The latest government shutdown proves Anakin right

>ANAKIN: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problems, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.
>PADME: That is exactly what we do. The trouble is that people don't always agree. In fact, they hardly ever do.
>ANAKIN: Then they should be made to.
>PADME: By whom? Who's going to make them?
>ANAKIN: I don't know. Someone.
>PADME: You?
>ANAKIN: Of course not me.
>PADME: But someone.
>ANAKIN: Someone wise.
>PADME: That sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me.
>ANAKIN: Well, if it works...

They will never agree. Nothing will get done. Taxpayer money will be perpetually wasted. Lives will continue to be ruined or outright lost. Was Palpatine really a bad guy for wanting the power to maintain law and order in the galaxy? Would we not all be better off right now if Trump could just build the damn wall as he sees fit?

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>casually bring up why fascism is good while on a date
Jesus christ how did he ever get laid?

Theres no point in caring about anything like that because you'll never change anything and just make yourself more stressed out in the long run.

cause he's handsome, based, and redpilled

women want to be dominated and made to obey

>Everything would actually get better if everyone were just told what to do all the time. Actually I would like getting told what to do if it was someone I liked doing it, and if he fucked over the ones I don't like but am too scared to confront or say anything about in public
Cringe thread OP

Because he’s not a coward too afraid of potentially offending someone with his honest opinion. She can also see that even though she disagrees with him, his heart is in the right place, that he really does want to make the universe a better place.

sneed haha

If an elected official actually had the power to make changes for the betterment of the country rather than nothing ever getting done because of a gridlocked senate then things would most certainly be better.

>>ANAKIN: We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problems, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it.
name one thing that is in the best interests of all the people