Daily reminder that pol is counter semitic, anti all Jewish subversion board. This includes, (((christianity))) the root cause and symptoms - communism, zionism, feminism, transgenderism and multi racialism.

I can't think of anything less PC than calling out the jew on a stick religion and it's fucking LAME influence on politics that it has. You think Israel would get $38 billion in aid if you didn't have stormfags and retarded midwest whites jerking off to jewstick? Please. Try and use your brain for once in your lives, thanks.

Attached: The only good Christian is a dead Christian - by Ludwig Denker - Visit 8chan board -cucktianity- for (447x447, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>early Christianity: sets up a system of accountability through the Pope for rulers which keeps most monarchies from devolving into absolute tyranny
>mature Christianity: defends Europe from Muslims through the formation of Holy Leagues, Holy Orders and Crusades, acting as a unifying force for hundreds of different cultures and ethnicities
>Europe with less and less Christianity: allows in Muslims and other foreign shitskins, allows absolute tyranny, destroys original cultures and traditions, creates a society of guilt and self loathing

wow christianity is sooooo bad

The only żyd in this thread is (you) (((OP)))

I wish these anti-christian threads would stop.


>Nazi flag
>save the white race
>by killing all of them
>for being Christian

Attached: renhammer.gif (474x266, 619K)

Threadly reminder that Christianity is inexorably linked to the ascendancy of Western civilization and to deny the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior is to turn your back on the West and everything it stands for.

d&c slide thread

Christians are jewish's slaves
Very poopoopilled to be a christcuck

Kill yourself subhuman

checking claim

Let's settle this (again)

Listen to this and tell me you feel nothing OP.

le cuck believes a semit is his "Lord and God"
cacapilled for sured
peepeepilled to go in (((church))) to worship a jewish man

Fuck off kike.
We get it: You hate Jesus so much it burns you.

Happy Hanukkah, memeflag

Attached: glare.jpg (600x813, 127K)

NPCs would rather distort everything they can than change their scripts. This is one of the many reasons they suck.

What do you want?

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No it's not, faggot. Remove memefag you dirty jew, you are not worthy of a swastika.

Ave crux, spes unica

This was my body that was broken for you. Do this as often as you eat of it in remembrance of me.

Attached: giatn.jpg (640x853, 45K)

>late Christianity gives total control to the kikes

Ppl plz stop OP

Come to it is a true Christian board.

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(((They))) hate christianity because it unificated europe.

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Still much better than being antifa atheist piece of shit like you

Attached: Antifa.jpg (944x794, 107K)

The Jew on the Stick hated Jews you fucking restart

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December 2018 was when it became obvious to high-IQ whites on /pol that its full of muslims and satanists larping as nazis. The last 72 hours we have profiled over 200 Id's here. Majority being muslim diaspora in UK, Austria, Germany, USA, Denmark, Sweden, France. Along with associates in Morocco, Jordan, Iraq. All celebrating the demonic rape and murder of two northern European women with childlike minds.
All posting non-stop anti-christian threads and gloat about the terror attack.
Do not fall for the deception.
These are coordinated efforts by literal satanists.

>(((nazi meme flag)))

anyone else smell (((soap))) ?

Attached: Jews in porn.jpg (878x599, 243K)


at least that guy knows how to have fun

>christianity defended the west from muslims meme

Kek your country in particular was eager to work Muslims against your fellow Christian competitors.

Nice try user, but ultimately Christianity failed, fails, and will consistently fail to deal with the threats white people face.

shill harder kike

Attached: jesus-jews-are-children-of-satan-john-8-44-oh-so-37400598.png (500x460, 116K)

Hitler privately despised Christianity and wished the Germans had a religion akin to Shinto or Islam.

OwO what's this

Attached: pope-francis-1.jpg (630x458, 69K)

Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen it this bad. Usually you see a few around Christmas but this is another level

Too bad you can't understand christianity is a branch of (((Abrahamic))) devil worship.


its muslims

You will be a Christian and you will like it, Mr Nazi.

>monarchies from devolving into absolute tyranny
Literally when?

I've never met an atheist who wasn't under Jewish control. Sexual liberation, socialism, in love with main stream media, hate the Saviour of Man, scientism, i could go on and on. Atheists have no freedom, they are slaves.

>what is Rome
>what is Greece
It's almost as if western civilization was already superior bc. Almost as if our race is special or something.

How isi that people claim to hate jews and then worship one at the same time? Stupid fucking goy

Oh and atheists love practicing usury for muh college degree. Enjoy your slavery.

All of those are ignorant memes. Christianity made religion so reviled we're now in this godless kike mess.

>the Saviour of Man
Looks like we have a slave here.

Are you so braindead that you never heard of all the Christian universities?

Great post, Moshe. You're loosing the culture war though

Are you so braindead that you aren't aware they've been infiltrated.

Attached: filename.png (1900x417, 250K)

The Bible is literally a manual on how to be poor and exploitable. And all that misery you suffer from is “the devil”, nothing to do with cause and effect.

No they've always been run by the cattle. Don't forget to circumcize your children.

so Jow Forums hates scencie now?

You're a shill. Subverting Christianity in the West was one of the 12 goals of the Frankfurt School. If you're not a shill then hey great job continuing the kike's work faggot.

Salvation is an invitation. Eternal love and brotherhood awaits and the decision is yours. If you want to look at it pragmatically, the other sand-people religions of the world are taking over and are more and more willing to put you down. Do you think a bunch of unrelated, flaky, nu-pagan groups are going to be able to stop the flood of violent muslims brought in by jewish influence? If any group will be able to, it'll be Christians, and likely Euro-Christians. Divide and conquer are the jew's tactics and they are putting put on full display on this board, meme-flag.

Repent while you can. God bless.

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Jow Forums is a pro white board. Only jews define themselves by what they are not

Subverting shit that’s stupid and makes no sense is also the goal of logic.

Thank yhwh the catholic church molested thousands just so we could hear the jew religion.

Jesus is the only true enemy of Satan and the kikes.

For the 1000th time the kikes are not jews or hebrews they are ashkanazi's following the babylonian talmud and not the bible. Them saying they believe the bible is a 2 millennia old psyop to subvert christians.

Organized religion directly goes against Jesus's teachings. It is the same with usury as well.

The anti-Christian psyops are going full steam boys. Reminder that neopaganism is just d&c tactics from the Jews who feat Christ

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Subverting Christianity in the West was one of Hitler's goals.

Reminder that catholic molestation rates are the exact same as the statistical male normal; lower than Protestant pastors as well as school teachers

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Jews don't fear Jesus, they want goy slaves like you to worship him. This is how they placated and control the west.

still hiding in bathrooms cutting your blocky S's into the walls.

Reminder: anything anti-christian is jewish by nature.

Christianity is the antithesis to talmudicism.

Attached: Talmud vs Bible.png (469x745, 339K)

Imagine thinking that Christian teaching helps Jews. Christianity was the justification for which Europe used to kill Jews for centuries

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Kill them all.

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No, EARLY Christianity subverted and destroyed the Imperium of Rome then did everything in its power to attempt the same on the Holy Roman Empire.
Your semetic cult has been nothing but a shackle on the souls of the Aryan peoples.
Fuck the Church and fuck Christcucks

Attached: IMG_2058.jpg (516x640, 120K)

Love thy neighbor, goy. Turn the the other cheek. Let them in. Lick African migrant feet. Jews are G-d's Chosen People.

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>1 Post by this SHILL

imagine being so cucked that you think christianity doesnt help jews, yet you worship a literaly jew as your god. It must just be a coincidence that the jews control the west .

Here comes Mossad right on time.

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Logic implies knowledge of the Logos aka Christ. You don't know what you're talking about; without inherent meaning in anything all of our understanding of the world falls down like a house of cards. As soon as God does not exist by assumption, the existence of everything else becomes questionable.

Kike rat detected.
Vatican 2 a shit.
Nice doctrine a shit.
You will burn.

God isn't Christian

Good to know the people spreading the gospel of christ are a bunch of child molesters.

Imagine being such a brainlet that you think the Son of God, who was betrayed by Jews, would identify with them

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Who do you worship? And how does it work in spiritual terms? Explain the theology, because NO PAGAN EVER has done so.

Attached: wormwhole.jpg (621x792, 247K)

>Christcuck calling others Jewish
Go pprostste yourself and ask for forgiveness from Rabbi Yeshua you filthy rat; I cannot wait until every last one of you mutts is exterminated.

In beginning was cow. Cow lick man from ice. Man drink cow milk and shit universe. Chunks of shit become gods. Praise gods.

Turn the other cheek. Love thy neighbor.

Or are you just Christcuck hypocrites?

Kikes kiking other kikes... one jew down omg im gunna worship him as my god now.... fucking idiot...

Sorry - I sold my cloak and bought a sword and so I intend to use it.

By your own logic, all men are child molesters. The FBI is coming to your door

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Let's look at YOUR sacred text.

>three years and a day

Attached: Sanhedrin 55b - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 3.28M)

Jews always stick together... to insinuate that a religion... that nearly wiped them off the face of the earth.... many times... is like controlled.... is mental depravity user....

I'm not the one that is part of an organization that covered up thousands of child rapes so they could rape more.

Seeking to intellectualize the Unknowable is pure cancer. Orthodox always mock the Catholic Church for this. Rootless intellect without guiding wisdom will always lead to degeneration and death. Asking to know our gods without first believing in our way of life is like an Atheist asking for proof of God; it's a false paradigm directed to subvert, plasticize, and compartmentalize rather than understand.

>gentile steals from gentile, property must be returned
>gentile steals from jew, property must be returned

Attached: Sanhedrin 57a - Eng - PART 1.jpg (3240x4320, 3.07M)

>jew steals from jew, property must be returned
>jew steals from gentile, property MAY BE RETAINED

Attached: Sanhedrin 57a - Eng - PART 2.jpg (3240x4320, 2.98M)

I dont believe the lord wants the kazach wannabe semites to have any part in israel sir.

>a gentile that studies the torah deserves death

Attached: Sanhedrin 59a - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 2.95M)

>(((Meme flag)))
>1 post by this ID

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>how to (((not))) sacrifice to molech

Attached: Sanhedrin 64a - Eng.jpg (3240x4320, 3.33M)

>Holding self-righteous Christcucks accountable to their own standards is bad
Classic whataboutism.