>Opfer mit Spuren von Messerstichen und Anzeichen von Gewalt am Hals >BILD, 19.12.2018 Translates to: traces of knife wounds and signs of violence on the neck
>Die Leichen wiesen am Hals Stichverletzungen auf. >DPA, 19.12.2018 Translates to: stab wounds on the neck
>[...] aus Norwegen und Dänemark wurden am Montag mit Stichwunden am Hals tot >HAZ, 20.12.2018 Translates to: with stab wounds on their necks
...and so on. How did your local news report about this, and just how pissed are they, that some punkass dared to film this and release it to the world wide of fucking keks?
First I heard it reported they said their necks were slashed. Little bit of and understatement
Eli Diaz
Shills are spamming this story to cause hate and division
Owen Green
Do you really want kids to read (or hear) about heads being slashed off? It's way too brutal.
Jayden Rodriguez
and that's a good thing
Mason Gray
If it was to go viral that shithole would lose huge on tourism and would create a lot of backlash especially in America. We need to spam this everywhere till they execute those mudslimes in public. And it WILL happen, those countries don't mess up with this stuff, spam this everywhere please.
Andrew Ortiz
Swedish media are pushing the exact same thing.
Journalists have a special room waiting for them in hell. Thats the damn sure.
Yes, only way they'll grow up redpilled and hating these savages. Being cucks to your kids will only make them cucks, better to show the brutality of life early on