matthew, divinely inspired, a liar?