What the fuck is wrong with this absolute buffoon?

what the fuck is wrong with this absolute buffoon?

is anybody legitimately annoyed they supported this faggot during the election? He has zero fucking idea what he's doing; its like putting a 15 year old in office

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t. kike

t. jew

Smells like distraction and fake news

time to make the Federal Reserve publicly owned so AOC and company can fix this shithole


What the fuck do you yanks what them to do about the trillions of QE? Just allow hyperinflation to take hold?

can you just talk about the headline you posted?

Ausy ausy ausy

>its like putting a 15 year old in office

you are being too kind. more like a 5 year old. but the thing is, there were countless articles before the election, not all on HuffPo, about how incompetent and dishonest and self-centered he is.

the problem was the DNC forcing Hillary on the dems. not that bernie would have been any better.

anyway, if we survive til 2020 empress Kamala will make us Wakanda again.

Can we wait until CD rates are back up to like 8% before firing the guy. I dont trust having my money in wall st after the .com bust.

Fuck the FED

I think thats something liberals and conservatives can agree upon. Can we get horse face in on this to fire up the nonwhite base?

Please explain why keeping rates at the same rate or lowering rates makes sense

Reminder: you want to be able to reduce rates in a recession

Reminder: you have a corporate debt to gdp ratio higher than all history

Reminder: you have trillions of new dollars created over the past 10 years from QE

Reminder that in late 2015, Janet Yellen and the Fed gave strong indications that hiking the interest was necessary and would occur. But then Obama called Yellen into a meeting, and it was postponed. Obviously nobody knew that Trump would win at the time, but the most likely scenario is that Obama did not want a second recession during his Presidency. Especially not in his last few months in office, since it'd be blamed on him and tarnish his legacy. And Yellen, like the coward she was, obliged.

The interest rate should have been hiked then. And it still needs to be hiked, in order to avoid an even bigger fucking disaster down the line than the one we're currently facing. But I can sort of understand why Trump is salty. Obama was given a political gift package by the Fed, and the moment Trump walked into office, they decided it was time to pop the bubble. Still, it needs to happen.

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What makes you think your ideas about the solutions for various problems are the correct ones? Do you feel that the rightness of your opinions is self-evident to anyone of your intelligence?

God. You can almost smell the cum in your breath.

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Should have started hiking in 2011-2012
But expansion of fiat is only way to keep ponzi alive

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Trump begged for the rates to go up
He should know not to ask for others what he himself will not

Source on that?

To unjew the American economy, one must start with the Fed

>liking the federal reserve and anyone who willingly works there

Suck more dick, faggot

So if someone fucks up and crashes the economy Trump should do nothing?
Just because foul powell was put as head of the fed doesn't give him free reign to do what he wants

Nevermind, found it.

>Before winning the White House, Trump had publicly complained for years that the Fed was too loose with the U.S. money supply. Trump was a critic of Fed policy under Yellen’s predecessor at the Fed, Ben Bernanke, protesting his moves to keep interest rates low and prop up the economy after the financial crisis just before Obama took office.

Goes to show that he at least isn't financially retarded, and is only acting out because he's salty that they gave Obama a free pass, and then decided to pop the bubble when he stepped into office. He wants to do what Obama did, which is shove the problem onto the next guy. It's a scummy, but understandable tactic.


Trumps own mouth

Its easy if you dont do something stupid like a trade war and trillion dollar budget fuckup

Trump put his own guy in so he can fire him and audit the fuckers

He's going to normiesphere the FED and what they are

The next person is chosen by the fed

>there's a natural rate but it only exists for republicans

Well, he isn't wrong though. He's saying exactly what I've been saying.

>“Any increase at all will be a very, very small increase because they want to keep the market up so Obama goes out and let the new guy ... raise interest rates ... and watch what happens in the stock market,” Trump said.

He's just mad that Obama managed to pressure the Fed into postponing the recession, while he gets flack for trying to do the same thing.

This recession has been in the making for many, many years. Ideally the bubble should have popped around 2015/2016. And no, it isn't because "muh Obama bad policy". Neither is this coming recession about the trade war or Trump financial policies.

The question isn't if they should raise rates. I think even Trump would agree they have been low for a while. The question is why are they raising it so fucking fast. Even investors are thinking wtf is this dick head doing?

Not if he abolishes the fed

Because anyone can see the next recession is closer than it is far, and you need to get rates up to be able to drop them. If you only go up 25 basis points a year or something you'll never give yourself enough room to stimulate when you drop rates.

Look how little wiggle room you've left yourselves. It's a new situation. Wouldn't you rather hedge your bets and give yourself more wiggle room than be close to 0% and have no options but negative rates?

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Trump burned his capitoltoo fast and made no attempts to integrate from his self proclaimed outsider status
Its a selfmade problem

Recessions are cyclic, just like how it was a year before obama for the last one

Looks like we should just get rid of the fed, right rabbi?

What’s the problem... Rome had a few 15 year old leaders

The Feds role is illegitimate, we don’t need Cuckneysian policy jerking the interest rate around. Peg the money supply at 2% a year and just get your fucking hands off it.


decent read

Yes ideally but you've just run QE for 10 years so you can't just ignore those trillions of liquidity

What he should do , is pull a JFK and get the treasury to start printing. No interest Silver Certificate Notes from the US Treasury. Re-send LBJ's executive order stopping JFK's monetary policy. It would take half of 2019 to set it up. By 2020 it would be printing. This would counter the FED. Also put them on notice.

>not realizing this isn’t out of the blue

This is whataboutism, but I wonder what that graph would look like in the Hilary time-line. I agree with you the Fed needs room to do its job, but I pretty confident those rates wouldnt be approaching those rises in her time line. Which ironically could be because the economy wouldn't be doing as good.

I'll agree that Trump is one of the catalysts to the coming recession. But that isn't a bad thing. Again, this bubble should have popped two years ago. The longer it's allowed to grow, the harder we'll faceplant.
Which is why I'm arguing for increasing the interest rates as fast as they're currently doing, so that the Fed at least have something in their toolbox to stimulate the economy when we reach bottom.

And once again, Trump being salty about the Fed doing what's necessary is solely due to the fact that Obama was allowed to shove the problem onto the next guy, while he is not. Had the Fed began increasing the interest rate at this pace when they should have in early 2016, the stock market would look exactly like it does now during the final months of Obamas presidency, which is a political nightmare.

A 5 year-old would be smart enough not to let Satanic Jews create a central bank in his country to eradicate geographically contiguous bloodlines.

Trump will end the Fed and send the Rothschilds back to their father the Devil

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>negative interest

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No goyim you can't let the economy do too well, you need to cool it off. We know what's best, the interest rates need to rise.

What are you talking about? A high interest rate indicates a "strong" economy. The Fed drops the interest rate to stimulate the economy. The lower the interest rate is, the more people will borrow. The more people borrow, the more they spend. The more people spend, the more jobs are created. Etc.

Aussieman is right on all counts.

They want low interest rates to boost the US economy (it has been slowing down, to a limited extent)

The issue is that doing so would mean that the Fed has less options available when the next crisis hits. Cutting interest rates is one of the few things the Fed can do in a crisis, after all.

The only option if interests rates were 0.25-1% a la Britbong, most of Europe, etc. would be to reduce interest rates to the negative, in a desperate attempt to revive the economy.
Realistically the same tools would just be utilized by the US treasury if the Fed was abolished. Either that or you go back to frequent panics, and events like J.P. Morgan having to bail out the US economy.
See my two points above, its really all the Fed can do considering the incoming financial crisis. The issue is that the world economy hasn't actually recovered much from 2008, at least not for average people. The next crash could lead to global political realignment out of necessity.
The Fed isn't a great organisation- it is too shady and unregulated, as well as overly private- the government alone should issue currency- but its options considering the incoming storm are limited.

Oh def
The humor is in the monkey paw and getting what you ask for

And nah, the stock market under Obama was way closer to fundamental
Popping then was good
But Obama wantrd to spike it on Hilarry
That Trump won is also fine

Nice flag kike

That's what I said though? They wouldn't be raising it as much as they are now because I don't believe the Clinton economy would be as strong as Trumps. Rate hikes at this speed wouldn't work in her time line.

everytime you guys say this you increase the likelyhoo

>Popping then was good
Yeah, popping the bubble when the interest rate was at 0% would have been good. Nigger what?

Look, I don't give a fuck about the politics of either Trump or Obama. As far as I'm concerned, they're both unlikable cunts. I care about economics. You obviously know fuckall about financial markets and how they work, and you only use this shit to spew buzzwords because of your disdain for Trump, just like the retards you oppose who tried to pin the 2008 recession on Obama.

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The US's biggest problem with QE is that very little went into domestic infrastructure, both public and private. Most of it was used to build megafactories in China and give Americans cheap consumer goods.

I would be pushing for Negative rates if I was Trump, coupled with even stricter trade terms and his Infrastructure package. Otherwise any hope of getting domestic strength back up will be small once the recession kicks into high gear.

I see that now. I'm illiterate.


Pumping the rates up 5 years ago to slow the capitol flight from tangibles is my game.
I see nontangible speculation stuff as bad


If you don't think for one second that Trump wasn't the people's revenge against the elites and globalists you're a literal brainlet. The chaos and grief he's causing is exactly what we wanted him to do.

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OP thinks OP would make a better president. OP didn't run for president. Therefore, OP is a faggot. The law of 4s.


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If its so easy to shoot up a school why isn't anyone shooting up the Rothschilds in their homes? Something actually productive, you know? Liberals BTFO mic drop bitches.

backtoreddit, your formatting is a dead give way, yid

you too, nigger, back toreddit

>I would be pushing for Negative rates if I was Trump, coupled with even stricter trade terms and his Infrastructure package.

He doesn't have time, and never did. The writing has been on the wall for 3 years now. We're getting that recession, and there's nothing anyone but the Fed can do about it. The only thing we can pray for is that the Fed manages to get the interest rate up to +5% before it really kicks in. If not, this shit will probably get a lot fucking worse than 2008, and last a lot longer.


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What’s crazy is people believing interest rates should go up and down for money that is nothing more than paper. Changing inerest made some sense when money was actually based on metal, but nowadays this is just a way prevent the goym from living debt free.

Please God, if you're listening; give us the strength to dismantle the federal reserve.

That's what happens when we have a world economy built on a foundation of debt.

>Increase rates. Slow down lending. Bubble pops
>Decrease rates. Encourage lending. Encourage spending. More jobs
>Each cycle, goyim has more debt relative to assets
>Repeat ad infinitum

Does this make you sad user?

Poor baby is sad :( let us all look at the sad user and share in his sadness.