Why do people jerk off to this concept of "personal responsibility"? No one really is to blame for anything. People are shaped by their surroundings.
>b-but their conscious hoices...
are nothing but a product of the circumstances surrounding them. Were the circumstances different, they'd create another choice, duh.
Why do people jerk off to this concept of "personal responsibility"? No one really is to blame for anything...
Because people want to feel like they have some modicum of control over their lives
I like the picture
If you really tihnk you have no agency, then why do you bother trying to change other people's minds?
Because if you don't own up to your actions, if you can't examine your own behavior and ask yourself if you could've done better, then you will keep repeating the same mistakes, you'll hurt people, and you will never grow or improve as a person.
Who would you say is responsible for the horrible things in this world? Like garbage dumps and piles of dead animals? Not to be morbid, but that is what I am stuck on right now
Exactly. Now lets close all jails and let criminals roam free because its not their fault they gangraped children and murdered them
Either free will exists, in which case you may as well exercise it, or it doesn't exist, in which case you won't know the difference so you'll continue to think you're exercising it. You'll never know for sure, because the question of free will isn't just unanswered but *unanswerable* on a fundamental level. So instead of worrying about it, just move on with your life and focus on other things.
Garbage dumps and dead animals are both necessary parts of the world, unpleasant as they may be.
You mean the fallacy of free will?
So fucken smart like me gifted.
Go read some Sartre faggot
Humanity in general/society
Why are they necessary? Why does this world need to be so over the top wasteful? People of the old world had an understanding of balance -- why do we have any excuse to ignore it?
You are responsible for your actions. Its just that simple.
It's not over-the-top wasteful, it's only like that in your head because you compare it to some unreasonable made-up "perfect" world.
So smart holy shit hell yeah genius right here awe yeah.
Do we have a reason to believe free will exists?
Yes and im gifted like you man. I wish I was the next elon musk. Im gen z btw like u x3
What do you say for yourself? Would you consider yourself a contributor or subtractor to the negative aspects of this world?
Why is it unreasonable? It existed at one point in time, and I can imagine a situation where it could exist again -- Why do you choose not to?
Yeah man did you like infinity war? I blogged about it on tu.blr man. I wish katherine like me back :(
Wasn't a fan. I saw the new DeadPool. I did like that
our deepest intuitions tell us that we have agency, and while you can argue that it's illusory in nature, there's no proof of that either, just speculation. you can't even use causality as an argument against it, because quantum theory shows that there isn't one set causal path that the universe can take at any given point in time, but many possible ones.
Because his programming and previous experiences made him do it.
Are you a robot? Do you feel like a robot? If not then you are responsible for everything you do.
If someone rapes and murders twelve people everyone would want that person thrown in jail and have his genitals set on fire. Because we believe this person is the only thing responsible for his actions.
It's then proven that he acted that way because of a tumour in his brain. The tumour is removed and he no longer has those tendencies. We now view the situation differently. Do we still punish him?
Everything we do is just caused by a subtle "tumour". We can take no credit and we have no real responsibility.
>It existed at one point in time
You can't be sure about it though. You might be idolizing history.
On the level we operate everything is pretty deterministic. Even if quantum theory proves that there are elements of randomness in the universe that doesn't give us free will.