White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?

White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?

Attached: 1457958680009.png (1904x1568, 3.18M)

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Silverback gorillas are physically superior but we get them in a cage just fine

OP is a LARPing wh*teboi.

Attached: C79D6266-D619-4CDB-A013-439DC7A8A265.png (500x1013, 296K)

Yes, very much.

Attached: 1534477729815.jpg (769x800, 93K)

all looks nigger

Attached: all white.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

Keep injecting those steroids, nigger, they won't do much good against a 10mm bullet going through your cranium.

No, I’d prefer peaceful separation desu

Yes. Niggers can't shoot for shit. Also plan anything strategic. I predict famine in your future.



Attached: Ha.gif (355x343, 1.79M)