These ugly fucking mongoloid thots got BTFO, too bad they didn't skin and dismember them alive it would have been a better jerk off material
This is what all women fucking deserve i can't wait for AI sexbots with artificial wombs to become mainstream so we can finally hunt roasties on the streets. Remembers lads cunts are incapable of complex human emotions such as empathy or loyalty, they do not even feel pain like us real people so doing that to them is not only normal but recommended. Hope that ugly man-jawed troll's mother saw the video and regrets mnot turning into superwoman to save her traitorous whore of a daughter top fucking kek
Press S to shit on their graves

Attached: scandinaviangirlgivinghead.webm (220x400, 2.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump, post more memes mocking these dumb cunts lads.

we had full day of exactly this sorry you missed buh

Yes. They're retarded, but you talk like a demented nigger. Find a tree and a rope. You are a stain on the world.

Romanians impaled 100,000 people, including women and children.

well folks, what more can ya really expect from a gypsy?

I was just unbanned earlier and i took it as a moemnt to take a break fromm this shithole. Spent my day working out jerking off and watching anime.
But guess what, i still have my head onmy shoulders thanks to it.
*DABS* on these headless toasty roasties

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yeah Romanians cut their heads off ..fuck off

>muh 100 gorillion imapled!

romanians aren't white tho

usor man ei nu înțeleg glumele noastre
they'll blame Romanians for this

They had it coming desu.

What's wrong with mocking some whores getting what they deserve? I haven't beheaded anyone myself.

ce tigane te arde in cur si pe tine?!

Fuck argentina

well obviously they did but people today have their "optics" problems with impaled children and such.

Fuck their optics senpai , kike and roastie genocide now.

There was an Aussie in another thread about these thots saying that we were all sick fucks and that he'd kill every fucking one of us for mocking them.

Attached: Dying Laughing.png (200x200, 23K)

and the fool Hitler trying to relate to these subhuman fucking

>not understanding those thots paid the toll
must be one of the new "aussies"

gypsy incel rage. you wish you had the balls the behead a thot.

Who takes a hike through Moroccan mountains...? Was anyone really that surprised to hear that happened in a muslim shithole?

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I think the message has been sent already regarding this incident. now they want to make the people spreading the facts worse than the actual terrorists. I think enough people have seen it and are aware these two were not just "naive" tourists but actually spreading pro refugee videos


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Thots went there to ride the cock carousel, is amazing how even the ugliest 2/10 thot will get a horde of these mindless orbiters to defend them. Like bruh no matetr how much you white knight for her she has already given her last head to the muzzies kek.

they were on a university sponsored trip to film and spread propaganda about cultural inclusion.

It's like all you faggots ever say, pathetic kike shills. Cunt is not that importantand shouldn't be put on a pedestal i fucked way betetr looking cheap hookers than those man-jawed trolls.
I wouldn't even let them blow me tbqh.

user, any proof of Rape?

I don't think they were there for dick it's even worse than that. I read in multiple news articles their college courses were about cultures and likely what he said

The West has literally murdered millions of Muslims over the past decade alone so I dont know why its a surprise to anyone that they would do something like this in retaliation

Can't rape the willing.

The surprise it the idiots who are willing to accept open borders.

This is the great test, why women should not have rights to anything, they do not know that other men from other regions, cultures can not see them, they are garbage, only that is why men with their domain could face them

This is my thought as well. That is why I have been saying there was no rape. The sex was consensual.


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these chicks were there to film pro migrant propaganda for university classes

That makes no sense, if I was a kike I would be trying to shill the anger up so the goys go back into Syria

Bruce here, can confirm.

it's true moron. shills think if they say kike no one will notice their bullshit

>Fucked way better cheap hookers
I hate to tell you Radu but that doesn't disqualify you from inceldom. Anyone can fuck hookers man. That's what they're there for.
I'm just wondering what your actual relationship history is now with that comment.

Have their white-knights orbiter cucks offed themselves yet? Where the fuck did those retards even come from?
They wouldn't give a shit if that was a man yet they keep defending these ugly thots.

Feminist perspective is that this is all victim blaming, women should be free to go out into the world and be fabulous, it's up to men to end rape culture and create safe spaces, and this is a sad tale about all women in all countries having to fear for their lives whenever they leave the house. White man's fault.

All wome are natural whores anyway and cunt feels the same regardless. Would rather fuck some escort ad use my time free from the ramblings off random roasties just for some occasional piece of cunt.

>The West has literally murdered millions of Muslims over the past decade
Pretty epic stuff

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we got raided because someone posted the images on the mom's fb page and media blamed "white supremacists" for it. Then people came here thinking it was pol

I rest my case.

sauce on this shit nigga

it's not even that. these 2 weren't tourists or feminists. they were there to film and spread pro rapeugee propaganda for their university

and read any article that gives the girls backgrounds. It'll say what they were studying at university

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>Pays a couple hundred to fuck a diseased literal whore because “all women are whores”
>Presumably works hard for this money
>Not saving that money and retired earlier with fuck you money
>Wagecucking in order to spend hundreds of dollars on the vagina of a single whore (again, a literal whore who has known countless men).

I mean that's the feminist reaction.

typical slavic piece of shit

>Presumably works hard for this money
Kek no i'm a based NEET and hookers are not that expensive here. I got a whoe to lower the price by half when she was a 8/10 in the pics and 6/10 irl, told her to leave and she lowered the rpice, spent the rest of the money getting drunk.

That's it? I seen dis days ago faggot, give me some fresh gravy

Typical westerner cuck on his crusade to defend every thot that paid the toll.

Muslims gonna muslim

>The women were studying "outdoor activities and cultural guidance" at the University of South-Eastern Norway, according to NRK.

Well that's a good thing they got murdered their death probaly saved a100 women.

>hate shitskins because they’re violent and stupid
>anti-immigration to keep violent shitskins out
>support shitskins’ execution of girls who want to make pro-immigration propaganda
>like violent shitskins for their violence

Holy fuck you guys are retards. You’ve come full retard-circle.

no most real feminists understand which cultures they can get away with and which they should keep out

Yeah that makes sense. Happy for you!

I don't think that's the case.

keep in mind the media was saying "neck wounds" what could "cultural guidance" mean when it comes to a Scandinavian nation.

>mongoloid thots got BTFO
you dumb gypsy, they weren't mongoloids. They were caucasians from Norway.

I guess it depends on the age group and feminist wave

No I hate shitskins because they're disgusting subhuman garbage and they come here to take advantage and fuck white women. I just want to genocide every last one of these wretched vermin because it would be good sport and basically fuck liberalism, this farce has run its course.

and i will still kill you
and you
and you

and does it matter if they were pure aryan?! what were they doing? oh right, spreading "cultural inclusion" so your daughter can get run over on Christmas

fucken hell you ugly faggots are so mad you never got a fuck that you get off on watching huwite wimin die

it is the Jews fault these dumb sluts act like they do because they have been brainwashed by their media
Get fit and start red pilling girls with your dicks and stop being such edgy fucken losers
sage goes in options

Ow oooow moooooooooor

if they had actually been mongoloids, the sandniggers probably wouldn't have raped and killed them

>cultural guidance
Funny name for a butchers knife, make it happen

Very true. I'm talking about the ones who have everyone's ear at the moment. Jeff Flake cornering types.

obviously nobody wants innocent women raped or killed. These were not naive women, they were shilling for open borders so your daughters get raped and killed while they fucking go hiking

Even without this there are plenty of cucks that defend every single thot that pays the toll this place has been invaded by plebbit scum and boomers since 2016

Now THIS I can get into. Everyone is focusing their hate on the girls when they could be focusing it on Muslims. It’s the Muslims who are the ultimate enemy.

that's true, most of the genuine 1st wave feminists got used and pushed aside.

I could care less about muslims in their lands. WHAT PART OF ..THESE FUCKING WHORES WERE BRINGING IN RAPEUGEES TO EUROPE don't you understand idiot?

I don't give a shit about two dead roasties either, but FUCK SHITSKINS stay away all niggers and spics

this doesnt even make sense
how were they shilling for our daughters to die hiking?
are you saying youd let your daughter hike there?
does that mean your daughter deserves it too?

>>hate shitskins because they’re violent and stupid
Actually no, it's simply the look for me
Pic ia a Romanian priest that killed a nun. He seems more OK to me than the purest/noncriminal gypsy or other shitskin


>A priest who was jailed for killing a 23-year-old nun by crucifixion in a botched exorcism has been chased out of his village and forced to live in a remote forest hut.
hope he's OK and maybe "fixed " himself

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Those whores would have you jailed for hate speech you faggot, they are more evil than any shitskin muzzies since they are tryig to destroy the societies that gave them freedom while promotig the ideology that views them as property

>These were not naive women
eh, poor word choice imo.
I would say they WERE naive. They just weren't innocent. As in, they most likely believed in the bullshit they were peddling. It would be interesting to do an investigation into what people at their University were telling them what they were doing was safe.

Lmao that motherfuckers is just as subhuman as any ISIS shitskin but at least he BTFO that thot nun.

Cultural guidance is a bloody blade

>the west
abject falsehood
openly swear by a book that demands the murder and abuse of non-adherents so excuse my lack of sympathy
you really do have to be african levels of retarded to think beheading 2 Scandinavian girls is any sort of revenge against the American government.

my 28 y/o daughter would be home with her kids and husband not in university for (((cultural guidance)))
>The women were studying "outdoor activities and cultural guidance" at the University of South-Eastern Norway, according to NRK.

these whores were spreading pro rapeugee videos as evident here . who the fuck do you think is the one screaming and crying to stop a terrorist from being flown back?! these same filthy fucking whores

You know the Jewish Proverb

Attached: Laughs in Kike.jpg (1385x839, 200K)

>obviously nobody wants innocent women raped or killed
I do, fuck them roasties

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Okay, why don’t yo want refugees in your homeland, dipshit?


its one video from years ago
wheres the plural here?

you are just another one of thse niggers
trying to justify this as ok
severe damage control for muslims

While i think they deserved it and hope their leftist parents saw the video.... The rest of your sentiment is beyond reason

I'm not familiar with the female anatomy enough to make a call so I'll just ask.
That can't be real right?

>are you saying youd let your daughter hike there?
you haven't got a say cunt, if you do you're a racist bigot.
Thank the education system

If this happened in Denmark instead of Morocco I feel like women would cry and beg for the killers to be spared.

well then it looks like that guy just ot his daighter killed

oh ffs. women at their age can maintain a household, children, husband and balance a checkbook for a family of 8
but now they are naive. NO just some want to play dumb to avoid consequences

I don’t like the girls either but they’re just stupid and misguided. Nothing is worse than the degenerate barbarism of Muslims. They’re the real enemy.

Listen you fucking bogan, i don t give a shit about muzzies ok? I would nuke every sandnigger right now, this doesn t mean i have to defend 2 retarded women that were obviously pro rapefugees and went to a trip in fucking niggerstan

because we can send cultural guidance tours there