This Washington Post reporter is trying to get the wall GoFundMe page shutdown because it discriminates against Latinos.
But the real question is, why does EVERY liberal male in their 20s and 30s look like they have AIDS?
This Washington Post reporter is trying to get the wall GoFundMe page shutdown because it discriminates against Latinos
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because they are faggots that probably have aids and have taken it in the ass 100's of times by their jew masters
Something doesn't look right. Look at that nice skin only attainable through good food and good sleep hygiene, but then look at his sunken eyes which make him look malnourished.
Is it a drug thing? I have a relative who has very similar features. Turns out he's gay too.
Man, if he's in his 20s he's got a shitty hairline... most be all that s o i
im sure that campaign will be very good for his social media like/dislike ratio
if only that translated into actual human touch.
Been wondering this for a while
So many young leftistslook like they’re dying
youre going at it backwards. mutants turn into leftists because theyre natural-born outcasts from day one. they grow up being unwanted, unchosen, unpicked, uncared-about. remember gradeschool? the ugly and weird kids were always outcasts. if thats your "crew" then of course you will become a leftist for "all-inclusive" policies.
because they do have AIDS
>discriminates against Latinos
Maybe if we built it in Mexico City and took more land, not that we'd want it.
Solution: Send this faggot to Mexico.