New pics from (((euroweek)))
New pics from (((euroweek)))
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How about your meme BASed country does something against it?
Like collect some commieblock hools and turn that place upside down
I mean western eu is already fucked and this would be nothing but you have something to loose there
The West isn't lost yet you fucking cuck. Most of the Austrian youth who voted, voted for the FPÖ, people like you who bend over and give up are just as bad as green voter so please do your country a favor and kys faggot.
You know what must be done
Sorry to break your delusions but If you look at the demographics of Vienna/Berlin it’s hopeless already
At no point in history things were this bad and it seems like it’s too late already
I mean look at Zurich, it’s already filled with Turkish/albo migrants and if you seriously think that the population would rise like in 1930s then I have some bad news for you
What's the problem here?
Eastern Europe had 10 million jews before ww2. By the end of ww2, they were almost entirely gone.