your country
what nationality are the immigrants who come to your country?
Your country
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1.5 million Poles at least.
The only reason I wouldn’t gas them before the Muslims is because I couldn’t stand the BASED POLES threads on Jow Forums supporting them.
God I fucking hate these people.
Gonna see who's gonna defend you like in summer 1940 against muslims, cunt.
ukrainian shit, nearly 5 milion + 2 milion jews + 0,5 milion muslims in Poland
Subhuman trogs from Haiti and cucked untermenschen from Venezuela mostly.
They didnt molest a few thousand preeteens though. I can survive a few polski skleps if it means they help agaibst the real menace.
If you will defend britbongs you are a race traitor
everyone thinks it's chinks and poos, but it's flips.
no one
Sorry, but I'm not gonna move to help other Europeans except Hungarians, Serbs, Russians, Latvians, Estonians, all nordics, Germans and maybe Croatians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Dutch, Spanish and Portugese.
You are immigrants in Polish cities of Wilno, Troki, Marianpol.
Bolívia Venezuela Haiti
Just because you have those cities in polish doesn't mean they're actually polish. Stay mad polish cuck
Mainly chinese.
What the fuck is this... fucking beaners
My only answer for you, żmudziński pasożycie.
Mexican pointy shoes. It's fucking culture.
Sorry, I don't speak the retard language.
Told one who stole that "retard language" and turned to mixture with Latvian :)
i like the shoes
How is the oldest indo-european language a mixture between polish and latvian?
Venezuelans, Paraguaians, Africans.
I work in academia with mostly Chinese, Iranian, Indian, Turkish, ...
Don't make me laugh, you have absolutely no proof for this. It's another chauvinist lithuanian propaganda.
Chinese, Mexicans and Indians.
so this is why that bitter brit keeps posting euroweek threads
Oldest indo-european language which is still alive*, my bad. Your point still makes no sense
Cape-verde, Brazil, Romania, Ukraine, China, Angola, Guiné Bissau, India, Nepal, São Tomé e Príncipe, Pakistan...
This is not counting the rest of the Euros, escaping the muslims and the rapefugees.
Forgot about Greek and Latin which are both alive and pre-date your dialect from Zematija.
Yeah I'm kind of with ya there user. Dating a latina chick now. It was fun at first, but now its starting to annoy me and I have to meet her Family on Christmas Eve, and I will be the only gringo in a sea of beans. Our relationship might not last much longer after this holiday
>cerrotes and yuppies
Poles and Thai's. Undoubtedly Brits are the worst immigrants here though.
Pic related is ideal immigrant
Montenegrin and Bosnian
Immigrants don't come to my country
>Latin is alive
>Ancient Greek is related to Greek
Decent bait, user
Plenty of Africans are coming to China now theres even a city nick named Chocolate city because there are so many blacks there.
We got a bunch of turks and chinks in Bucharest. God help us
Spain has 1 million Romanians and near the same Moroccans.
If China were 13 percent black as the US is, it would have 182,000,000 million black people. Are they anywhere near that?
Lots and lots of albanians (IQ80)
Lots of germans (IQ102)
Lots of eritreans (IQ65)
I don't get why are you comparing american % of blacks to your own,but the more China spends and invests to Africa and African nations more Africans will come to China to study,work and even migrate.
>Slavs from the Balkan
The latter are plentiful but you don't notice them because they're mostly white and Austrians are half nordic half slavic anyways.
You can only find these in the cities in somewhat considerable concentrations. Don't know about Vienna though, have never been to this hellhole.
Mocros everywhere. Plz send help
Venezuelans are probably the worst as they bring crime and misery.
On the other hand Americans, while not so bad expats per se, are inflating the real estate bubble by buying appartments en masse for short term stays a la Airbnb
Netherlands, I'll only mention groups of >10,000 out of 17,181,000 total
>13,209,225 Dutch
>47,776 Afghans
>16,963 Australians
>118,725 Belgians
>26,974 Brazilians
>30,899 Bulgarians
>16,240 Canadians
>74,234 Chinese (+18,410 Hong Kong Chinese)
>17,375 Colombians
>14,725 Dominicans
>354,136 Germans
>25,057 Egyptians
>14,952 Eritreans
>21,536 Ethiopians
>22,000 Filipinos
>45,558 French
>23,809 Ghanaians
>23,935 Greeks
>23,689 Hungarians
>42,114 Indians
>361,594 Indonesians
>61,255 Iraqis
>42,464 Iranians
>53,703 Italians
>86,729 Former Yugoslavs
>22,405 Cape Verdians
>396,539 Moroccans
>157,114 Afro-Caribbeans
>12,600 Nigerians
>15,916 Austrians
>22,897 Pakistanis
>173,050 Poles
>26,383 Portuguese
>39,737 Somalis
>90,251 Former Soviet Union citizens
>44,715 Spaniards
>13,031 Sri Lankans
>351,681 Surinamese
>90,771 Syrians
>20,691 Thai
>18,356 Former Czechoslovaks
>404,459 Turks
>88,390 British
>42,354 Americans
>22,741 Vietnamese
>21,878 South Africans
>11,973 Swiss
The only places we have no immigrants from are...
>Northern Marianas
>Norfolk Island
>Pitcairn Islands
>Saint Pierre and Miquelon
>Wallis and Futuna
We even have 1 Samoan, 15 Caymanese, 6 Falklanders, 5 Guam...ese?, 14 Greenlanders, 3 Kiribatans, 6 Marshall Islanders, 2 Micronesians, 1 Nauruan...?, 2 Palauan..?, 4 Sammarinese, 8 Saint Helenans, 17 people from Timor Leste, and 1 from the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Good post
remember the 14 words
Chinese and Koreans...
All South Americans are Japanese descendants.
Here's something even more interesting: a dot map from the national statistics bureau. Shows the extreme degree of segregation, too.
Those boys need to watch their backs, flashing that kind of footwear around. Just asking for it I'd say.
Looks like cancer spreading
Can you comment anything about Vietnamese in Poland?
Almost every month there are couple of dozen Vietnamese being cought by our border guards, illegally crossing our border with Russia.
They say they're making their way to Poland, since there is a large Vietnamese community there going back to the Communist days.
They don't come anymore, but 1/3 of my country is made of leftovers from the Soviet occupation, they call themselves Russian.
Crime statistics show that about 2/3 of the crimes are done by them, they also make up 3/4 of the prison population.
They're also pretty dumb, since they' have not been able to ingrate and learn the language for 28 years....
Gee it's as if every time you have parallel cultures in a society the least dominant one always ends up becoming criminals and the underbelly swum of the nation.
No, you are not going to normalize them by leaving out the word "illegal."
>Early XXth century:
Spaniards, Italians and Europeans in general.
Venezuelans, Cubans, Dominicans
Niggers, Shitskins, Jews, Moslems: the scum of the Earth.
subhumans, confirmed
>17 millions,
How can a small country have such a large population? Population density must be annoying in daily life.
Albania 337,700
Georgia 45,100
Russia 43,000
Bulgaria 40,900
Romania 27,200
Germany 25,700
Pakistan 18,000
Poland 16,600
Turkey 12,500
Cyprus 10,900
UK 10,700
Ukraine 10,700
Egypt 9,800
Bangladesh 8,400
Syria 8,300
These numbers are from 2014
Fucking Myanmar niggers in the north,
Malaysian sand niggers in the south,
And English and German ladyboy lovers in Pattaya
High-skilled belorussians and low-skilled moldovans.
You're a preferable alternative to..
Pajeets in finance and IT.
Pinoys in customer service
Cultural Revolution descendants from Communist China.
Pre 97 Crisis Singapore had lots of Thai construction workers.
onions aka r***ians
we have nogs from god knows where, pakis/indians, polish, romanians and worst of all, disgusting fenians
paraguayans, bolivians, peruvians, colombians, venezuelans, west coast africans,etc
All around nigger the lot of them
We're fucked
british ,french ,chinese and a lot of russians
Hondurans in Tijuana
Guatemalans in Chiapas
Menonites in Chihuahua
Argentinians in the Mayan Riviera
Chinks in Monterrey
Pajeets in Jalisco
I’d like to meet her. She would still hate us afterwards but she’d think of me every time she touches herself.
Pajeets in mejico?
I'm in Florida and we're getting a lot of South Africans for some reason.
Vaquero loco de Los muertos
lots of them.
t. Danzig poster
Lol you just gonna let them in like that?
I wish you would take your jews back though
well, there are many Indian IT companies in Mexico and they bring them over here. Some of them stayed and brought their families
>indians, not so bad if im honest
>arabs, some problems but otherwise relatively normal
>Italians, perfectly fine
>asians, japs are OK, saw a chink letting her chinklet shit in the street just this week.
>niggers, stupidly low numbers, stupidly high crime, whoda thunk it?
wtf, I thought you guys hated albanians?
Somalians and Mexicans
Pls help
popping up like flies lately, LOTS of em.
>Pajeets in Jalisco
Plz tell me you are Lying,
Here are some proof
It's how they ski in Mexico.
Last time I was on a bus there was everything, some fugly chink with her subhuman offspring (because another chink is apparently what the world needed), mulattos and niggers, some ameritard speaking american with some shitskin.
The only white people were like a hundred years old.
How's the kink
Canadian 32.32% 11,135,965
English 18.34% 6,320,085
Scottish 13.93% 4,799,010
French 13.55% 4,670,595
Irish 13.43% 4,627,000
German 9.64% 3,322,405
Chinese 5.13% 1,769,195
Italian 4.61% 1,587,970
First Nations 4.43% 1,525,565
East Indian 3.99% 1,374,710
Ukrainian 3.95% 1,359,655
Dutch 3.23% 1,111,655
Polish 3.21% 1,106,585
Filipino 2.43% 837,130
Other British 1.87% 644,695
Russian 1.81% 622,445
Métis 1.74% 600,000
Portuguese 1.40% 482,610
Welsh 1.38% 474,805
Norwegian 1.34% 463,275
Spanish 1.15% 396,460
American 1.10% 377,410
Swedish 1.02% 349,640
Hungarian 1.01% 348,085
I dont know any filipinos, what city do you live near? Im near halifax and I mostly see just rich arab and asian students going to dalhousie but they never stay
That adds up to more than 100%, Li.
Yukon. It's like a third Filipino. Alberta and BC are the same.
I think Canadian is a secondary identity is why
what do you think about people from balkan ,
are they criminals or?