Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums.
Long story short: How do I get smart?
I mean, getting a small knowledge of popular culture in the fields of science, literature, philosophy, politics, economics, sports, whatever.
PS. i'm ADHD if that "helps"

Attached: 1 kZ5haMH3Au_Y9xoSZScZjw.png (1244x950, 914K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=adhd cube

Just Google stuff.



You cannot gain knowledge like this fast. The second you encounter someone with more than your Wikipedia tier knowledge of a subject you'll be found out as a retard.

How can one nigger be so woke while the rest of coon culture is fucking trash?

Read up, guy. Pick a subject, any subject.

omg thanks for this


Read books and click at the same time with pic related.


Attached: fidget.jpg (600x600, 57K)

Why does an alert message pop up when I click this picture saying "File not longer exists (404)"?
May you reupload it? Thanks

google.com/search?q=adhd cube


Disable it on adv

Here's one trick.

Each week buy a good big-city newspaper, the kind with lots of sections. Devote a few hours to reading it from cover to cover, including (especially) the sections you're not interested in.

You'll pick up a working awareness of what people will be talking about during the next week, be it sports, politics, gossip or whatever, and you'll be able to hold your own in conversations

Hey, this is a pretty solid advice. Thanks user!

memorize things through 3 paths

And say

get adhd meds and by that i mean adderall. nothing else works as well. you'll become a fuckin genius.

How does it work? I used to take Concerta but dropped them because they fucked my "personality" and made my stomach get sick, plus it fucked my libido and you can't get drunk while you're taking them.

concerta doesn't fuckin do shit. just take adderall once and you'll see. buy it off the streets if you have to, then get a prescription since you have adhd. just tell your doctor you think it will help you and you want to try it or something since your already diagnosed.

and it says you "can't" get drunk while you're taking them but you can. just do it anyway. and when you study just dedicate yourself to only studying after you take it or doing whatever you want to do.

How does it exactly work as opposed to Concertas?

Watch one TED talk per day.


i don't know. i took concertas once and felt nothing. adderall is the only thing that helped me

concerta* i mean