Why do people seems have a problem about girls being "age inappropriate" when the problem will literally solve itself within, at most, a decade.
Why do people seems have a problem about girls being "age inappropriate" when the problem will literally solve itself...
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based nippon
haha op made a funny
The problem will solve itself in a decade because she will kill herself becauqe of what you did to her?
That picture is disgusting
Kill yourself you revolting irradiated insect
I think you mean cute & funny
>that picture is disgusting
Agreed. I would never let my daughter wear such a trashy bra.
or the name of some shabbos goy on her chest
Awfully sexist of you to assume they are so weak and delusional as to kill themselves over being loved
Only poorfags do that shit. If it were up to me I'd make that girl wear a cute frilly bra
Well, simply put, you don’t want people to turn out like you
Abrahamic religion and feminist influence
Watch the first 7 or so minutes of this video and see how that kinda stuff messes people up.
The "problem" doesn't resolve itself. Fuck kids and you wind up with fucked up adults. Children's brain wiring is destroyed by early sexual activity. There are studies for this. (((They))) suppress these because (((they))) love to rape kids and teens.
Humans were evolving into a later and later puberty. Human social groups that delay sexual activity and parenthood til later teens always do better in every way than those that like to fuck kids as early as possible.
Then the "sexual revolution" happened, and look at the mess we're in now. Mentally damaged adults, damaged children, damaged teens---all because everyone is hypersexual because (((they))) understand it's one of the best ways to destroy a society, so (((they))) pushed and promoted all this evil shit into Western civ. We stupidly fell for it, and it's destroyed us. Way to go, Jews. You did it again! Congrats. Hope you're happy, enjoy your little victory. But bear in mind that what you've done to us, the Chinese will do to you. But there won't be any of you left to bitch about it in another few generations.
>feminist roasties legally forcing men to date them
Women's suffrage was a mistake.
It really was. I want 9 yo cute lg wife
Holy fuck dude. Blaming the elite child slave trade on jews is just fucking stupid. One of the biggest perpetrators are the vatican, whom are not jews. This shit goes deeper than (((muh jewsbury))) bullshit
Why so many shills/kikes out the past week.
I wonder who's behind this thread
Fucking kill yourself you vile piece of shit. I seriously hope a nigger kills you for a buck.
disgusting degenerate eat shark dick
Yes this entirely what the fuck is with the shill's suddenly taking a Pedo stance at least subvert with some dignity and honour.
Cringe and newfag reddit pilled
Nice try you disgusting Bulgarian piece of shit you country sounds like a scat contest winner.
If you are a shill than stop just using newfag as a way to isolate/discredate the truth and if you are just a plain ol retard who saw a shill thread about fucking 9 yr olds being a good thing and now thinks "he is apart of the gang" and just uses the term newfag to discredit people and hide the fact that he himself is a newfag.
Get of this fucking board you degenerate piece of shit.
>t. newfag
There isn't anything in the Bible forbidding relationships with young girls. It should be up to the father to decide when and whom shall she marry. That is if there is a father. Some standard must exist nonetheless.
Face it, this shitty restriction has no basis.
>Cringe and newfag reddit pilled
I know this is fucking bait but stillthis applies to you too degenerate newfag
Its not bait. You really are a newfag.
>Humans were evolving
[citation needed]
it doesnt take a math genius to see that countries that dont give a fuck have large populations while frigid little cucks with 8million rules are going to die out.
well look at you your not just a degenerate edgy teen but your also a brain dead from porn/uncreative edgy teen.
>Face it, this shitty restriction has no basis.
Have you heard about the good book it's called "high school biology"
k. Your grammar is very bad
>Its not bait. You really are a newfag.
Look m8 how edgy are you to make a bait that is this degenerate at least shit post properly like us Aussies.
I'd pay the half for now. Then pay the rest when she is 18.
No seal damage and no exit damage accepted.
k is a letter, not a word.
>it doesnt take a math genius to see that countries that dont give a fuck have large populations while frigid little cucks with 8million rules are going to die out.
Yea and the living standards are utter shit with no morals what so ever.
Grammar is sentence construction, not spelling, k?
>k. Your grammar is very bad
I don't even understand where you are going any more you must be a teen no adult in their right mind could reply like this.
i think it's his punctuality. It was legible. Do not revert to criticizing his grammar and debate him you fucking pussy ass faggot.
its already shit now, they fill the gap where our families would be with migrants.
why the fuck am I arguing this people dont care :^)
stop posting sexiness on Jow Forums its very very bad
>Grammar is sentence construction, not spelling, k?
He wasn't referencing you using the k as bad grammar you retarded monkey nigger tier brained "sweety"
His entire post was ad hominem, and I never was in an argument with him. What a dumb post.
How is anything I said edgy? Pointing out youre a newfag isnt edgy.
I wasn't referencing him referencing me using bad grammar.
>its already shit now, they fill the gap where our families would be with migrants.
>why the fuck am I arguing this people dont care :^)
Yes fucking breed as much as we can but not to the point in which it just raises our country down to another shit whole because of over population and you just get people reverting to em feels = race mixing
this girl's cute
Are you sure it states anything specific about the damage caused by penetration
>Yea and the living standards are utter shit with no morals what so ever.
And yet this doesn't apply to 1800's America when plenty of men had pure, loving 12-year-old wives.
So it's not an issue of age, but an issue of RACE. White people have proven the ability to build the most advanced and civilized society mankind has ever known, while marrying cute, adoring loli-wives who smile when they bring you dinner and cuddle when you read them a story at night by the fire.
Who ruined it? Feminists--- aka JEWESSES.
>How is anything I said edgy? Pointing out youre a newfag isnt edgy.
No but making a pedo bait thread is edgy as fuck even for Jow Forums's standards, you not understanding this shows me you have no fucking clue about Jow Forums's beliefs except for "muh Nazis"
>I wasn't referencing him referencing me using bad grammar.
es you fucking were
I dont think you get how it works and thats fine because its already too late according to the numbers.
I really dont give a shit im just lonely AF.
Back to pedo scum.
She is so cute owo
You can't even reply properly. You really think anyone will believe you aren't new?
>Are you sure it states anything specific about the damage caused by penetration
well yea fucking a three year old is gonna fucking kill it you retard.
Besides even an early teen giving birth the baby is much more likely to have a defect as well as be under developed or have healthy problems.
As well as the psychological effect fucking a little girl would have upon her causing life long complexes caused by her shadow.
its fine bong fren, no need to argue on my behalf
Wasn’t an issue when the parents got to evaluate suitors.
Penetration was never mentioned. Pedophiles want to procreate with someone who is not capable of giving birth.
Asian lolis can be quite cute
Youre making me so sad reading that. I want a lg wife so bad. I would go out in the wild and pick wild leeks, return and have her make me a nice soup in our secluded cabin.
That would be so relaxing
There is nothing edgy about wanting a non corrupt non jewified world. If you weren't so new you wouldve seen me and many others post such things since this boards inception.
You implying I'm new is pathetic
>And yet this doesn't apply to 1800's America when plenty of men had pure, loving 12-year-old wives.
Alright we need to set up a definition are we talking about marrying young girls or fucking young girls there is a big fucking difference.
>So it's not an issue of age, but an issue of RACE. White people have proven the ability to build the most advanced and civilized society mankind has ever known, while marrying cute, adoring loli-wives who smile when they bring you dinner and cuddle when you read them a story at night by the fire.
it's an issue of both retard. Besides just cause a few pedos existed within a civilisation does not mean that civilisation was helped or supported in any way by that young marriage if anything it would damage it.
You'll never have a daughter, incel.
why are all your photos of little girls labeled 'ff'?
Nice feminist twitter insult, roastie.
>I dont think you get how it works and thats fine because its already too late according to the numbers.
>I really dont give a shit im just lonely AF.
Wow cause you really explained how it works didn;t you bucko I think you haven't had an original thought in your life and when someone puts two and two together you reject it because it isn't from an authority source.
It's never to late you retarded black pilled ape.
you want me to explain the concept of the nuclear family to you? kindly fuck off and read a book.
>You can't even reply properly. You really think anyone will believe you aren't new?
look retard I made one fucking mistake get over it almost all fucking newfags do this someone makes one minor mistake and they point it out and use it as the basis for their argument because they are used to retard reddit.
Its my substitute for tripfagging. Referencing the name I used to use frequently.
wait what the fuck I don't know why my flag is British I am Aussie. What the fuck is this I am not joking why the fuck is my flag British.