I don't listen to music...

I don't listen to music, I feel like it's negatively impacted my social life as I feel it's what gives people their personalities. Really makes me feel left out and makes me an overall boring person. I try listening to music as a hobby from time to time but it just never sticks to me. Can anyone empathize with me on this?

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Music isn't that big of a deal at all
For most people it's just an excuse to grind on the opposite sex
If you feel like you have to "learn to like" it, then maybe pick up an instrument. Something might click when you're forced to analyze and play it.

i do already, and im dedicated to it but i just cant get into the habit of listening to music. makes me feel like I have no personality which i really dont

If you have other hobbies, become so good at them that you cannot be ignored. The social would be a byproduct of the masterful skill of your craft.

What have you been listening to?

That might be more helpful

well damn, I really dont have any other. im so unmotivated to even do anything and nothing really catches my interest

People's personalities don't revolve around music unless maybe they're musicians.
Really if you just want people to like you, just listen to Top 40s on the radio. You don't even have to like it or think about, just say some generic retarded shit like " that shit is fire".

You might be clinically depressed my friend.
In which case music and hobbies aren't a solution.

eh some old rock and random classical, thats all. another thing is that finding music is pretty overwhelming as i have little knowledge and dont even know where to start

maybe, im in this weird spot in between where im not sad but neither am i really happy. i feel like im just there, yknow

Young people take music a lot more seriously because it helps them develop themselves. I wouldn't agree with this because music is a lazy and passive hobby that doesn't challenge your mind. It will help you develop your mind if you read books instead. You can even listen to e-books if you want.

That is classic depression.
People often think depressed people are sad, but that's not at all the case. Real depression is more like complete apathy.

I don't think you've heard enough good music

Are you listening to it as background noise or actually listening to albums start to finish?

I unironically think /mu/ would be a good place to start

I feel the same way but don't suffer from depression

But yeah go ahead and diagnose the poor kid

background kinda thing, sometimes albums from start to finish.

yeah i guess youre right... ive had very little interest in pretty much anything ive ever tried to do

You need to explore a genre and decide if you like it, you can't just randomly choose a dadrock album from decades ago and expect to like it.

What have you heard that you like the most so far? If that's not too difficult of a question

rock and jazz, cant think of anything else. havent explored genres too much

I'm not trying to diagnose anyone, but it's simply not normal to be completely apathetic in life.
If you get periods of boredom, or if you only have even one hobby or thing you look forward to it's fine, but consistent total apathy is a sign of an unhealthy mind.
Not calling him crazy or anything, but everyone should be mindful about their state of mind just like they would of their body if they came down with a cold.

>alt rock/pop punk
>math rock
>post rock
>dream pop

There's some sub genres of rock for you.

Have fun.

thanks dude, ill check them out

Many people identify with a musical aesthetic to be part of a group, think 2000's scene kids or metal heads. Most people who do this don't actually care about music as a whole and just listen to whatever style to fit in. It doesn't define your personality or anything like that, and people who let it are autistic and should be avoided. Don't feel like you need to listen to certain music or anything to fit in to a group, if you're not interested in music as a hobby that's fine and you shouldn't force yourself to be. That said, if you are into it as a hobby pic related will start you off and should help you find some stuff you like. Listening to music in the background is fine, but if you want to truly appreciate it as an art form you need to be actively listening, I.e giving the music your full attention.

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im not trying to fit into a particular group, its just that i want to feel like im actually someone, whether it be liked by others or not. it sucks to be asked what kind of music do i listen to when i really dont. dont get me wrong though, i dont hate music. i enjoy it but not as much as others who literally go on for hours with their headphones plugged in. idk man, sometimes i feel like its a distraction that needs the same attention you would give as if you were watching a movie. i find it kinda hard to go on with my day and also be listening yknow

I don't think anybody hates music, but the fact that you find properly listening to it to be a chore means that you don't like it past the surface level, which is fine. Ironically, as an avid music listener with very eclectic tastes I feel the same way as you do when asked what music I listen to. I don't want to lie, but if I answer honestly I'll just look pretentious or weird.

If you're having feelings of not being someone, than you've got bigger problems than music.

>. I try listening to music as a hobby...
Have a stream or the radio playing while you're doing other things. Don't just sit there listening as a hobby.

another reason why i dont listen to music (it's a really stupid reason) is because im afraid ill be judged to what i listen to. im ok to show it around my friends but other than that yeah i cant get over the dumb embarrassment