> at work
> the women sits and talk gossip
> while I do the work
> every fucking time
at work
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop doing the work then
Then the women will gossip about how lazy he is and how he never does any work
Then all he has to say is neither do they
So join the gossip that way you can not do the work, and they can't get mad because you're part of the gossip
I chose a profession, architectural engineering, that doesn't have women cuz heights and maths.
behead them according to corporate policy OP. Inshallah
why can't I work with only white men, dammit? I need to get out of my shithole job filled with old ladies and mutts
Yeah we should all become architectural engineers like you
Then you are accused of sexism and HR and normie drones will attack you and get you fired and replace you with a pajeet
go into IT
plenty of (REEEEE) white males there
Just become a nuclear physicist bro
IT is full of pajeets because India counts as diversity and you can pay H1B visas dog shit
George is that you?
Record them then report them
And do what? They're allowed to gossip and slut around because axe wound
Let a manager know that you feel that your level of work isn't being reflected by other workers in the office.
Actually this. The only way to get them taken care of is to get the whole office audited
Ever notice Jow Forums claims to be about 70% STEM chad thundercocks with oodles of money yet we have the same extremely popular threads of how STEM is a meme and there are no jobs to be had? It's almost like people lie on the internet
such bullshit. Stop bitching like an employee cunt and become the boss.
He's at Vanderlay Industries
At this point, you're just trying to make yourself miserable. Stop making up fake scenarios in your head and just live life, you fuck.
This is the scenario since OP is not a chad
>Record them
>bring recording to supervisor/‘manager
>have them reprimanded/disciplined for ineffective work place etiquette and productivity
The manager is either cucked or not. Not cucked scenario goes
>received proof
>discipline employees
>bitches start talking again
>do it over until fired or removed
Cucked scenario goes:,
>boss does nothing
>women find out you recorded them
>become harassed and mistreated at work cause they’re women
>record the harassment then go back to boss and threaten to sue [the women not the company])
IF OP was Chad, this is how the scenario would go:
>ladies talking and being disruptive at work
>turn around and firmly ask them to stop as you are working
>ladies give you some attitude
>shame them by saying it’s not appropriate to gossip at work
>go back to doing your work and do it so well and efficient that you either get a raise or a new job somewhere better
IN OTHER WORDS, stfu OP stop being a faggot and TAKE ACTION
Gossip at work is cancer.
It’s undignified.
Definitely women’s work
This will 100% not work.
Your best bet is to become self employed or find a new job. Or you could always just suck it up
This only works in the movies, but I don't expect a poltard to be closely familiar with reality.
and the jobs that are there in STEM are mostly asian and brown and some diversity hires, along with it still being majority boomer
If the aforementioned boss is GenX then the boss is an SJW cuck and if they're a boomer then they're a boomer cuck
This. Stem jobs go to pajeets and biocunts
lots of ppl here tho. takes all types, I suppose.
Chad doesn't exist in white collar jobs. Chad fixes toilets and lifts bricks for a living, or he's rotting in a prison cell somewhere. The first rule of surviving in the corporate world is taking shit until you're filled with constant hate, which is why women do so well in white collar jobs. The only problem is balancing that with actual intellectual ability, which is where women fail. Being able to control constant anger and take endless shit from subhumans in suits and dresses while also able to keep a clear head and do your actual job is the only way to succeed. HR is not your friend, neither is your manager, nor are the courts, why would you ever think that, especially as an American who has even less rights than socialist Eurocucks?
Find better work.
I was sleeping in my car when I started my company. bretty comfy now. gotta have passion, and testosterone.
I don`t mind them too much.
I lash out at them at work almost on daily basis on some passive-aggressive way. Can`t come to work because your child is sick? I`m putting it on the quaterly report as "unauthorized and not properly applied leave". Going to pick up your kid so you need to get off work 5-4 minutes before we are officially off the clock? I`m marking that on the report too. Getting cought up in talking with co-workers during coffee brake time and over the brake time by 1-3 minutes? I will naturally file a report.
Currently I have managed to get 3 rosties kicked off from this relatively laid back tax administration job.
I start work in 3 hours and this happens every shift
You do the Lord's work user
>The first rule of surviving in the corporate world is taking shit until you're filled with constant hate, which is why women do so well in white collar jobs
men take shit, women take dicks, or even just mildly flirt. man, if I only knew back then to mercilessly ridicule all guys for being thirsty faggots...
life's too short to work for other ppls' dream, user. what would you rather accomplish?
Sabotage them while looking for another job.
If you are lucky, they get fired.
Fake an illness for a week or two, so they drown in work.
I just quit when I had similar problems since the company was shit anyways.
Complain about the discrimination and clique which has formed which is distracting personnel from attention to detail in a formal letter. Forward this letter to HR, your manager, the CEO or equivalent, respective law firm and one for yourself. Push the matter.
The thing is most jobs don't really produce anything (or even need to exist) so the focus has shifted to socializing the workplace. And with women at the helm of HR departments it figures there's a corresponding culture change.
headphones, retard
The real solution is: you should have a chat too and display your alpha there, else you are a non-social.
But we all know OP is a fat neckbeard nerd faggot.
t. 10yr in public administration then freelance for obvius reasons