Do you think he browses Jow Forums?
Do you think he browses Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
He does. You can catch a glimpse of Jow Forums on several of his videos.
I'm fucking tired of hearing about this guy, he is greedier than any kike, crazy ego, just a bad guy that looks good and has the most insipid views on shit.
Plugging his merch 15 times / video.
Selling out for porn games.
idk if getting rich makes you crazy but it certainly looks like it.
That and /gif/
Brad made that message and yes, pewdiepie and his editors are confirmed Jow Forumsfags.
Pewdiepie also browses /a/, /v/, and /gif/. The media knows he's /our guy/, that's why they're trying so hard to end him.
He's not a secret Nazi like they say but he's definitely right wing and libertarian,
well he should act like it then, until then he's just another commie E celeb faggot
The jew is afraid
>your skin will turn inside out
So true.
If you're still not convinced he does, you're fucking retarded
stop being so jealous that an aryan man is making money schlomo, and get rid of that non-israeli flag
Really, did he do anything against (((them))) except apologize every time like a good goy ?
I just don't understand what he did except make fun of 2-3 crazy feminists to deserve your praise.