I have defeated his wall under budget and ahead of schedule with my superior leaf IQ. don't even bother trying to build a northern wall burgerfaggots, nothing can stop the Indomitable Leaf.

Attached: wall_is_ladders.png (1024x808, 408K)

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you are trolling or need to lurk moar

Not if we put hot oil dispensers at the top,

prove my design wouldn't work. all they have to do is fuse metal rungs to the half-made-ladders Trump is putting up. the rungs would be on the mexico side too so Trump can't even stop it.

there should at least be a wide bed of spikes along the bottom on the america side

i kek'd leaf. the tacos topped it off

the wall will have a thing called cameras and motion sensors bro... they literally already have them on the border

Just have a ladder with a broad solid sheet of metall or something at the top, like a saddle

>they literally already have them on the border
well they clearly don't do anything. besides what are they going to do about mexicans climbing up their OWN ladders since the bars are welded on the mexico side? they can't just shoot them down. this will be the easiest wall to climb that mexico has ever seen once they have a few dozen welders attach some rungs

Yeah, they're going just sit out in the open for a few hours welding shit to the posts and nobody is gonna see. You probably also think getting a safe is a bad idea too because someone can just break into it.

Mexico will pay for this part of the wall. Excellent leafpost.

Dude, the spec says that the wall has to stop you for ONE hour -- long enough for a border patrol to get to your sorry ass.
Ain't no way you will finish this job in an hour.

They just need a premade ladder with two rings at the top two loop over the spikes then a rope with a ring around it placed over the American side top of a spike to repel down, they could do this in the darkness of the night, it wouldn’t be hard for America to place sensors on the fence to notice when extreme pressure is placed against it and then add electric wire and fry that section of the fence.

>ladders since the bars are welded on the mexico side? they can't just shoot them down.

Wrong. The wall will be on US territory, at least 100m north of the border.
You're just destroying US gov't property bucko, and that's a criminal offence.

Yeah, this would work until border patrol found it and took it down. Think before you speak, leaf. Are you really stupid enough to believe that nobody would spot something like this almost immediately?

there is no wall to enforce bro

>be me
>US military patrolman on duty
>Pass close to a section of the wall
>greasy lardass beaner is trying to make a ladder out of fused metal on the steel stakes
>i cant believe my eyes
>shoot him
>get promoted

Attached: 1544667214533.jpg (662x712, 38K)


Attached: screencap this.png (790x1188, 359K)

Bratislav here is correct. Good luck seeking asylum by doing that.

Fucking eternal leaf.

oh I didn’t realize the entire border will be monitored with eagle eyes 24/7/365. I guess you don’t have illegals in your country because of this incredible monitoring that catches everything

Who needs rungs?

dont be an imbecile. the wall is not on the border line, most of it, except on urban pedestrian border crossings, is on the american side.

you just put as many rungs as possible at at a few dozen different locations every night then go back the next night to add more. It’s like lemmings

Yeah, sure. 10 grand worth of aluminum and brazing rod will turn a 30 foot wall into a ladder in about a week.

even better idea good job burger. It could be a wooden ladder and thus immune to electricity

All they would need are; about 5-8 pieces of metal about 2' long with super magnets on each end. place a rung, climb, place a rung, repeat.

it wouldn't work because it'd take hours to get it done you retard. the wall is like a bike lock, it's very simple you could work over it with enough autism and power tools, but the point is that it takes too long and you get caught before you're done.

you'd be better off heating the base of the wall with thermite and bending the spikes using a truck and some rope. that one takes minutes.

nothing is being destroyed it’s being ADDED to.

OR... Hear me out here.
You make a cut at the base of 2 bars, and you are home free.

>graffiti isn't destroying the wall it's ADDING to it
Some shitty semantics you got here, leaf.

so border patrol is going to take down and replace hundreds of fence posts a day? Like Steve and Bill are going to just carry some tools and a 40 ft beam out there to put up themselves after somehow taking down the ones with metal welded to them? Ok

And you'd only need to bend like one or two.

Just use a little jet fuel and all that steel will just freefall to the ground.

Attached: 1473625065285.png (660x681, 91K)


I’d like to see a blowtorch get in range of an Abrams.
>B-But that’s not fair!

you dont even need to weld it, you can use clamps

Where do I sign up

>cunt in id

you know what i think this might actually work
when we build the wall join the first caravan so you can teach them
i will eagerly await the news of a canadian arsonist being killed at the mexican border

Trump confirmed for 4D Chessmaster.

Attached: 0056.jpg (500x1800, 186K)

Build the wall inset so the entire wall is on US soil. Regularly maintain the wall. Wow, the leaf is retarded.