What's the leading cause of single motherhood?
What's the leading cause of single motherhood?
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Societal decay caused by Jews in Hollywood and non-Jews trying to be like Jews.
kike fueled feminist movement
damn, the woman looks ok, but the simple idea she got fucked by a nigger makes her absolutely repulsive.
It's time to end the niggerman. To slice him up and hang his friends. Nigger lovers curse the earth, with big lipped morons of no worth. Time to line up nasty mammies, and pickaninny yard ape families. Burn them up and feed the graves.
Nigger "humans" are only slaves.
White Chads don't even care. They just see it as an opportunity to get some easy pussy.
>decent guy
Bitch nobody wants you. Ever again. Its time to kill yourself.
Single mothers
Chads care. They always lookin to make sure they don't catch some nasty STD. Being used by a nigger is the biggest Red Flag
Yep literal trash now
Coal burners are the absolute rock bottom of the barrel. As bad as a regular white single mother is at least if the kids are also white you can maybe pass them off as your own but when people see that little frizzy-haired mulatto they instantly recognize you for what you are. A sad, pathetic beta-male cuckold and they permanently lose any and all respect for you as a man.
No white man no matter how beta he is, how much of a milady white-knight simp he is, no matter how desperate he is can ever tolerate that. it would be better to be dead than to be that woman's husband.
The only men she can date now are more Tyrones and Even Tyrones dont want to raise a different Tyrone's baby.
>doesn't let women abort their babies
>complains about single motherhood
The hypocrisy of the right.
>Abortion is legal
Bulgaria is full of shit, shut up.
Feminist mind virus.
Is is, but that doesn't stop the fucks on the right from being controlling as fuck with their pro-life rhetoric.
Abortion isn't a sin but y'all treat it like one.
Honestly, every man knows that a white man with a mulatto wife's son is way more of a beta than the common female refrain of:
females are naturally whores and have poor mate selection
>it's not me, it's the women!
How amusing.
The internet
I have news for you, mean words doesn't stop whore from getting abortions.
You sound like a woman.
Are you a fat woman?
>murder isn't a sin
Women shouldn't be having sex outside of marriage, or else this is what it leads to. Faggots on the internet who love baby sacrifice for gluttony, greed and pleasure.
the truth? jewish media pushing that it's a good idea to fuck niggers. but niggers never stick around for their kids. so now you have these worthless whores with half-nigger babies all over the place.
The welfare state.
Innocent souls to feed Moloch
you already know.
welfare state. no contest
Social welfare programs that contained disincentives for successful nuclear families and punishes people for doing the right thing such as living within your means and having only as.many children as you can afford.
Your wild guess was eerily spot-on. Except that I'm not fat.
You're right, "mean words" don't stop anyone from getting abortions, but you're making people feel guilty about something they shouldn't be. There are very real reasons to get an abortion and men have no right to criticize them.
red flag when swiping on tinder
>single mum
>real reasons
Such as?
look I can barely kiss a used up thotie in the mouth without not feeling distressed and full on nausea. she is onto something.
By the look in her eyes, deep down she knows her mistake. Though lads, she is unfixable a good bashing wouldn't even set her right. Just make her more mouthy and she will tell all her friends and possibly ex black boyfriend about the bashing. This would probably give them a reason to get back together, their general hatred/ fear of being rejected by the successful white male will draw them together.
>Your wild guess
There was no wild guess.
You sound like a woman.
You say the same things they all do, you're not special.
>single mom,Black father
>get back together
pick one
>of 4
Keeping it close to the topic of this thread. There are many other reasons.
Let's say your partner ditches you and leaves you alone and pregnant. It happens. Would you really want to give birth to a baby that won't have a father, a baby that will remind you of his shitty father every time you look in their eyes, a baby that will make every man avoid you and render you unmarriable, a baby that is going to be passed to neighbors and grow up feeling neglected while you bust off your ass working two jobs just so you can keep the kid well-fed?
I'm sorry, but no.
Don't know about these days, but it used to be a way for impoverished white girls to get a free house of their own.
Women who post their children on dating profiles are advertising them in hopes of pimping them out to pedos
>What's the leading cause of single motherhood?
false sense of women self-competence created by kikes and advertised via media
always had in mind jesus would wife her in a instant. he forgives.
>4 niglets
she better realize she is going to be alone for the rest of her life
Bad or absent fathers.
You know those bearded fellows with glasses and the gapped mouth? She's not going to be alone
You could give the little fucker up for adoption
jesus isn't real, never was, you fucking retard.
You may be right.
But some women refuse to give away their babies once they've given birth to them. Yes, even if they were born in such unfortunate circumstances, they develop an attachment to their babies and take it upon themselves to raise them.
Once a baby is born it gets a lot harder to part with it.
You could maybe not be a slut and actually think before you put a cock in your pussy.
Women used to be smart enough to understand this but now they want to be able to get creampied and get away with it by having men say it's okay to murder their baby.
How about we let the baby live but abort the slut mom?
>What's the leading cause of single motherhood?
Desire for a massive cock in a tight, hungry vagina. And the best of all cocks is black, obvs.
im referring to a middle eastern fuckward.
jesus - middle eastern same story.
Be a good christian, marry a coalburner.
black cock
Ding ding ding, it took the 3rd post after 2 retard answers
I'd fuck her desu
>Inb4 S-Shes a coalburner don't fuck her!
Stop confusing your inability to fuck women with a choice to fuck women
>women are retards with no self control
>This would probably give them a reason to get back together, their general hatred/ fear of being rejected by the successful white male will draw them together.
Neither women nor black people can form true emotional connections over shared experiences.
women's liberation
>no sense community
>no spiritual upbringins
>no traditional values set in place
for real though - welfare. Obviously.
The state cucking all men because roasties can't handle the closing wall and start complaining and demanding imaginary "reproeuctory rights" and shills/beta enablers in the government think women will give them more sex if they pass the laws that support single motherhood
It's that simple
jewish brainwash
it's juden, not women
you're an idiot if you think abortion would solve anything
So murdering it is easier than having to look at it? That's a strange, psychopathic way of dealing with things don't you think?
Bad fathers
You can't murder a subhuman hybrid , it's only murder if the baby's white
Slept with 1-4 niggers beforehand. Has children. Minus a zillion points!
feminism ffs...
Kikes, user. What a silly question.
>jews lobby for wammin to get over half of everything the man made during the marriage
>jews lobby for wammin to always always always get to keep the kids while the dad pays almost half of his income to her for the privilege of paying his children's legally-enforced kidnapper her monthly allowance
>jews push "yous a stronk wammin who dunt needs na mens" meme
>My own fucking MOTHER divorced my dad because Oprah said to. AnecdotesJews create the wammin empowerment movement from the days of its inception
>Jews force wammin into the workplace and out of their natural role
How is this not obvious.
Same reason why the divorce rate is so high. Societal "progress" has brought us to a state where people (mostly women) are not given enough incentive to truly think their actions through. We live in a "act now, worry about the consequences later, lolz #yolo ;DDD" kind of era. A second age of hippies/ "free love", if you will.
When a lot of (perhaps most) modern women get proposed to by a man, they rarely ask themselves sensible questions like "Can I REALLY see myself living out the rest of my life with this guy?" before answering yes or no- and who can blame them? There's almost no societal ramifications for getting divorced as a woman anymore. No, instead they're thinking of more materialistic things like a lavish wedding, and an exotic honeymoon afterwards. And not much else (if anything) after that.
Single motherhood is pretty much the same deal to a lesser extent. Progressiveness has brought us to a state where a woman can walk around with the kid of an absent father, and not receive the dirty, disgusted looks that she would used to have gotten. And even those like us, who look down on single motherhood, are not allowed to even consider such a reaction, lest we get labeled as "discriminatory" or something. Shit's fucked.
>tl;dr- Women.
TFM blew the fuck out of the "it's the kikes" argument recently
what should be obvious to you by now is how the "law" is rigged against you. it's rigged against every citizen. it is illegal. all of it. you're living in a corrupt country that imprisons more people that any other country on earth.
stand up and fight against this shit. this country is illegal.
>Not just one but an entire quartet of nigger babbys
Kek glhf
>stand up and fight against this shit
user I am ready to go the second the call sounds. I'm fucking sick and tired of waiting but I'm not gonna be some lone gunman faggot that they'll just use against us in the end anyways.
I'm past ready to die fighting for this. I just want to take out a few jews if I have to, but not alone. Only beside my brothers. The problem is that (((they))) fucking shut down any movement before it can gain any steam. How in the fuck do we get around that. Every single non-cucked white man across the world (I believe we are the majority) is ready and fucking willing to start this shit fucking yesterday. How do we kick it off.
i've asked that question myself. we all wait for some video game level general, we all wait for someone ELSE to do it. that's what they count on. because we're not subversive liar, terrible people. but they are. it starts with us. we're all waiting for some kind of messiah to stand up and be the guy who amasses everyone and turns the tables. but people are too comfortable, pascified by their cheap big screen TV's, they dont want to lose the literal nothing they think they have.
we have to be stronger. give no shits. we have to be the leaders.
I've noticed this spike in single mothers really peak the last few years. Right now their bastards (literally) are young and the single mothers still have their looks to get what they want
It's gonna get real bad for society 10 years from now when their unruly bastards start growing up and ruining their and the single mothers lives, looks will fade and they won't be able to get any man they want in which they will turn to the govt to increase the amount of dem programs to help them and their bastards out.
I try and people just dismiss me. Guess I'm not the one. I do get you that we shouldn't be thinking of any sort of "we just need THE ONE to save us" bullshit, because you're right, we are all ready and fucking raring to go right now. I just don't know how to kick it off. Everyday at least once a day I ask myself what we can do to kick this off.
When 9/11 is obviously done by kikes, but they can still lull the populace into "let's hate muh muzzies", I feel defeated. Even if we were to try to instigate the revolution they'd just use their MSM and their shills and their useful fucking idiot goys to make us look like the bad guys.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here.
there you go humans are to blame. they chose to ignore it and contine with their meanless lives alls while thinking they are free. I fear it is over for the world...
That's the biggest problem with the Alt-Right, not that they aren't wrong or have good ideas. It's that it's too soon, things haven't gotten bad enough for people to risk their comforts and livelihoods. It's a waiting game, focus on the things you can to help your family and friends until then.
Chads are trained to be quagmire.
Iron and clay dont mix well
women are animals and not actually human though. you cant fully blame them. they are like dogs, you can train them do be whatever you want them to be. right now jews and jew media is training them to be whores and "free" of white men. if you are going to blame women then you are also blaming the jews for controlling them. but here is the kicker, you are also blaming yourself for not stopping the jews from controlling women. so I guess, you only have yourself to blame.
Several reasons
>Some women want kids so bad that they don't give a fuck if their child ends up being raised in a half assed manner because lmao I finally got a babby
>Severe lack of knowledge on how to use birth control
>Not giving a shit about birth control because you're a fucking idiot
>Falling for an unreliable dude that runs away from raising the child with you(usually a dindu)
>Your husband dies
>You are an unbearable person that drives your husband to divorce you
>Your husband is unbearable and you divorce him
>You wanted to trap a guy into a relationship by getting pregnant by "accident"
>You got raped
>You won't abort either because of pverty or religion
Plenty more reasons than that I reckon
>beady eyes
you're not alone though, user. i'm in a bad place in life. i literally have nothing to lose. i just need people to have my back and go out and start trashing things. the people are with us. they all know better. they're sick and tired of being under the boot of these pieces of shit. we all are.
but i know, every once in awhile we see that one lone wolf who goes out and does the job. we all hail them, but we see nobody follow. "just leave us alone" they scream, as they get pushed further into the disgusting hole they've created from which we can't escape. and it's all on purpose.
it's one of the reason i come here. for over a decade, to find the way. there's always a way! we just have to figure it out.
user we're about to fucking go extinct. If not now then when. All of this "wait until a wheelbarrow full of money won't buy a loaf of bread" meme is stupid as shit. Sure people are complacent. Sure they're willing to endure a fuckload of evils before they'll act. We're at exactly 47.35 metric fuckloads of (((evil))) being heaped on us, though. The time is nigh, and if it weren't for (((their))) stranglehold on media and communications in general, we'd be in the streets hanging kikes from street lamps last year.
I'm ready, you're ready, we're all ready, and our numbers are fucking legion. I am just afraid that we're going to bide our time until we're extinct, or too old, or there aren't enough of us left to put up the fight that we could put up right this very second.
thats's true, but the jews run the courts. it's an unfair fight. "i feel threatened" is an instant order of protection, they will put a guy in jail for a text message. it's illegal. WILDLY illegal.
But Jow Forums advocates mulatto/nigger child abortions.
One day, user. One day soon.. I hope to fight beside you then.
it will only end when we end it though. we just have to do what needs to be done. someone needs to organize. that is all it will take.
Tits or gtfo you Bulgarian slut.
Elective abortion on demand is disgusting,especially considering how easy and cheap contraception is.
>I just HAVE to fuck random niggers without protection!!!
>You CAN'T judge me no matter what I choose to do about my retarded mistake!!