Cant get matches at all

Guys is my face fucked up? i cant seem to get any matches on dating apps or any attention from the opposite sex irl either. What the fuck. Im a normal dude with real life responsibilities.

can i get advice or tips. i dont know what im doing wrong. pic related is me

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You look like a normal dude, but you're not attractive enough for online dating. That shit is harsh and you need to be real attractive to have any luck with them.

i mean shit i know im not a model, but still i get hit up by the ugliest woman on earth. Like how can i improve my chances here

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You’re not a 9/10 white guy.

Grow your hair out and do irl stuff like working at an animal shelter. You’ll be drowning in pussy. Dead serious.

Stop waiting for women to approach you. Attractive women don't need to do anything but wait.

op here:
let me put it this way
i go to school
i have decent social skills
i have life goals
i have a job
i work out
im not a douchebag like 90 percent of the guys on dating apps
im not even that picky, but still dont know what the fuck is up

la creatura

It does not matter how you look, just lie about how much money you have. that is the key homie.

You look normal, I mean I would go on a date with you if it was your tinder match.

My bf didnt even have a picture on tinder, it was just a cat.

Try adding profile pic with some cute animal. We women cant resist animals. Also somehow people look more beautiful in pics with pets.

If you're in school, your best bet is to socialize and forgo dating apps.
Never in your life will you have a better chance of meeting reasonable young woman than you will at college.

thanks user, appreciate the advice i will definitely think about doing this lol

Adding more- Does your beard grow well? Women like beards atm, makes you look good.

honestly my beard game is shit. It looks terrible, it comes out looking like a crappy goatee

Well no worries. Just fishing for ideas :D

thanks i really appreciate it though

You are fit for online dating if you are funny.
But get better pictures.
No selfies.
Pics with friends
Pics with nature or pets and shit

And no more pics with the camera lower then your head and you looking down at it.

Get a picture of yourself doing something fun or interesting.

You look like a fuckin' dork in the first one. The lighting's also bad.

Your just not that attractive tbqh. Literally just normal, that's boring af.

Just lower your standards, get a new look or use your 'decent' social skills to snag someone at a party.

I mean, do it like us chads, diversify and balance everything, don't rely only on looks, gotta be social and interesting too.

>im not a douchebag like 90 percent of the guys on dating apps

You're being a woman and not seeing that strategies that work will be repeated. It's okay to be a douchebag...if you're handsome. Why are you comparing yourself to other guys like that? You talk about yourself with confidence, not trying to get bullshit points with woman shit.

>I mean, do it like us chads, diversify and balance everything, don't rely only on looks, gotta be social and interesting too.

And look at this schmuck. Chads don't understand that their physical attractiveness is like the bouncer letting your ass in the club. You won't even get a chance unless you're attractive (enough).

Who has time and energy to do that shit after a 40h week?

Put on a flat bill hat and a cool t shirt and make a face that says "im smooth"

This is me with longer hair if it helps

Pic is about 9 months old

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A lot of people work full time and go to college full time. You just gotta be a go getter

Are you using the photo in the op?
It's kind of a shit photo compared to You're a decent looking guy though so I'm not sure what the problem is.

You can easily get away with posting pictures of yourself on dating apps, if you're a fucking woman.
As a guy, you gotta communicate as much of yourself as you can with a picture without actually saying anything. Hobbies, friends, accomplishments, shit like that. I'm guessing that your profile isn't bad, it's just unexceptional, which is a left from most girls.

This sucks.

Best selfie is thisNow you have to have a few more pictures but different from that selfie.

* - Picture of you with a dog
* - Picture of you in the front (or extreme side-front) of a group of people as if you were the leader
* - Picture of you with a group of females, probably at a volunteer like thing
* - Picture of you enjoying a manly hobby with friends

Note that you don't have to be any of those things. Everyone of the pictures above can be staged if necessary. But you need to convey the impression that you are a well-rounded guy.

You’re a mutt

No offense but you're wearing a button down, taking a selfie indoors with a goofy smile on.

You ain't gonna get any matches online my man

This doesn't mean you can't get a gf

It just means you're not what women on tinder are looking for, you look like just a regular dude who is probably studying accounting in college.

Thanks user i didn't even realize i look like a dork like that.

Just as a general advice thing, what is the perfect male profile on Tinder?

you're doing it all wrong.

I fixed my profile and got 20 matches per day on tinder.

Don't post pictures of yourself at home.

Have one principal picture of yourself looking good at somewhere nice, like a beach resort.

Have the other pics having fun with friends

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A 10/10 picture. Women are more shallow than men. Which is why you watch how women act, not their post facto rationalizations for why they act.

This is why you are alone. If you don’t have time foe the puppies, you certainly don’t have time for a lady.