Drunk driving is a victimless crime. Why is it illegal?

Drunk driving is a victimless crime. Why is it illegal?

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Just think, a thread died for this.
kys OP

Just think, a thread died for this.
kys OP

>victimless crime
Unless you hit a pedestrian or another car.

What are you doing in Finland, Ivan?

>Unless you hit a pedestrian or another car.

but that happens all the time, drunk or not.

I wouldn't call it victimless, but the punishments definitely don't fit the severity of the crime. That shit can ruin your life here in the states. Mothers Against Drunk Driving are basically a terrorist lobbying group who all hate their husbands, their children, and any single women who like to have fun.

People die every day. Why is murder illegal? It happens all the time without murder.

I wish they would shut up about it.
Don't they realize their constant harping on the issue brings the thought to the front of consciousness and it is only a thin line between that and action?
They're literally creating their own problem, it's either they have never heard of the phrase 'self fulfilling prophecy' or they treat it as gospel.

exactly. OP is a faggot.