Lads the stock market is tanking hard

Lads the stock market is tanking hard.
Is 2019 going to be the year the crash arrives?
If so how will Trump have a hope of winning in 2020?

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probably not 2019, most likely 2020. he won't have a hope because the trade war is the issue


Slaty democrats want people layer off and destitute just to get votes you animals truly are scum

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it's called economics dumbass. Much like Marx first pointed out, booms and recessions.

It’s 18k bottom. Well outside the bear market region into the crisis territory. Also brexit will fuck up Europe.

>le dem libshits dont know about the based alpha God emperors economy.
The entire system is controlled by kikes and the economy has to shit the fan for people to do something about it.

People finally realized companies can't grow forever.

MAGAnomics user. The plan is to enrich Main Street at the expense of Wall Street. The market is inflated and the economy financialized with Rent seeking parasites sucking the life blood of the productive class. Wall Street crash, all debt will be forgiven the fed disbanded and banks run as a public service over the internet. It will be glorious.

>le 4-d chess xD

>If so how will Trump have a hope of winning in 2020?
With national sovereignty and lowering taxes for middle and lower class is how.
Buy local not imported.
Shit only happens to the people that prescribe to global market.
The chicken farm up the road won't be raising their local prices because some rich globalist lost money in stock market.
The cow still produces milk with the same amount of field.
The great depression was cause by lying jew media saying the banks where going bankrupt causing a bank rush, nothing else caused it but lying jew media.
Its the same as the last housing marked crash and bailout, the media lied causing the bailout. The housing market would have stabilized itself and people who made bad investments would have paid the price for doing so. A shitload of paper pushers going bankrupt would not have hurt the average citizen at all.
>Truth is the stoke market is not a indicator of how the economy is doing.
It's just how much money rich people are throwing around is all.

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>The chicken farm up the road won't be raising their local prices because some rich globalist lost money in stock market.
Farmer needs to buy equipment and food for his chickens. The companies that sell this to him are on the stock market. Those companies will go out of business so he goes out of business.

Every year people sell off before the new year

Back to the gold standard baby let’s ride the shit out quick

1 month ago I put my entire savings of $1150 into 10 blue chip stocks such as Microsoft etc

It's down to $970 now even with all that diversification.

Who do you think controls this shit? Do you really think it's pizzagate shit they are holding over the heads of the presidents? No. It's the economy. Fight our wars and do what we say or we tank the American economy.

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sorry for typo.
If someones house drops in price that person shouldn't sell that house then.
If a person has been buying homes on credit and flipping them, well they made a bad investment, eat it or re negotiate the payments.
The taxes on the home will go right down along with the homes value.
The players in the stock market ..... Their fault their broke. They don't actually work for their money they gamble.
People are not going to starve if they can't afford rice from china, they'll just eat grain from USA.
Take a different image of life.
you see that person driving a $34,000 (not even that expensive) Know that they are in debt, they have to work. Ever notice that the people driving the $300,000+ cars are always the stupidest of drivers? It's because they are in fact fucking stupid. They're deeply in debt 90% of the time.
The car is a tool to get from one place to another, as a spoon is a tool for scooping. Why have a gold plaited spoon bout on credit card when you can have a $0.12 one that does the job fine.
The people that will suffer from a economic crash are the ones that deserve it. If a bank says they can't pay you, the bank is lying take your business somewhere else.

It's gonna get worse when Trump starts building the wall.

it's been stupidly high for a long time.

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but the farm next door doesn't stop producing grain because it lost money in the market. They just use last years equipment. Yes the big farms are traded on the market. They still won't stop producing the grain.
they don't need to keep buying equipment because they already have it. The money from the crops will still come in regardless of stock prices.

If it can reach $1150 again I'm cashing it all out. But it's looking like I stand to lose more.

that is Obamas economy....
In 8 years he was just setting it up for the next person.

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Markets been overvalued for like 3 years now.
People who bought any stock in the last year need to learn when they are buying a pipe-dream.
Like really?
Some fucking idiots thought that buying into the market at 20+K was smart?
Who the fuck is giving financial advice these days?

Crash is already happening 2018. 93% assets on negative return. New record on history. Attachment releated
>Holding USD was one of the best moves

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is it time to buy stocks yet?

Glad I kept 70% of my USD wealth just sitting in my Chase account. Everyone who called me a retard for that over the past two years now owes me a blowjob

>It's gonna get worse when Trump starts building the wall.
What's the Swede reasoning behind this statement?
Need illegal immigrants for the economy to work?
Need them raping the women and collecting welfare cheques and spreading unknown illness to keep the hospitals funded?
What is your tax rate again? that's right upwards of 53%.

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>muh chartists
listen stocklets, a phase transition (that is, a boom or a bust) cannot be predicted from the magnitude of a flucutation, that can only be done retroactively not when it hasnt happened yet. The true indicator of approaching the critical state is the average time it takes to return to stability after a perturbation. Your chart of less than one days activity can't show whether or not that is the case. Look at a weeks activity minimum and then start your thread!

>it is neither 'high' nor 'low'. market equilibrium is a myth of neoclassical economic theory. STABILITY is what matters!

There are too many worries

- interest rates
- trade war
- Brexit
- many years since last recession

Also, many hedge funds are closing right now, to exacerbate the selloff.

The S&P 500 is at a forward P/E of 14.5. It is reasonably valued, or on the rich side if you think earnings will get whacked.

Non-US equities are basically cheap. A year or two, or five, from now, this may have been a buying opportunity.

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Nvidia lost 50% market value since September
AMD somewhat okay
Intel getting BTFO on the market too
Dutch exchange reports a run from assets to liquidity, but it's not severe enough to warrant closure
Britain's still in the same slump it's been for 8+ years if we ignore the short-lived Brexit boom which in all likelihood would've lasted longer and possibly have made the UK the odd man out
Germany's fucked
France is preoccupied with a more pressing matter
Italy doesn't give a shit

Let the good times roll

but you'd still be up

Oh yeah forgot
Other manufacturers in the semiconductor industry are getting fucked by China for price fixing
Production shortages in the same industry are forwarded to customers in the form of raised prices which slows the economy down because upgrading now is a bad time
In my country the prospect of higher taxes, a shakeup of the tax system and what's arguably the worst climate plan in the entire history of gouvernment policy is already limiting market activity

>Yield curve on US Treasuries had inverted. This has predicted a recession in 12 months for every recession in the past 50+ years and given a false positive only one time.

>West Texas Index for a barrel of oil lost 33% of its value in a single month due to global contraction fears

>US housing sales have fallen for 10 consecutive months, are now the lowest in 4 years

>Jobless claims just hit a six month high

>Dow in bear market territory DESPITE the Trump tax cuts slashing corporate taxes and repatriation leaving to a $1 trillion stock buy back in 2018, the largest in US history

>Shitty muni debt from Chicago and Detroit are getting super low interest rates because everyone is fleeing stocks and corporate bonds

Nigga, we recession now. Trump kicked the can down the road with the tax cuts but probably made the bubble worse desu.

>Glad I kept 70% of my USD wealth just sitting in my Chase account. Everyone who called me a retard for that over the past two years now owes me a blowjob

You lost 5% to inflation while the S&P 500 is up 11%

You're sitting on a 16% loss

Bear market incoming. Typical bear market lasts 16-24 months.

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>Nigga, we recession now.

Possibly, or it's a dip as we had in 2011 & 2015

> Holding SDS a better move.

>muh bear and bull
>muh business cycle

All figments of the imagination of bad economists. That's not how the market works ffs stop propagating this tired lie.

>Lads the stock market is tanking hard.
correction/pullback, it was expected by anyone who is not a fucking retard
>Is 2019 going to be the year the crash arrives?
>If so how will Trump have a hope of winning in 2020?
Couldn't care less.

>Jobless claims just hit a six month high
fuck you gotta hand it to jew media, they love to spin shit eh?

Attached: jobless claims.png (599x307, 34K)

Dumb. I went 60% S&P500 ETFs, 25% developed world foreign large cap, 15% developing.

Dumped the SNP500 a few dead cat bounces ago, made 17% since I opened the account. Going to hold it in cash till this shit drops and then buy back in.

terrible bait.

No. The people who control the economy will crash it if Trump doesn't follow their orders.

>People finally realized companies can't grow forever

So what you're telling me is
*Trains algorithm
Is that companies
*Stares at a random squiggly line for 5 minutes
Whose businesses model is selling advertisement
*Pays 70% of retirement to trading fees
Cant grow exponentially
*Sits in front of Bloomberg for 8 hours

No retard. No one would think it was a big deal if it wasn't happening at the same time as inverting yield curves on T notes, oil plunging, etc.

Everything seems like Jewish magic when you're 88 IQ I guess.

let them.
>if you won't do what i say i'll destroy the thing that i control effectively rendering me powerless

No it won't. Neither politically nor economically.
It will fuck up UK though, mostly politically, they will feel economic pullback too.

checked and keked @ that picture.

Although do NOT sell now. Ain't shit happens on no holidays boyos. If you ain't sell yet, hold that shit till January. No point paying capital gains tax on what gains you got left if in 2018. Keep that shit yours still 2019s tax bill.

ITT: neckbeards who trade on Robinhood.

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>The people who control the economy
Here's a redpill for you: nobody controls the economy, no person or group, race, etc.
Economy is all of us.

They will in fact fuck with everything they can. They know the take downs are starting. The 'crashing started the very day the Clinton foundation money laundering investigation started and the day thee military pedophile blackmail scandal was exposed.
They are scared. For a Swede you don't seem to bad.

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It's a good time to buy stocks soon.

We are having the worst december since the great depression. I think that's saying something big.

You probably get your financial advise from Ben Shapiro.
The economy doesn't change with the media sperging doom and gloom, the stock market however does. Who controls the american media again? NOT the jooos right?
This, once its been done it can't be done again for a very long time.
yes they don't control the economy they control the stock market.

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>Do you really think it's pizzagate shit they are holding over the heads of the presidents?
well, not Trump.

Just as Burgermutt said >Everything seems like Jewish magic when you're 88 IQ I guess.

Who is?
Please explain.
side note every person in the image does have substantial investments in the stoke market that they have since pulled, all at thee same time causing what we are seeing now. Also every single one of them are criminals that are being closed in on.

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Double down and keep buying while its on sale. It will rebound.

Below 20k before End of Year?

>Who is?
The stock market.

Nah requires more prolonged pressure to break through that arbitrary 20k number that normies hold onto tightly

Arbitrary numbers and behavioral economics are good friends

>Jewish magic

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Buy options not stocks
More specifically, puts.
I’ve made 300% over the past 6 months

I believe you 100%

If this isn't the bottom he has completely lost any chance of 2020.

Trump is a means to an end, fren. An economic crash will exacerbate barely-concealed racial tensions, both in America and Europe. It could be a very good thing for right wing nationalist parties. And don't suppose I'm just hoping for misery. The present order IS misery, and I want it to end.

that pic is enough isn't it, this is a globalist economic warfare and they are losing.

>pol economic knowledge

Reading this thread feels like being in the zoo watching chimpanzees discussing quantum physics

so its not obamas economy now?

fuck the crash.
kek is back

Ultimately I don't know how much the economy matters to U.S. politics anymore, Trump and the GOP delivered good economic times and a tax cut, the Democrats still won the midterms. Looking further back Obama destroyed the economy and gave us four years of malaise going into 2012, the Dems still handed him the white house again.

It's not the economy stupid.

Needs to be shown next to a infographic describing the cost of illegal wars, so Trump is seen like an angel for pulling out and calling for a wall.

>Obama destroyed the economy
Jesus christ, what a retard.

Fuck off Obongo. You're not welcome on Jow Forums

>Betting against the US economy

Buy in while it's discounted morons.

The shakedown was initiated 10-10-2018.
It's been planned for a long time.
US will come out on top.
Buy Bitcoin and PM.

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That a soft correction, rather than a crash. It what the market need, after a long ass bull run.