Do you practice boycotts?

Liberal boycotts always fail...but what about our boycotts?

Are boycotts effective?

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>Do you practice boycotts?

>but what about our boycotts?
Nigger there is no "our" and there is no we either.

>Are boycotts effective?
Only to virtue signal.

There is an our and we.

The problem is that I can't boycott any of these nigger-loving soiboi businesses because I never buy from them in the first place


I boycotted Burger King when they made that Pink Tax ad.

Lasted about 5-6 months before I gave in. Been there like 3-4 times since...

This. It is not a boycott, but a way of life.

Libs can’t afford shit anyway, now no one buys that shit lol

But saying that, even if it's the only choice you have, you wouldn't buy from them, it's a form of boycott anyway.

It's my hot boycott, I'll do what I want