Why is everyone envious of whites?

They're painfully average when compared to eastern nations with high IQs and are largely athletically inferior to most non whites.

Why are whites still placed on a pedestal?

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They're not

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is that jealousy creatura?

we aren't LOL
everyone hates us

reminder, thats a boy

Because we live in nice countries. We should make our own countries with exclusive membership.

Everyone is envious of Jews, not the meme that is Huwhaites. Jews have one colossal cultural superweapon, namely unity without compromise. Whites is not a unity, it's an utterly random collection of peoples. It's as much a race as Islam is.

learn history: youtube.com/watch?v=3Ph8PXKHbJg

they believe the meme that the west was just stolen and we didn't do any work


learn history

no everyone is jealous of aryans

Mutt here. I honestly admire whites and look to their achievements for inspiration.

We're pretty much the Gods of mankind.
They are

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Hate and envy and jealousy are all in the same group


no idea

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Whites are the most progressive, gender fluid, lgbtq accepting, gender equal nations on earth. All nations want to be this way. Whites are progressed. We must look at the white model for a better more equal and progressive future.

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Because they are the most diverse race in terms of picking a partner

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Agree, white Jews control every aspect of the world. Don't fuck with them or else they will send circumsized creaturas to kill you and your children.

Aнимэ пaдoнoк. Хвaтит дpoчить нa нe cyщecтвyющих микpoщeлoк

>painfully average
yet when Euros were inventing microscopes, telescopes and computers, your high IQ Asians were running around in wooden shoes, stuck in the feudal era.

Never gonna work. We should just make our countries into slav like shitholes so no one wants to immigrate here.

>the feudal era
Implying that wasnt peak civilization and the industrial revolution wasnt a giant catastrophe for humanity

Everyone else is envious because Europeans invented western civilisation and it is miles ahead of anything anyone else has invented.

Because niggers are inbred to have their agility stacked and Asians are inbred to have their intellect stacked.
Whites are the all rounder GOATs and that's why we're not inbred.


Africa is the most heterogeneous continent on Earth. The inbreds are majority muslims, aka Caucasian people. Caucasians all over are the most inbred. The ones in the Middle East and North Africa, and also the Jews, and also Europeans.

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>Why is everyone envious of whites?
Seriously, most people aren't even jealous of whites. Not even whites.

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