What did Elon mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He's going to get somebody to build a new internet and take credit for it.

>a cartel of politically aligned capitalists
We have a name for this here on Jow Forums

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and if someone builds a better one in the mean time hes going to call them a pedo on twitter

both of them are /ourguy/s

not posting links. try again you absolute faggot


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this, and get technojesused all the way to mars central

I think it's pretty obvious and doesn't need any further explanation.

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Of course it’s real why wouldn’t you think it’s real?

What is it?

Because you can never trust an OP without a link.

The tech giants truly do own the world


The internet has a soul?

I wish I had fuck you money.

Can musk and pewds please gang bang me

I need TV shows to watch. I’m bored as fuck and have 2 weeks left of break. Help.

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Would be beyond epic

here's a hint

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>The internet has a soul?
Yes. That's why they hate Jow Forums so much. We are a board of peace with souls. The jews don't possess souls.

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>"""""""""invents"""""""""""" paypal
>sells you carbon """""""""""""""credit""""""""""
what did he mean by this?

Leftists need a tech messiah, first it was jobs now it is elon.

I've been watching steins;gate if you like that weeb shit

>Leftists need a tech messiah, first it was jobs now it is elon.
Elon is in Plus Ultra with Kanye and Trump.

No lie I want a new internet lmfao and less restricted

go read culture of critique and the bible

Pewds is a Nazbol commie promoted by the (((DailyStormer))).

>Here he is singing the Communist National Anthem:
>And here he is cucking out by denouncing E;R:
youtube.com/watch?v=ph8M_8sVOEA (skip to 6:10)
>He defends anti-white Sargon here:
youtube.com/watch?v=Q9pfRe7Jd0M (skip to 19:42)

If you're following ecelebs in the current year YOU are why white genocide continues. Kill yourself and get it over with.

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pewdiepie on that moon flyby mission when

But who controls it all?
Hopefully not a group of anonymous faggots...

Earth is flat and you're both faggots.

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Is it some sort of "international clique"? Perhaps a group that could truly be seen as an international element..

Find something to stick your dick in and your problems will sort themselves and multiply.

i never said it isnt , my question stands

That dude was a pedo though. . .

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You can't fly to the moon it's local...and a hologram.

I disregarded your post because you are a faggot

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>what are optics

I wouldn't be suprised. If elon risked his reputation over it, he must have had his reasons. I was just having a bit of fun.

You are correct, you won a zyclonB pellet

Elon was on Trumps advisory team.

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Poignant, Piet. I like your eloquence


Elon isn't lefist even though his girlfriend is. He is a technocrat with enough fuck you money to troll the Jew as a daily way of life.

anybody who is a (((celebrity))) is usually pushing an agenda. Or their a puppet for someone else’s agenda and receiving shekels, most common case.
Entertainment is dead

Of course I’m being dramatic
It’s a rotting corpse

Why did you post thos guy?
I had to see his dumb commercial 100 times a day when i got stuck in the hospital.

People with autism can't grasp such concepts, leave the little one be.

You haven't watched pewds I guess

Musk would stutter like he always does.

My attempt at a forced meme I guess. . .

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why does Jow Forums unironically seem to believe this retarded shit that has been debunked almost as long as people have been sailing

2 billionaires have donated to vdare

Don't forget the rootless.

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I love how they always try to avoid the obvious.

kek. I made that.

Daily reminder that it's Elon Musks company, PayPal that is used to deny funding to anyone who isn't a hard left zealot

Elon knows

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There already are at least 2 alternative Internets: the Russian one and the Chinese one.

it is local in the sense that it orbits earth
and yes it's a hologram in the holographic principle sense
but so are the people you're flying to it

>elon musk creates the journo ranking system
>pewnews with gloria borger is the first registration and ranked A+

>"check the source, gullible newsman"

Can you fuck off kike? Muslims are coming soon.

It already exists you fucktards. Jow Forums used to be computer literate wtf happened. Its call a dark net. Nkggers the tech is there to even make your own with a couple of autists running nodes. Fucking dumb zoomers.

Elon Musk is a Zionist Jew shilled by the (((DailyStormer)))

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If he's part of it then who cares , I don't think he would claim 100% his idea

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it wouldn't be some uhm rootless cosmopolitans, would it ?

A group that holds no allegiance to the country in which they reside, perhaps?

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He's not shilled by the Daily Stormer. They spent half of the past year shitting on Elon for running a business that couldn't stay afloat without tax credits. You are full of shit. Daily stormer is mostly satire


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I love the twist to try and blame capitalism for this, as opposed to the subversionists. It's precisely that these companies are now choosing to act in a manner that is antithetical to the core ideas behind capitalism, that these problems are arising. Everyone of today knows full well it's the "progressive" mindset that is pervasive throughout Silicon Valley, but because it's infected massive companies somehow capitalism is at fault. It's the same mindset these dipshits have used to claim that Nazis are "Right-wing" and it seems to be playing out the same way.

I think cartel of politically aligned capitalists and bolsheviks works pretty well desu

>the Chinese one.
I don't know ching chong and from what I hear it's even more restricted than this.
>The Russian one
I don't speak vodka and isn't it just as censored as Chinas?
There's also Tor but That is operated by the U.S. Navy.

get a fucking job lazy ass

oh dear, same as it ever was.

mfw we have another spacex launch in feburary and if it blows up im fucked


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4D chess


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I mean he moved to thailand, and most people go there for sex tourism so it wouldnt surprise me. Not to mention Elon probably has friends who can see the inside of that dude's house.

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Oh man i'm really btfo'd now. What will I ever do...
Anyone who reads the stormer knows the only consistent narrative is shitting on the jews in a humorous way. It's propaganda. You are a dumb

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I never would have thought there would be a redpilled tv show in the current year but fuck me if that show delivered. It referenced pedo hollywood, satanic elite cults, dirty cops, child trafficking, and more. By far the best dark comedy action show I have ever seen.

I threw out my television over 20 years ago. Free your mind.

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(((DailyStormer))) is responsible for 100% of the eceleb shilling on Jow Forums. From Jewdiepie and Elon Musk to Faith fucking Goldy. Get rekt.

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Dude, you're so jewish you can't ever hide it.

True Detective
The Shield
Peaky Blinders
Peep Show