Salvini refuses boat with 300 africans

Malta also refused.
The boat with a spanish flag "rescued" 300 africans, but no european country has accepted them so far.

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Other urls found in this thread: (english_

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this organization must be destroyd,they are worse than leeches

posting the salt

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Your country is the best


I want our Sciré to send a couple of tprpedoes in the belly of that ship. Even better when it's empty, because the true enemies are the ngo volunteers and their backers.

>women and s*yboys
everytime,they should be slaspped


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she needs to be slapped really hard


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most of the salt is pretty much this

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do i have to push on his head to make it faster ?

Stop posting this picture it's fucking stupid
If someone is not consistent with their beliefs then that is the first thing you should criticize, regardless of if you believe what they believe or not

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yes sure
in order to be a true christian you have to give your entire nation to sub80 iq africans
don't be dumb

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Mate I don't even know what the thread is about and I don't know what we are talking about and I don't care
I just get my jimmies rustled when I see that picture because it's stupid
Sorry I get grumpy when I have low blood sugar

>Stuck on a boat with 300 rapist cannibals.

That's got to be some kind of a challenge...

C. Save his life and immediately ship him back.

so he can just hop onto the next boat and attempt to come again? There’s example of migrants who have tried to get into countries multiple times and are consistently shipped back just to keep trying.


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shoot down the boat and then none of them will have to suffer over christmas.

Is that a jew false flagging a christian guilt trip?

>fighting to tread water while a readily available life vest is floating an inch away

Even in a staged photo designed by liberals to invoke sympathy, africans fail to display basic human cognition

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all the complaining is about muh christmas let them in
i'm still yet to find a rational argument

Great news. Only wish Salvini would have given orders to sink them instead.

This x 10000. they are well within their rights to do so as a soverign nation.
Otherwise you're just kicking the can further up the road.
Some 100-200 years ago leaders actually had forethought and respect for the outcomes of their actions, now its all just short term bandaids and putting out fires. The whole world is full of myopic disloyal idiots.

we are not sovereign

We need to put some of this smugglers in Jail, if it is not clear they will profit of "muh Christmas" in order to vomit another horde in our land.

People use our compassion to destroy us,
video related

Right now, our immigration policy is the most important thing in the history of our country
It will pretty much decide the future of our country

here we goooooooo

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we need to collect the dragon balls to revive him, its the only way

You're a fucking atheist shitcuck, eat my pristine cock.

Based Poseidon, your services are requested.

>It will pretty much decide the future of our country
What we do has ripercussions on the whole of Europe. If Spain, Greece and us would all do it they would have no way of coming.
We are fighting an holy crusade for our survival and to guarantee an homeland for our people and our neighbours.
Happy Christmas pol/fags.

His mortal existence is over, but his soul and ideas can find a new vessel

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Can we meme Kek in Poseidon skin to scuttle the boat drowning them all? Yes. We. Can!

Sink that fucking boat

The bastards have already traced the lines of their new dystopic country,

2065 they expect 14,6 million immigrants (plus the current 6 million plus the 1,5 foreigners with citizenship)
on a population of 49 milion

But demographic replacement is a not true goyms

Icing on the cake 90% of this will be shitskins since european immigrants are gonna stop due low birth rate.

This is not a future, a country like this can't be governed

We don't like, no, no, don't come here

NO we need to save them for Soros so he can live forever and execute the grand plan

C, laugh my ass off because niggers cant swim

We are actually in a better situation compared to other western european countries,
The situation in places like Sweden, UK, France pretty much reached a point of no return

>pretending to be retarded

>This is not a future, a country like this can't be governed
It doesn't need to.
>savage urbanization (commieblocks, scampia-tier inhabitants)
>unbridled degeneracy
>sand cults going haywire
>constant turmoil
>possible epidemic threat because niggers

then the enlightened (((technocrats))) descend from their high towers, dressed in shiny white, declaring it's "more humane" to euthanize the subhuman filth (they created).
Then the virus is unleashed

This scenario is still the end of us.
The paradigm need to change, people need to be deported

God bless you, most of the others don’t deserve you.

The ravioli-fascists do it again! They can't keep getting away with this!

Shoot him.

Shot em like a gator in the bayou

Cuck. Hold his head under

we have decreased the number of africans coming by a lot
the problem is that there have been too few deportations so far

Why did you post all those pictures of the Argentinian Navy?

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please tell me where in the scripture it says that mass importation of godless strangers into your country is required

Funny thing is there are walls in Israel now, the wise men wouldnt make it today

If Europeans don't revolt, thy are doomed. Every last one of the kike and kike-puppet politicians and media brain washers must be exterminated.

Someone needs to counter this meme with Joseph taking Mary to Planned Parenthood and getting a abortion

Fight or perish, white man.

Salvini is just another Zionist stooge designed to placate you because you haven't been fully demoralized yet.

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They should use the picture of somalians throwing quicklime, feces and acid to the border patrol in Spain. And ask the same question.

Drink some nigger semen then

Send them to Israel!

we are not white

Haven't almost all Christians been expelled from Bethlehem?

Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!


>This actually happened.

Somalis are the most repulsive kind of nigger imaginable, god damn every single one needs to be tortured to death.

It's funny as shit that when one country actually refuses to house these migrants all the other suddenly don't, despite being so adamant about it in the past

Yes we are, you fucking faggot.

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italians are not white

Not this dumb faggot again.

Yes we are. We're not nords though.

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are they from morocco?

nope,also romans were nordic people

sink the boat. any immigrants that survives can be immediately deported. if the crew survives prosecute them for human trafficking and put them in prison for a few decades.

Someone should dronebomb that thing with a boat/air drone and keep doing it to every subsequent niggerboat. If we can't stop this Open Asscheeks organization and other (((NGOs))), just sabotage them.

Suck a dick.

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like the romans did?

can you translate some of these for us?

quite frankly, this.
let the ((MSM)) demonize the attacks all they want, if they cant find the attacker it will continue.



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Most of these fall under

It's just a retired boomer that hates Salvini and thinks of himself as "European" first, Italian second


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kill yourself

Send them back!

go away from my country white faggot

someone post that webm of those niggers drowning while under the sea is playing

>Christmas present
tf is this level of memery


pic related, israeli immigration policies are some of the strictest on earth and their fence works just fine, according to them

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Take off your proxy, Varg.

i am 100% italian and i hate varg