Is American interventionism evil?
Is American interventionism evil?
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The middle is what conservatives want you to think, the one at the bottom is what pro-American far-right wants yo uto think while the truth is that htey are all evil without the Star of david on their forehead.
The star symbolizes their kike enslavement
>without the Star of david on their forehead.
its literally their master's seal
America is as a whole evil.
70 million murdered on behalf of their masonic wars in the name of democracy and social justice, all the babies aborted thanks to their influence, its a pseudojudaic mystery nation of shit tier kikes who wear the mark of satan on their mutilated penises.
Its a blackhole of filth and excess, it is the national embodiment of all that is wrong.
Its babylon without the splendor or culture.
This is just to make excuses for how evil Anglso and the USA themselves are. They just blame the Jews to avoid responsiblity for their own evil.
The idea that the poor little USA is totally innocent if it weren't for the Jews is evil propaganda. (Just as the shitty idea that only muslims are opposed to AMERICAN imperialism.)
Don’t forget that the civil war was also a Masonic plot
>beg for our help during ww1 even though it has nothing to do with us
>millions of our boys die
>beg for our help in western front even though AGAIN it has nothing to do with us
>millions upon millions of our best die
>gee US why are you always in our business as stabilizer don't you trust us ;)
Fuck off.
You should be leaders not destroyers, i wonder where all your leadership values fucked off to ?