Hired one of those electric scooters today.
>pic related
Hand an EPIC fun time.
Really awesome concept.
>positioned all over the city
>no dedicated bike rack of anything
>App tells you where they all are
>Pick one nearby
>Scan Barcode
>And your off
Best of all, you just dump it where ever you no longer need it.
It returns to available status for everyone else.
>No shitty traffic to deal with
>No parking bullshit
>No peddling your ass off.
For inner city lifestyle i dont think it can be beaten?
37Km Max range too is pretty impressive
eBikes are cool too, but more bulky, harder to store
The Future of inner city transport ??
I just got to my country after a year for holidays and I already got almost driven over by these fuckers
>my city has bike lanes EVERYWHERE
>they keep driving on the pavement at 40km/h, barely slowing at corners
>even on the largest biking lane of the city, with no traffic lights or any interruptions, they keep driving on the other side of the Street, skipping red lights and fucking around other people.
Fuck you and fuck your good-boy-scooties
8 fucking assholes in 2 days.
Only a matter of time before some blind person trips on one and falls face first into traffic. Without proper public places to store them it's a bad meme.
Just buy one outright if you need one.
Lmao OP just get a real job. Shilling scooters on Jow Forums? Dude just go work at McDunks or something.
And here there are no rent scooters, broke spaniards pay a fortune for this meme, and the comercial ones can faster than 37km/h. Some are up to 60.
Doesn't work in diverse cities because people steal the scooters/bikes.
They're full of expensive vape batteries.
>Only a matter of time before some blind person trips on one and falls face first into traffic. Without proper public places to store them it's a bad meme.
Oh dear, muh hypothetical litigation faggot police have arrived.
You people wreck countries.
Fuck the 0.001% blind people.
Shaping society to their needs is as dumb as shaping society to for the needs of Trannies e.g. gender natural bathrooms.
THey should have family or carers looking after them.
And FYI, they app tells you NOT to leave them blocking sidewalks, which is commen sense.
>Shilling scooters
I havent named a company or a brand.
How the fuck am i shilling anything.
The topic is TRANSPORTATION faggot.
IF you have a better alternative, Name it.
I had one of those as a kid. It was a toy. A fucking toy. It makes a fucking racket whenever you go over anything that's not grass and isn't much faster than walking.
>Doesn't work in diverse cities because people steal the scooters/bikes.
You dont like your "cultural enrichment"?
anti-semite ;)
thats whats cool about a scooter tho, easy to fold up, put it under your desk or some shit. you dont have to leave it outside like a bike.
It was Irish Catholics who culturally enriched America.
scooters will always be for nerds
i was referencing jews behind open borders migration of the 3rd world
Jews weren't behind it. It was primarily done by goyim. Anglos brought the slaves here because they didn't want to pay white laborers, and Irish Catholics promoted, wrote, and passed the 1965 Immigration Act and chain migration.
i'll keep my bike.
I used those, it's fun for a while but then it's bullshit because you make 0 effort.
No thanks
Why not carry a telescopic one in a backpack
>nglos brought the slaves
WRONG again.
I smell (((soap)))
sure if its your personal owned scooter.
the ones i hired today are commercial.
And become available for others to hire when finished with.
it's cuck-tier desu
I live in a shit part of London and we have these. They do steal and break up the bikes, but there are so many of them it doesn't matter. Op is right, these good boy scooties, they are the future.
Yeah, it's working out great in California!
city tried this with bicycles but otherwise the same deal and lost like 3m USD the first year
Kek I used to ride one to middle school, my one leg was so strong
Knocking these things over and throwing them over hedges its top tier bantz.
Around the campus area of the city, the rentable Smart cars that were deployed kept on getting flipped over during the night.
When I was 12 someone yelled faggot at me while on my Razor scooter, I do the same thing today.
we got a board for transportation retard. It's called /n/
Why the fuck do you keep saying you hired it ? That doesn’t even make any sense you fucking chink
Since the tech exist i'm going to have my own Electric-scooter.
>People have common sense
Ok then, enjoy your sidewalks looking like a trash heap in Jakarta
Don't the abos in melbourne just dump them in rivers?
Get one of these
There's a good video of one here : youtube.com
Actually they are big in Los Angeles. They have a hard break and an alarm if you go more than 50ft( I think) without a scan and pay.
>he doesn't hire technology to do his bidding
Dawg you can pimp a scooter out for 2 cigarettes
Great, it's a motorbike for cucks, why would I want that?
learn to speak Aussie cunt
your overlords command it
What is the battery life of those ?
Since company can make cash out of those it means it practical and comphy enouth for personal use
>registration costs
>parking costs
>much larger purchase cost
>fuel costs
>stuck to roads only
Kill.your.self fucking faggot
I would advise against scooters because you'll be one step closer to being fat like most americans.
>battery life
37km theoretical max
in the inner city area i counted about 200 of them
GPS tacked & alarmed so im not sure how they will go with theft
but im sure they have insurance anyway...
There is a manual somewhere on where to use a battery powered drill to disable GPS and communication on these. Then you order a new controller board from China, buy a can of spray paint and off you go.
>Best of all, you just dump
the the worst shit ever, we know have the same shit brewing as with the fucking rent bikes.
People left them everywhere, on streets, on entrances to subways, they even threw them onto fucking train tracks.
the onions scooters are even worse. Since they can go that fast and are unregulated you can hurt people, badly. We just recently had a case where a student drove into a 12 year old girl critically injuring her.
If you want to use this shit, get one yourself. Pay insurance and you will at leasat have respect for your own stuff.
>pic related is you
lol what fiendish cuckery is this?
>37km, that enouth to cover more than my dayli bus distance
>I could pick one un and fold it in the train.
I wont have to steal any if i could buy one, shit this is good are they noisy ?
Fuck those gay scooties.
This is what you want.
>GPS tacked & alarmed
all you need to do is disconnect the antenna.
if you want to do it at home just wrap the box in aluminum foil
buy the controller of ali express, -> you got yourself a 400€ scooter for 40€
>are they noisy ?
Mine and my partners today were very quiet.
The french guy complaining about noise when he was a kid, was probably because it was first gen crap made for kids...
One warning tho, IF your area is hilly i would make sure you get one with a more powerful more. The scooters today were only 250w i believe. and were fast on flat, but slow up steep climbs.
But Ive seen 500w ones on ebay with 50km range, and 50km/h top speed. It even has built in suspension.
Definitely research for your needs.
see but i would agree for longer distances motos are good.
Inner city i think the scooter has far more advantages.
>all you need to do is disconnect the antenna.
But risking a felony over $500 to $1000 is nigger tier thinking.
I agree this commercial scooter biz wouldnt be viable in criminal shit holes. Only for first world affluent cities.
But private ownership could still a good option even in shit holes...
I quit a decent job because of leftist politics and now I'm making as much money charging these. nice stopgap for based anons with a truck.
>fast and are unregulated you can hurt people
cry me a fucking river you statist cuck
>b..but muh 12 yo got killed
and how many kids get splattered by cars
whats MORE dangerous...?
you & FKipjreD should jerk each other off and LARP about other highly unlikely shit, like being killed by a terrorist or being hit by lightening.
thanks for the info dump
>and how many kids get splattered by cars
>whats MORE dangerous...?
cars owners need insurance, they have to pay if you cripple your victim.
also I don't even care about regulations but the 2 things,
a) mandatory to have a liability insurance for everything that allows you to drive faster than 15km/h (yes including bikes)
b)fuck off from sidewalks.
These things are meant for bugmen who think it's SO COOL because they're man children but more importantly they have no mechanical knowhow to even take off whatever shit the city puts on them to make them work via app/GPS. Blax and spics obviously know but they're not the ones shilling it like the man children are
>implying this business i used today isnt insured
Listen faggot, a push bike can do 60km just by peddeling.
That too would knock the fuck out of a 12 yo
and there would be NO "insurance"
The ONLY difference here is one is electric.
>fuck off from sidewalks.
cos 15kg, 30km/h scooters should be on the road with 2000kg cars moving at 60km+
what is wrong with your brain.
sadly your not alone
there is an endless line of cucks that think just like you
1. parents should be parenting their fucking children
2. shit happens, its going to keep happening. Darwins fittest (in this case most observant) survive.
nothing personal kid
They make noises if you try to steal them and niggers aren’t smart enough to disable that, these scooters aren’t going anywhere
>t. go to school in Atlanta
>cos 15kg, 30km/h scooters
I didn't knew you weight nothing. Its more like 100kg+ moving at 8m/s+ thats 7 times more energy than a top class boxer puts in his punch, but yeah what ever.
But will it survive niggers?
If you don’t drive and fix your own car you aren’t allowed in the ethnostate