Romania goes almost full 1488 GAS THE KIKES

Why si Romania being so based all of a sudden?
>inb4 gypsie lulz my sides
-Romania instates a "greed tax" aimed at Banks,higher taxation and investigations.Forced to have a different credit plan in order to stop a possible monopoly,etc(the salt is amazing)
-Austria's Sebastia Kurz threatens that Austrian companies will leave Romania...kek bye bye illegal loggers.
-We didn't sign the pact or the promise to implement it
-The state can investigate NGO fundings and charge them with the highest offenses.
-2-3 months of Demographic growths even with emigration levels being the same.

Sadly they also passed a retarded law reform that is similar to the one in the US,basically Dragnea gets a get out of jail free card.

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Dacian Empire soon

Free Falxes for everybody.

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>2-3 months of Demographic growths even with emigration levels being the same.

gypsy give me sauce on this

redpill me on Romania boys

I really liked it! Central Romania has the most authentic Medieval "Feeling" in Europe imho. The only downsides are the gypsies, kinda dirty and everyone smokes like a chimney.

I heard Romanians and aussies are super tight

it's not a higher taxation against anything. it's just higher taxation to support the socialist shit hole that your country is - huge special pensions system and an overwhelming state employees system. stop making this about banks. it's just desperation to keep the failed socialism alive.

What's that video in your pic?

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Austrians and Belgians are the biggest Jews out there
I open a bottle of Cotnari at every terrorist attack in those 2 countries
Sad that Austria is pretty safe

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