What does Jow Forums think? Is he right?
Based adopted Raegan child and not the faggot ballerina one.
His father also flooded California with spics by giving them amnesty and turned it blue forever. What would a wall have accomplished then? He's right about the now or never part though.
> Let me tell you what your father would have wanted
Fucking faggot is top reply...
>Make the same mistake as Ronald Reagan, and (((we'll))) make sure you live in equal infamy.
>Giving your enemies exactly what they want
No. That's why Regan failed.
did the shills even read the tweet
This, he's urging Trump to BUILD IT NOW
No they didnt. They usually dont.
QRD on history.
>Mexibros flooding US
>Basically whats going on now
>Ronald wants the border secure
>Dems want an open border and are playing the "what about the ones here now?" Card.
>Ron cuts a deal: grant automatic citizenship (amnesty) for the illegals here now and Dems will fund CBP to prevent illegal border crossings and hunt down those that come after amnesty
>Ronald grants the amnesty
>Dems control the house and senate
>Dems welch on their end of the deal by only agreeing to half ass meassures
>Country is flooded with illegals as they rush to get in before 1986 cut off date.
>situation calms down for a few years
>History repeats.....
He was adopted. He doesn't have any of Ronald Reagan's traits.