goy, please
you must act now
this racial injustice CANNOT be tolerated in Drumpf's America
>In response to that video, the Harrisonburg Democratic Socialists organized a Facebook event to have people gather for a protest in Court Square on Thursday, December 20, saying that WHITE OFFICERS used excessive force on a black woman in a racially charged incident.

> "We believe that the police often respond to noise complaints where participants are primarily white, and it never ends in assault and tasing," said one of the organizers of the rally.

> The local chapter of the NAACP originally threw their support behind the protest, but, after viewing the bodycam video with police, withdrew that support and issued a statement saying they found no wrongdoing with the actions of the officers in this incident, though they do believe police-citizen interactions in the city need work. Several Harrisonburg city officials expressed similar views to WHSV's reporters after viewing the full police video of what occurred before it was released to the public.

> However, that did not deter a few dozen protesters who turned out in the Friendly City on Thursday, demanding police release those arrested.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It never ceases to amaze me that they are all so ugly.

> ACKSHUALLY...........

Attached: lol-dumb-nigger-dykes.webm (480x270, 2.6M)

>that Bradley and her wife refused to sign

Black and lesbo leads to anti-attractiveness.

>so ugly
I think you mean, cherished angels of natural beauty, incel

Attached: I2018-12-22AGM AM 001.png (499x532, 280K)

>white skank with a front butt

oh kek

Whores like this will only ever find peace and meaning at braap barn

>We believe that the police often respond to noise complaints where participants are primarily white, and it never ends in assault and tasing
And there are people who believe that the earth is flat, but that doesn't make it true.
God I hate niggers...

> fucking normies

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>white skank with a front butt
absolute U N I T

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The NAACP are rich as fuck. Why aren’t they footing the bill for their pets?

Based where is this magical place? Seriously though I swear that these pedophile supporting lefty’s are more opposed with the National socialist’s than even we are.

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Jews are cheap due?

>It never ceases to amaze me that they are all so ugly.

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>Why aren’t they footing the bill for their pets?
just wait
they will bus in a bunch of old niggers to protest

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If anything they owe white southerners money for the trouble they caused in the 60’s.

Alright nigger, hah
Here eyes are like a metre apart

>If anything they owe white southerners money for the trouble they caused in the 60’s.

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S E E T H I N G retards

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The bit that stands out the most to me is how every black person seems to think they have a pre-law degree while simultaneously not knowing shit about the law.

Their consistent harping on how they only got 1 warning, that they had 2 more warnings before getting a citation. One, they're wrong, its at the discretion of the officers. Two, decent people who get the cops called on them change their behavior not go "we got 2 more warnings, crank it up".

As a male, if I were that aggressive towards a cop I wouldn't get off with a tazing, I'd get a bullet in my spine.



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>the worse possible result would have just been some harmless loud music

Okay retarded white leftist subhuman in your rich white suburb, I will send the pack of niggers over to your house to play bumping jungle music until 4 am and you can let me know how much you enjoy it

>The bit that stands out the most to me is how every black person seems to think they have a pre-law degree while simultaneously not knowing shit about the law.
if you people learn nothing else from this, memorize pic
THEY ALL process the world around them like this (not like others)
They are self-absorbed, emotionally-immature, and genetically hard-wired for a low-IQ ceiling = recipe for disaster in civilized societies

>, you can ALWAYS find niggers behaving exactly the same.
***Blacks will NEVER acknowledge they are wrong
In each altercation it is
*******when confronted on what they did wrong you will get
> "DinDuNuffin" - didn't do the negative thing that you probably have proof of them doing
> escalate volume/hysterics - never raising the debate (evidence), just their voice and threat level
> when DinDu runs its course - claim racism. Racisms is the only thing that can explain the predicament they are in (being caught for doing wrong)
These are the ONLY responses they have. Its a 1-2 playbook that is old as time, itself
there is never a time when confronted on behavior that black people EVER divert from this script. It is never,
> "Hmm, sorry - let me correct myself"
it always goes straight to the deflection and aggression.
Don't kid yourself - know what you're dealing with

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How did she get into those pants?

wow racist much baka I don't even have to RESPOND to this racism it's so obviously wrong -_-

Wouldn't this be better for PETA to handle? Not many people want to stand up for gorillas these days.

so they're saying that if someone gets angry, then they don't have to obey the law, and the cops should "just walk away". fucking hilarious.

per liveleak, the NAACP dropped their complaint after watching the video.

>controversial tazing
LMAO. First they cry about shooting some nigga, now they are crying about tazing. In 2 years:
>controversial look at black


>so obviously wrong
good one
next time, pull down a different ID when you cointel post that way we can get the whole board to bite

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Nigger Privilege is real.Commit crime, if you don't get away with it, fight the police and start a gofundme. This puts pressure on the liberal judges fee fees and gets em some free money at the same time.

should arrest half the liberal trash in that party for trying to hide those criminals and half assing a body block on the cops.


fucking hell thats an elephant toe

DYKE lesbo niggers are the WORST

>White motherfucker
Is a completely fine thing to say to a white person.

>why do so many blacks get shot by police

>Cut up footage
>No audio
Eh, I dunno boys. I wanna see and hear the whole thing.
What does the other officers bodycam show, how did they enter the house etc.

Sounds like police desu


Okay fair enough xD

after a first warning and then 18 minutes of screaming black panther shit, the cops attempted to detain the two outside their apartment. the two chimped out and ran into the apartments.

it was all 100% justified. blacks are so fucking retarded I can't believe people are even listening to >muh police brutality shit these days.

>> "We believe that the police often respond to noise complaints where participants are primarily white, and it never ends in assault and tasing," said one of the organizers of the rally

That's because white people don't act like chimps when law enforcement tells them they're doing something wrong and ask them to stop doing it.