Hi, I've accepted the fact that I can't get a girl (nor anyone else).
Are there any other ways to find satisfaction/hapiness in life as a guy ?
Hi, I've accepted the fact that I can't get a girl (nor anyone else).
Are there any other ways to find satisfaction/hapiness in life as a guy ?
Why can't you get a girl? Are you gay? Impotent?
no, coming inside a woman is the greatest joy in life
Op do you have realistic expectations towards women or do you expect your gf to be a photoshop/plastic surgery/makeup mashup irl?
I’m really only looking for Instagram model tier nothing too crazy.
I'll get to the point:
I'm way too akward and nowhere near handsome.
Would you believe me if I told you I've been rejected >150 face to face ?
Trust me, I've hit on ugly/fat girls too.
Still get rejected every time.
I admire your persistence. It’s just a numbers game though keep trying.
If you have been rejected that many times, and actually rejected, not "I looked her way and she didn't come over and talk to me" then you are doing something wrong. Ask someone you trust to tell you what it is. Maybe you are a creepy autist.
in the same boat
people just don't like me
I really like being alone though so it's cool I guess
maybe go for a creative pursuit? some little idea you had for a book or maybe you wanted to design and construct your own sweater.
I think accomplishing something tangible and real that comes originally from your mind will feel good
>Trust me, I've hit on ugly/fat girls too.
>Still get rejected every time.
You need to keep going, op. Two or three girls a day, it won't be easy, but it'll get easier. Make sure to keep clean, and maybe get a haircut and new clothing? Check out /fa/, girls like stylish guys
Shitty advice. No fucking way it’s jusg a number game at 150+ rejections.
This op. Unless you’re severely handicapped in the dating market by looks, disability or deformity you must be doing something wrong. How do these events go from when you meet them to your rejection?
Still, despite the question my actual advice is for you to stop worrying about the bitches and get your fucking money up so they come to you in swarms. Focus on your career or get a profitable hobby and make it work for you or something. Accepting that you can’t get a date is a pessimistic way of looking at things, but removing the distraction of relationships from your priorities will help you focus a lot more. You can find satisfaction in life by pursuing goals other than sex.
Last thing I would suggest is considering a whore if you have 500 to spare, it’s at least worth seeing what sex is like to get it off your mind. Careful it doesn’t turn into a habit though.
It's better to give up, really. Make a lot of money and pay an escort to pretend she's your gf, if you think that would help.
Are you white and what race of girls do you go for ?
You know, I always thought that it's funny that people are like:
>just get money bro
Are women really materialistic bitches?
>Are women really materialistic bitches?
The pretty ones usually are, and those are the types that guys with money want
all women are, dont delude yourself
Poor men wouldn't have wives and gfs if this was true, and the majority of men are poor/middle clas
You don't want a GF. The only upside is easy sex, the downsides are too numerous to count. Focus on money and vacation to a place where prostitution is legal.
no such things as complete happiness or satisfaction. we are built to be eternally mildly unsatisfacted. the more you try to be happy, especially by getting a girl, the sadder you'll be
The upside to having a GF is sex, a dinner when I get home and a companion that’ll support me in my struggles
I have yet to find a downside in being with a gf
An Hero before it gets any worse.
Work on self improvement. That’s an attractive trait women look for - being an individual. If anything, women probably see your desperation to be with them and reject you. Women can read that shit from a mile away. Just find happiness in learning new things, trying new hobbies, taking care of yourself and health, etc.
Oh yea, now you can find happiness talking shit about how awful women are.
>a dinner when I get home
so you want to be bobby betabux and have your gf not work? lmao
why wouldn't you prepare the food for her for when she gets home?
And there is a 70% divorce rate and the number of single people over the age of 20 outnumber the number of married people over the age of 20.
Yes, women, by and large, are gold digging whores.
If you made a post about giving up on trying to get a girl, you are FAR from actually ready to give up trying to get a girl.
You need to literally make that the last thing on your mind. It has to be something you actually don't WANT to have happen and sounds more like an inconvenience than just electing not to do it.
Take it from me, I've been out of a relationship for years just because I literally didn't want to make the effort to set up dates. But I'm a bit broken in that sense. I'm a huge introverted recluse. Most normal people need to have relationships.
I don't let my wife work. It is more financially affordable for her not to. If you make over 50k a year in the USA and are married, unless your spouse makes more than 30k a year they aren't helping anybody working because you will eat out more, spend more for travel, pay more in taxes, etc. That isn't even getting into kids and daycare costs, using disposable instead of cloth diapers, and more.
"honey, just give up your hopes and dreams and just become a baby machine!"
me: ok
This is thrown a lot around here.
How the fuck do women see this desperation? I think it's just a convenient excuse not to talk about the real problem, whatever that is.
I mean, you'll often see shit like women getting beaten by their husbands. If they were such great judges of character they'd sense the abusiveness in months of relationship, if they can >sense the desperation from a mile away, in seconds.
It seems weird to me
abusiveness doesn't turn a pussy dry though, desperation does. the key here is if she can trust you to be honest with her; even if you know she will not like what you have to say. In a womans reality, she is used to people lying to her ALL THE TIME because of the way she looks, or they simply want something from her. If you are willing to piss her off with your honesty, you have demonstrated that she can trust you.
women get fixated on 'fixing' the honest abuser. they despise the fake-smooth dishonest desperate creep.
I refuse to believe they are that retarded
women want their man to have high quality, desirable sperm. that's why they get more turned on by a man being taken than when he's single. being desperate is a surefire way for them to believe your sperm is low quality.
better for her to fix up the guy with high quality sperm than to take a chance with loser sperm.
plus, not all abuse is equal. you're using a pretty extreme example 'beaten by their husbands' after all
>Are there any other ways to find satisfaction/hapiness in life as a guy ?
Doing research chemicals while a mother/daughter team gags on your knob in a seedy motel room!
Doesn't guarantee that the baby is the poor man's. There's a lot of unintended cucks in this world kept together by the comforting illusion of faithfulness.
>I refuse to believe they are that retarded
Over the past ten thousand years, we've experienced accelerated evolution because farming enabled the creation of a surplus. With a surplus, a boss man can raise an actual army and raid other stores of surplus (aka cities). Not only that but ravish the women of other nations and tribes.
In the ME, there's a genetic bottleneck from neolithic times where (on average), 17 women got to pass on their genes for every 1 man. So taking that into consideration, it seems adaptive for a woman to be situationally loyal.
Why wouldn't your spouse make over 30k? I make that working retail.
try s dating app, okcupid has worked for me
What sort of things do you like to do? Look for that and devote your energy into it.