I'm freaking the fuck out

I'm freaking the fuck out.

I think I need to break up with my gf of two years because she wasn't a virgin when we met. I tried to get over it but I couldn't. I'm 23 now. I can't explain it but it upsets me so fucking much.

But I'm afraid if I leave her I'll never find another virgin girl to replace her, (again, I'm 23 years old). She's perfect in EVERY OTHER WAY.

I don't know what to do. Having a panic attack, don't know what to do

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I mean this in the kindest possible way, but get the fuck over yourself. It's insecurity and nothing else.

Fucking get over yourself dude, if she's perfect everywhere else, why does her sexual history matter? Are you that fucking worried about her cheating on you? Grow a fucking set man.

You're not a virgin either, stop being a faggot

>Are you that fucking worried about her cheating on you
That's the thing. I'm not. I genuinely have zero fear of her doing that because I trust she won't. It's the fact that I wasn't first. It just stings me dude.

>dating used goods
Your fault dude
Dump her and find a pure one


god I forgot how many roasties were on this board

lol why would you ask a board of sluts this?


Are you gonna just make fun of me or do you want to help me? I cannot find these unicorns, where do I get these unicorns? All the church girls I met are born again virgins

>don't know what to do

Eat her ass while she blows you then cum full force in her ass, mouth and/or pussy. Goddamn dude, people have sex. Get the fuck over it. You weren't her first? Who gives a shit? Go slam that pussy

Anyone who wants Marital stability and comitment

I know the feeling you're talking about. It's like a nagging feeling that's in the back of your mind. The way I got through it was just ignoring it. You won dude. The last guy will never be back because that was 2 years or more ago. I also used to just say "oh well I got her now" while I was fucking her and that helped

And to top it off, she probably hates the way you fuck and compares you to her ex, or is that just me?

The only way ill marry a non virgin if she was raped/abused or that her previous spouse who she gave her virginity to died

Finally some advice. Thanks.


Really not, I need help

Being with a virgin isn't forever. If you would leave your chick and happen to find one (insanely rare chance at 23) she would eventually be curious about what another guy would be like.

Proof that virgin relationships are unhappy and unstable.

I'll never understand this mindset personally but I think it has to do with the fact that you're imagining her having sex with someone else and treating it as something constant.
My advice would be that you think of it as something that was in the past which has absolutely NO IMPACT on the present. You don't have to deal with it. You are with her, she's fucking YOU. Everything is fine. Forget the past. Everything is changing all the time. Don't lose a perfect girl over this. I hope you can work this out. I wish you a happy and fulfilling relationship, user.

Not OP, but she lied to him in the beginning. That would piss me off more not being a virgin. I’ve given up on that a long time ago. Trust means a lot to me.

Maybe I'm retarded but when did he say she lied to him? I don't care about virginity but I'd also dump a girl on the spot if she lied about it.

OP here, she never lied about it to me, he's talking about his own experience I think

I'm a virgin but I think I will lie to my future boyfriend because I don't want to be with someone who is obsessed with virginity and will see my worth only through it...

Well, did she lie to you when you started dating?

Also, how did you find out, how many guys has she fucked?

You guys realize your mindset about women and virginity is the same as some wack ass old Muslim Taliban dude. They justify marrying kids or blowing themselves up to be rewarded with dozens of virgins.

I realize male dominated Christianity pounded virginity into western womens heads for 1000 years as a means of control but damn, I bet most of you aren't even Christians.

Yeah no I refuse to believe this is real.
Honestly how would anyone want someone so insecure and controlling?

You don't need to lie. A worthy man won't ask. You can tell him later if you want. He can tell you are inexperienced though so he might suspect it after you first have sex.


As usual the lot of you got shit fucked up there is no man on earth who's born a virgin that label belong only to females.
Yeah.....okay this is a great way to fuck yourself over.
Tell yourself whatever you gotta tell yourself I suppose.
Enough with the white knight nonsense dudes like yourself lead these females down the path of ruin.

I highly doubt you're gonna listen though.

get therapy

For real, if you're willing to jeopardize and end a good relationship with a woman you see as perfect, then you have mental issues, plain and simple.

How the fuck was she supposed to know that you were gonna meet and end up dating? The world doesn't revolve around you, she wasn't born to be yours. Moreover, you're having sex with her, right? How much of a hypocrite can you be?

It's all insecurity and need to control on your part. She isn't the problem, you are. And you'll never be happy until you solve your problems

If you can't get over it you cant get over it. Probably break it off.

Hey, have you ever thought that you're just not built to be happy? Seriously, most girls you meet won't be virgins and many will lie about it. Especially at your age, most girls who are available and to your taste aren't going to be virgins and even worse, the chance of you meeting the ones who are is spectacularly low, even if you attempt to meet more women. You missed an already exclusive bus.

So yeah, if the virgin thing really is a deal breaker to you, probably fucked.

op, i agree with this user.

you're being the type of guy us girls don't want to fucking talk to because you would make us all feel like you're only in it to get fresh pussy or something.

if you really loved her, you would get over yourself. if you're not going to give her that respect of being a human being who tried finding the right one in the past, then you're not the right one either.

Break with her, but NOT because she's not a virgin. Break with her because after two years with her you haven't found enough of a bond to outweigh her past - and she deserves better than you.

Says the bitter autistic virgin incel. You are not qualified to give advice. Leave.

Learn that a girl's (or guy's for that matter) virginity doesn't define her. I'm not saying go out and fuck everything that moves, but people make mistakes in life. I think getting rid of her over something like this will end up fucking you over. Don't throw away this relationship because it's going to be hard to find an extroverted virgin girl in her 20s.

Jesus fucking Christ, why is adv just full of insecure man-whelps. She’s not an item to place on your pedestal. She’s a human, and all animals basic instinct is to fuck. You’re not a virgin as well, does that inherently mean you’re unlovable, unable to provide a stable relationship, and subsequently worthless? After thinking about it - maybe you should leave her. But be honest about it. Tell her that you’re leaving her because you cannot handle the fact she existed as a human before she met you. She’ll find someone worthy of her after she rids you from her life.

a great point, proof he doesn't love her at all and looking for a reason to break up

I'm 26. I've taken the virginity of 37 girls and fucked another 85, including one of my best friend's wives.

I probably was the one who fucked your girl, OP. Sorry that it psychologically damaged you. Actually, I'm not sorry. She wanted my dick.

I'm like 99% sure this is leakage from R9K and mods, if they exist, should just delete this thread.

>i'll never find another virgin to replace her
You're right what are you doing?
Stop caring about virginity and stay with the girl you've been with for two years you dumbass

So wait wait, OP wants an actual virgin but isn't one himself anymore? This is now B8 and retarded, go fuck yourself OP cuz that's all your ganna get after her

>she wasn't a virgin
>marital stability is now impossible
>commitment is now impossible

Dude what? I think it's time to get off Jow Forums and go read a book. If your gf is perfect in every other way and you aren't worried about her cheating as you posted before, then what the actual fuck are you getting hung up over? Some virginity meme?

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lol ouch...

Also I think I'll stay here.

because I can.

Now the better question is why so ass-hurt ?

Care to enlighten me?

OP is a faggot, new at 11

You're retarded

That's why you fuck her roughly every day you fucking poof. As long as you continually remind her of your dick, you'll be fine.

"Not now my pussy hurts" is an excuse that's tolerable once a month.

"Not in the mood" means she's either sick or you need to actually start worrying. When she starts making excuses for not having sex with you, that's when you worry about marital commitment.

user no offense but get a fucking grip, you're acting like a creepy loser.

If something so inconsequential bothers you that much, do both of you a favor and break up with her now.

How do you think she'd react if you disclosed to her that you're hung up on something that literally has no effect on your current relationship?

Do you not realize how fucking weird you're being?

To do: find out why it's actually about yourself. This is the kind of situation therapy is good for, if you have any possibility of going to therapy.

you're panicking over something so small you're being weird for no reason you need to relax man

you were born in the wrong culture OP, pretty much only the west allows woman to whore around instead of being good wifes and mothers.

Sucks to be you i guess. Don't let this board tell you otherwise, if you want a virgin girl then that is what you want and that's just that. However, if you want to find such a woman, and they exist, you will need to be able to offer the following:

- at least twice the median income to support a stay at home mother and the 5 children she wants

-be a well respected member of your community

-be active in your community/church

-tall & attractive

Those women exist, and they know their worth and they won't settle for less. Have fun

Youre not a woman.

Are you just inlove with her just bcz of sex?

>getting married

Same. I'm not gonna lie though I'm just not gonna talk about it.
I basically agree with
but honestly though...what if I have lose my virginity to a girl? do you think i should tell her ahead of time if things get serious?

What a retarded post. To find and get a virgin woman waiting for marriage you basically need to be bottom of the barrel. No self-respecting man who has a choice would settle for a girl he can't have sex with.

Oh dear lord Satan,
please strike this noob of the earth.


pic related, op himself, being a hypocrite and all

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Is this sarcasm or degenerate anti-logic in action?

t. Actual cuckold

Forgive her. She's probably forgotten about it and on some level regrets it herself. If she's great in every other way this shouldn't really be an issue

Alright. You think I'm being crazy? You have to understand I have to deal with ridicule from people like How do you ignore shit like that?

She says she regrets it and has asked for forgiveness. Maybe I'm really just being ridiculous

You're either a troll pretending to be OP or if you are OP you are truly a sad pitiful being.

>how do you ignore some guy taking the piss just to rile you up

By not being such an insecure fagboy

Aaaand you lost me. I can't change that I'm short. Fucking kill me

No, it's me. I'm a sad miserable fuck and I know it.

t. thot

Probably because she knew you were immature and didn't want that to get in the way of a good relationship.

Too bad you never grew up. Be sure to share her contact info when you break things off like an autist and she blames herself for trusting you against her common sense.

nah im an active Jow Forumsisor with a vagina and some opinions

Dump her then come back and make this same thread in a year so we can laugh at how retarded you feel for breaking up with a girl who was perfect for you because you couldn't get over your shitty insecurity.

All comes down to preferences. Ignore the femposters, it's not your fault you were born this way. You prefer virgin women—can't say I don't either. Either get into casual sex/dating and mature, or be selfless and stay by her side.

Either way, it's your choice.

because some other guy busted multiple nuts all over her face and pussy while she cried in ecstacy, and then promptly probably dumped her?

is that not even a tiny bit degrading knowing that happened?

Why is it that you virgin seekers are always inevitably obsessed with thinking about other guys' dicks and cum?

This is always the most underrated post in these types of threads

how are you having so much sex?

because it happened on the woman that you "love" and who will presumably be the mother of your children

Man OP sounds exactly like the male version of myself.
My boyfriend in almost every way. He doesnt apprecoate the fact that im a virgin and I dont apprecoate the fact hes not a version because its degrading to think he fucked and nutted from other girls before me. I also get panic attacks regularly.

OP listen to your gut. No matter how stupid it seems to other people, don't let them guilt trip you. It's your relationship in the end.

If I were brutally honest with you that shit would eat me up inside so hard. It's unironically one of the main reasons that I'm still a virgin, because I would feel like a huge hypocrite asking for a girl to be virgin if I wasn't one.

is perfect*

It sucks that there arent decent virgin guys out there. Theyre either extra desperate or mentally fucked and forever attracted to super super young girls or usually both. Guys suck. Guys are incapable of natural monogamy.

I'm not trying be an asshole but no man is a virgin we don't have a vagina let alone a hymen.

But still it's admirable you possess self discipline.

>mentally fucked and forever attracted to super super young girls

This is me, I waited until 22 to lose my virginity and then even though I had lots of sex in my 20s after that the older I get the more desperately obsessed I am with the 18 year olds I never had. Nothing helps, including being acutely aware of exactly how dumb that is. Men shouldn't wait any longer than age 16 or so to become sexuly active or they get batty.


You have males who are well aware of the fact that we're polygynous in nature and yet we handle monogamy just fine.

Most of the time we compromise that part of us for a possible stable successful relationship.

Why are there 3 fucking threads about this shit with double digit replies on the first page?

>Guys are incapable of natural monogamy.

No. You just didn't end up with the right one.

>t. Roastie

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I think the best way to handle this is to go up to her and talk causually, but at the same time imagine a 5 in dick in her. Not the whole body, just the penis.

Once you visualize this, you'll realize how insignificant virginity really is

"Natural" is the worst word. Humans are part of fuckin' Nature. It's clear that both monogamous and polygamous behaviors can be observed in human males and that's 100% natural.

It might be debatable whether certain men's genes make them tend one way or the other, and it's certainly debatable how much is down to culture vs genetics.

One thing Is clear: The constant comparisons to other types of primates that come up in these threads are completely worthless. That is because, when you stack up humans again at other primates species and try to compare social behavior, humans are distinguished by much greater variability in behavior and social organization among individuals and communities compared to other great apes.

is this actually usually true?

just smash you cuck

lol trollerskates.

Kind of. Truthfully, I lost it at 20 and have slept with two 18 year olds and a 19 year old in the intervening decade, so it's not a neat little cause and effect package like that. It's much more likely that I fixate on not having been young and popular and dated a cheerleader in high school as a salve for not addressing the actual solvable but difficult problems in front of me. Nonetheless, it seems like "sadsack nerd who can never get over the fact he'll never walk into a kegger with a hot girl on his arm" stereotype rings true no matter how conscious I am of that and how much I try it fight it.

that makes sense user, sorry

can anyone attest to this that its not the same for guys frok different countries since high school is different there? like in europe or the uk?


Having sex with a virgin is awkward, painful (for her at least), and just not fun

>How do you think she'd react
Oh I've told her it bothers me. She feels bad and has assured me I'm the best she's ever had, she's doing everything right now, I'm just obsessed with her past.


You literally have no choice unless you're cool with having no help when you're old.



my nibba get over yourself
if she's that perfect, you will never find a replacement

What do you mean, “another” virgin girl? You never found one in the first place. Get with the times or start dating EXCLUSIVELY within your religious circle.

>You literally have no choice unless you're cool with having no help when you're old.
LMAO, what is a nagging, overweight, estrogenless and saggy pile of 70 year old bones wife going to do for you that you can't do yourself?
>inb4 "but you need to be married to have kids to look after you"


That being said OP, and anyone like OP in this thread, get professional help. I'm not plagued with ruminations regarding virginity, but I am plagued with ruminations of other pointless and pretty shit. You may have OCD or something else with OCD-like symptoms. That shit requires therapy, sometimes medication if it's bad enough. Obsessions like these are not normal.