I settled for a pudgy older guy for stability's sake, kind of a "dad bod." Someone who wouldn't really argue with me on things and would let me have my way more often than not. But being around junk food and his eating habits sort of got to me and I put on 45 pounds in a little over seven months. He hasn't said anything yet but I'm wondering how bad can I let it get before I have to start dieting or working out? I'm 5'2 and 160 and he's 5'7 and 190 btw
Start fasting and working out
>>But being around junk food and his eating habits sort of got to me
>be woman
>make choice
>choice has consequences
>blame man
fucking clockwork
Strange. Gays usually keep themselves in shape.
this is bait you gullible fucks
I'm female
It's not bait. Everything is bait to you people nowadays.
Then why did you decide to start eating like a horse? I mean sometimes I go overboard too, but I compensate It by eating normal or less the other day. Also what does ''I settled for a pudgy older guy for stability's sake'' mean? are you a moneywhore?
>my way
Since you don't have a serious relationship, you can just relax.
My eating habits started to slip and I didn't realize I was eating as much as I was until it was too late. There's a lot of sweet tea around and I think that helped spike my appetite.
I wouldn't say I'm a moneywhore but stability is attractive. I wanted a relationship where I could be relatively free to do what I wanted while being provided for by someone who treated me well.
Maybe stop blaming guys for your bad decisions and start making changes in your life.
I never blamed him. I'm just saying he's a factor in putting on weight.
I'm always trying to help at this board but please stop blaming people and stop denying it. Maybe 6+ user are right and you're wrong?
My final advice is to look at pic related and remember you have control of your fatty body.
Listen, I never blamed anyone else so I'm not sure where you got that idea. I can take responsibility for my own fuckups. Saying that the alcohol made you crash your car isn't blaming the beer manufacturer.
Kys ho
100kg user. That's the number at which you have to start working out. God you're stupid. How can you have such little regard for your own well-being that you would gain 45 pounds of pure fat in 7 months. You probably have no idea how difficult it will be to lose that weight. The more you gain the harder it will be to get it off. Your motivation to move your fat ass will decrease and your body will physically reject the idea of burning calories. Stop being stupid and shifting blame. No one likes a fat cow, with the exception of fetishists.
220. That's a long way away so that's nice to hear!
Plenty of people get fat in relationships, it's not like this crazy thing you know. I'm not shifting blame so I'm not sure where you got that idea. I don't really want to go on a big weight loss kick, I just want to know how much leeway I have so I can level off.
Are you serious? I was taking the piss. There is no number at which its time to lose weight. However the fact that you gained 45 pounds in half a year frightens me. I worry for your health and your self-esteem
Nobody blamed him for anything
>she fell for the dad bod meme
My self esteem is fine, I just got a little too comfortable for my own good. Besides, that weight gain isn't that crazy. It's only about a pound a week.
"Someone who wouldn't really argue with me on things and would let me have my way"
If this is the case then it's simple. Tell him your worried for BOTH of your health and stock the house full of fresh produce and start cooking. He'll follow along, yeah he's ganna stash some snacks but at least it won't be in your face at least
I'm a 5'10 male and weight 160lbs. That's a normal weight at that height - for a man. You're a woman and a more then a head shorter. You'd look good at 110lbs, depending on how you store the fat you can maybe go up to 125lbs. But it isn't even about looks, that much weight for that little body cripples you in a way. I'm pretty sure you can't run or jump for shit anymore, and your stamina probably has gone to shit, your resting heart rate has gone up. Being overweight also increses the chance of miscarriages and makes you generally less fertile because it fucks with your hormones.
Drink nothing else but water, unsweetened coffee with maybe a little cream and unsweetened tea. Go for a 20-30minute walk every other day. That alone will shed like 15lbs off of you. Restrict yourself to three meals a day, no snacks. Don't forget to eat your veggies. That's not some crash diet plan, that's how you're supposed to live to stay at a normal weight.
Most of my weight goes to my lower body and belly.
If you're pear shaped, aim for 125lbs max
What exactly did you want to do that another personally preferable person wouldn't?
looks aren’t everything. eating junk food is as bad as smoking, though. I think the underlying problem (because you said so) is that you committed to a man you don’t fully like.
>>my way
>Since you don't have a serious relationship, you can just relax.
there's a truth to this. you have additional relationship problems other than your diet/exercise issues.
Probably ignore maternal duties and fuck/flirt with other guys
>His eating habits got to me
You chose them, and it's a small issue of mental discipline to fix. Maybe help him out too.
First off: avoid starches/sodas/junky sweet shit like the plague. Rice and tortillas are the closest you'll want to get to a bread item. Veggies, fish/chicken, add a little spice in there to keep it from being a slog. Next: go work out. First month sucks, but you need to build a mental schedule that feels weird to break from. Just hop machines for an hour every few days, ideally focusing on cardio. If they have a pool/hot tub, treat it like a mini fucking vacation! Show off a little when it's quiet. Lastly, suppliments for metabolism/thermogenics will help you burn through fat bits faster. Do this for a few months.
desu this thread is hot
You guys are misunderstanding. I'm not interested in going on some big diet and exercise thing, I just want to know how fat I can get before it becomes really bad.
If you don't care, and he doesn't care, what's the problem? Be happy while your alive.
love it when they start talking in "we" form too
>we're pregnant!
>when are we gonna fix the sink?
Okay. Now it's confirmed bait.
Lol @ this fucking bait. That's how most dumbass people think today.
You could post your body from the front and side in your underwear and a bikini and we'll tell you
I won't do a bikini, but is this any good? I'm ignoring all the retards calling everything bait.
That's too big, stop now, please. You're getting ripples of fat while standing up, that's a sign. How old are you, and your dad bod partner?
I'm 27, he's 33. Is it really that bad?
>this fucking thread is still going
Absolutely disgusting
Ye should start setting time aside to work on getting fit. Try setting goals for yourself like "I'm gonna try to lose X lbs in Y amount of time." But remember that only YOU can help yourself. I'm simply suggesting that you set aside time for fitness, or you may choose to ignore it completely. Do what you feel is right. Hell, you could even choose to not do anything about it and continue what you're doing. You do you.
Well maybe he's an ass guy and is willing to put up with your stomach for that, I would say no to gaining more weight. Idk if a corset would help, or if it only works on small girls but maybe try that? Do you have the money for a surgery? Like lipo
Well I don't work and that's like 3000-4000$. He hasn't complained yet. Is it really that bad that I'd need a corset?
It's bad enough to lock you in with nothing but water for 3 months. Have some self respect. Also till you post a timestamp this is still bait.
You're so fucking annoying Jesus Christ. No wonder you're here all day. Alone.
Stop falling for shitty bait.
Alright that pic says enough.You're plain fat. You've got a BMI of 29.26. That's overweight. If you gain 5pounds more you'll be classified as obese. At 115lbs you must've looked good but those days are over if you don't get a grip on yourself. Like I said, cut out sugary drinks, restrict yourself to three meals a day.
>says the person who's been here since yesterday
But it's totally not bait, even though it's just aimed at getting replies rather than reaching a conclusion
Despite the fact that all conclusions are handily deflected on the basis of "lel I'm a WOMYN"
Despite the fact that there's constant aggression and fight-starting
It's totally not bait!
So your plan was to use a person for money and bully them into submission so they wouldn't argue. Your now complaining that having got your way with no obligations, because your parasyting off someone who you've fooled into to thinking you care about, you've let yourself go? And somehow the person your manipulating is a factor.
Your a bad person, why would you want to be this way. What's wrong with you?