> ‘The BBFC will look at the methods age verification systems use to verify people are 18, so for instance, a name and adress wouldn’t be enough – but a scan of a driving licence or a credit card and CVV number would be OK.’
> MindGeek is an internet porn giant which owns Pornhub, YouPorn and pay porn sites such as Brazzers, and will use its own separate AgeID system. It’s not yet clear whether all porn sites will accept all age verification systems.
The verification companies are owned by porn sites and they will get to choose which porn sites are allowed on their verification service. The government is basically giving Mindgeek a monopoly on porn.
Now the government is going to force people to give them their credit card details if they want to see anything raunchier than the bra section in the Argos catalogue.
On one hand this is the government controlling our freedoms on the other I don't care because I'm a hopeless porn addict. They wont be able to implement it and if they block Jow Forums I'll just get a VPN
Connor Flores
Yeah, but still women will dress like roastie sluts and barf in the nude on High Street.
Cheers, bong.
Jace Richardson
Good. Porn is a fucking terrible affliction on society
Liam Adams
expect massive underground porn sites
all this will do is make 3d loli easier to find
Juan Stewart
What about Jow Forums, will it be classed as a porn site? What about adult content on sites like DeviantArt? What about non-approved porn on actual porn sites? A lot of fetish stuff is banned in the UK.
Ryder Watson
this has been on the "any day now" list for at least five years has never happened will never happen anyone who uncritically believes anything that appears in the metro needs their head testing