Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?

Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?

I mean yeah I know, because illegal immigration... but it's such a small number of people
who actually cross, and such a large unnecessary request on a budget that is already extremely tight and lacking in social programs.

Why is Trump wanting to die on this hill? It's obvious he's not going to get the funding...

Is he WWE roleplaying again and throwing the Presidency on purpose??

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He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.


We have between 11.5 and 30 million illegal immigrants. They cost us between 100 and 300 billion dollars a year. Even politico put the n7mber at 279 billion.
>it's such a small number goy
Fag thread and he was elected specifically on that with his non-interventionist policies being a second.

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It's mainly symbolic.

Because he's not going to drain the swamp. The wall is all he has to keep his supporters happy.

Dumbest thing I've read all day.

>small number who actually cross

visit texas, arizona, southern california, louisiana sometime

>he was elected specifically on that
a shame he couldn't win the majority of the votes on his issue.

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

>dodges senseless war in his youth
>wants out of none of our business wars today
>wants a wall to keep out intruders

He just wants to be left alone and leave other people alone.
Do work not war.

yay I finally became pasta. bump

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

>a budget that is already extremely tight and lacking in social programs.
you are a special kind of stupid

He has to get up every morning knowing that more people voted against his wall than for it.

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He's fixated on it like a retard. And the saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

I tHoUgHt MeXiCo WaS gOiNg To PaY fOr ThE wAlL?!

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

no its not
walls fucking work
ask China and Hungary

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Not just Trump, the American people want the border wall.

Maybe the wall was really the friends we made along the way.

>Great wall of china has tens of thousands of chinese corpses inside it acting as a foundation
>did nothing to stop the mongols
>"Walls fucking work"


the other day Americans watched an illigal deprive a little girl of water. That little girl is now dead.
Trump like all Americans wants to keep bad people away from You and especially feels protective of American Children.
Trump is a good man and his heart is in the right place.
Its not Just him who wants the Wall.
We Have to Protect America and this is what he feels is right.
I think

>proxyfag shilling his own thread from different IPs

Why can't you jew cunts just have an honest conversation, anonymously, without trying to trick people?

>did nothing to stop the Mongols
except literally stopping the Mongols you dolt
the Mongols stayed in China for less than a century compare that to Russia where they stayed for over 3 centuries

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

>mad at fun

because he wants open borders so he can fuck little children illegally trafficked here from central america
like all degenerate kike faggots

He won the office though you disingenuous memeflaggot

Wow you're retarded

>Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?
Faggotry and retardation, mostly. He knows he's going to go down with Mueller's probe, so wants to leave a legacy, so he's pushing hard to be known as the guy who tried to build a wall / fence / series of metal slats.

But in the end, it's all just retardation. As a non-American living in America, I can testify that the US economy and standard of living is completely dependent on the millions of undocumented workers. The US would be fucked and way less comfy without them.

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Imagine being so used to politicians lying and never keeping their word that when one is trying to keep a promise it's weird and confusing to people.

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He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it

I cant wait until DOTR. The hall of cost will actually really happen this time nigger faggot

Try harder, bitch.

Except China didn't provide welfare to the Mongols once they crossed over the wall.
Two different scenarios.

Also, if he doesn't at least keep one promise to his base, no one will defend him once muller skull fucks him.

>Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?

It's not just that. He's also pulling out of Syria. The reason why he's doing this stuff is because these were things he promised his base. He really, really wants his base to like him going into 2019, which leads me to believe that some serious shit is going to drop early next year. I'm absolutely convinced at this point that Trump will be the first president ever to be impeached and imprisoned. I don't know what they'll impeach him with, but I'm pretty sure he's going to go to jail for money laundering and tax evasion.

>Try harder, bitch.
You mean harder than you? You have to admit that it looks like Mueller has Trump completely trapped and under siege, so Trump is throwing massive big toddler tantrums and defying his own party.

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we dont provide welfare to illegal immigrants
we dont provide welfare to citizens


>You have to admit

Imagine being this diluted.

Keep holding onto that dream

So you see an incredibly retarded thread. The saddest part is that the majority of Jow Forums will respond to it without saging.

Good fences make good neighbors

>because illegal immigration... but it's such a small number of people

The absolute state of this post

>but it's such a small number of people
who actually cross, and such a large unnecessary request on a budget that is already extremely tight and lacking in social programs.

Because it's worth it. It's not a small number of people who cross, it's a large number. There were nearly 400,000 arrests on the boarder as of Oct. in 2018, and those are just the ones caught. Having a large wall will deter people from crossing in the first place, lessens drug trafficking, lessens human trafficking, and lessens illegals coming in, period.

And considering illegals cost the US over 100 billion a year, the $5 billion will EASILY pay itself back over the next little while.

>Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?

Take a look at this pic then source it. Then take a really fucking long look at it. Ask why you were not aware of this concern previously. Then contemplate ignorance as the normal state of man.

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I'm holding onto that timeline. I've been in talks with some scientists at CERN. Floated them a solid 20$ bill. They're going to push us into that reality. Suck it, faggot.

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

>such a small number of people
who actually cross

Define small. Approximately 300k/yr cross and get arrested. I'm sure there are a lot that don't get caught.

>not knowing about all the illicit drugs and illegal weapons that cross the border in addition to all the shit skins expecting gibs

You stink of Reddit. Also when you have two neighbors, one who wants to fuck your wife and one who invited you to fuck his you may want to take some measures for the one who is more likely to fuck you. No go fuck yourself with a morning star

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All the cucked faggot leftists showed up for this post

"And considering illegals cost the US over 100 billion a year, the $5 billion will EASILY pay itself back over the next little while."....2 and a half weeks

>but it's such a small number of people who actually cross
>130k a mo +all the ones we don't even know about

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Winter has come to coastal wzrd of grognak zillas user. Villa novas

>but it's such a small number of people
>and such a large unnecessary request
It's a little over a tenth of a percent of the total budget

Nigger. Those illegals came in through visas through the front gate or plane. Im gonna look up the stats but only about 3 percent of hispanic immigration is crossing through illegally through the dessert or over the fence.

We're being force fed Israeli narratives.
They won't change their behavior, so redefining the U.S. in Israels image will reduce criticism of the genocidal ethnostate.
>See, goy, we want what you want

>guise guise, common guise 5.7 B is a lot compared to the 100 Billion we already spend on gobs for illegals.
Blow it out your ass faggot.

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>100 and 300 billion dollars a year
LMAO entitlement spending (welfare) costs us more than the military budget every year, a little bit over a trillion dollars. I got that figure by looking into the cost of black welfare (they use 40% of all welfare) then multiplying by 1.25, super simple.
This was realized and was talked about pretty heavy by non-kiked media, but they couldn't let the true cost of their pet niggers out in the open, so they shut it down.
Reminder that these programs don't take into account the cost of housing niggers in prisons, paying their (((legal))) fees, nor the cost of their crimes to the communities themselves
All said and done, the total dollar sum cost of shitskins is likely well above 2 trillion dollars per year, while our deficit is only 1 trillion. If we were to live in a white-only nation, the average wage would rise by over $30,000 and taxes would be nill. That's WITH still having the fucking fed on our backs. Without them, and their pet niggers, we'd be colonizing space and creating LOTGH/in our own comfy Bebops crewed by our own Eds and amnesiatic thots and grizzled but worldly ex-cops.
But no, we can't have that. Better to just become a literally retarded fucking thin-diarrhea colored blob of (((humanity))) with kike overlords. Much more comfy that way.

And kikes wonder why we're going to genocide them.



>A Center for Migration Studies report estimates that 44 percent of those in living in the U.S. illegally in 2015 were visa overstays
Get your shit together leftists. Nearly half is not almost all but gold on you pulling this out of your ass.
>only about 3 percent of hispanic immigration is crossing through illegally through the dessert or over the fence
Hispanics still make up the bulk with Mexicans being the top group in all categories.
>All three groups find Mexicans make up the majority of the undocumented population — 55 percent in 2014,

Our military budget just got approved for 750 billion which is way lower than what we spend on medicare and welfare. It's ridiculous that people even point to the military as a huge budget drain. Most of that is in the form of salary. Tell any leftist what illegals cost and they immediately deny it and stop talking because a wall, even if it only stopped 200,000 people and cost 15-20 billion, would pay for itself in 5-10 years.

> I got that figure by looking into the cost of black welfare (they use 40% of all welfare) then multiplying by 1.25, super simple.
Shouldn’t you have multiplied by 2.5 then?

>on a budget that is already extremely tight and lacking in social programs.
Why is there any social programs in the first place.
Why is the government taking money from those who earned it and giving it to those who didn't, and why is this encompassed in the phrase "social programs" instead of what it is. Theft.

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yeh my bad.

>way lower
But it's not. You're just accepting the first result on jewgle when you type in "what do we spend on welfare every year" as the answer. I got to my figure by multiplying the 40% of total welfare that niggers use by 2.5. Don't remember the exact figure, but it's out there publically available info.
Oh yeah it's from pic related, the 2014 fed budget itself. One average nigger costs $10,000 per year. They're 13% of the total pop. The US has a pop of 370,000,000. Rounding down to 10% that's 37,000,000. 37,000,000X$10,000 = 925000000000, or an even trillion, just about.
That's by the numbers on the fed's budget itself.

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He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

Unless you're asserting we are spending more on military than our retarded pets than we are agreeing.

you can literally pay for the border wall by eliminating the people coming through via use of the border wall in a single year
that is why
it makes no sense not to unless your objective is spic voting power and the destruction of california and texas

He's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

Here's a better question, why did practically all the nogs in Congress and the Senate, on both sides of the aisle, vote to allow citizens to be fondled at airports by retards who barely finished high school and for the NSA to spy on everyone think that leaving the border wide open is okay?

That's a good point user, I've been thinking that he's fixated on it like a retard. The saddest part is that the majority of America, even his own party doesn't want it.

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Like a retard, he's fixated on it. The majority of his own party, the majority of America, even, doesn't want it.

OP is a faggot

Mexico is going to become communist. That's why we need the wall.

>Why does President Trump want a border wall SO bad?
at this point, it is because he doesnt want to default on a campaign promise he made.

Holy shit a goalpost just flew over my house

We live in a country where we have most of the damn money we spend vanish into thin air and bureaucracy. Having a wall would ease us in dealing with important issues of immigration and drug trafficking as well as count for something we can tangibly see from the government.

Not really lol. We want a new president.

Not really sweety

Fucking shills

No. Really. The polls said it, and the 2018 elections proved it. 2020 will have even fewer diabetic rural boomers to prop him up. Topkek.

>Trump doing better than Obama in the midterms despite being literally hitler means we want a new President
What did you mean by this

Who the fuck is we, you goddamn commie pinko?

Look. He literally ran to every truck stop in rural dumbfuckistan and said ms13 brown people were coming to rape their guns or something and he still got creamed in an off-season election in which his boomer collection should have allowed him to keep the house.
The 60-70% of our country that either doesn’t trust him now, or already wants him in prison, inbred.

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Just have some fentanyl, and leave the bill for your next of kin. Isn’t that your cultural predilection?

What are you even ree'ing about at this point?Sorry your gal lost

You are first on dotr anti trump faggot


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Huh? Naw. I think you’re misunderstanding here. I don’t have a dog in this race currently. I’m just watching for the crash. Maybe in 2020 we can get off this 2010s reality tv fad. Heehaw the administration is lulzy, but I wanna get to the trial and hanging part of this show. Lol

Ah so you're a fencesitter. Cool story kiddo

You are a loser