90 percent of the weapons taken from ISIS were from China, Russia and eastern bloc countries

Are you intelligent? Do you own a burner phone? You too can become extremely wealthy supplying weapons to insurgents throughout the world. The climate and setting is going to be perfect for the next 30 years. Get in while you can.

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Learn to read mutt

Wait, sorry i didt read your post kek


Romanian AK 47. So new and exciting. Practically everyone wants them like the army grade 9mm Berettas.

The elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about.

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hol up ISIS be using g36s?

This. Dumb westerners keep blaming jews when chinks can simply outjew everyone

>US 1.8
yeah sure thing shlomo, we surely have weapons more than food, so many in fact that we can give to our most hated group: muslims

There is no way to send a message outside of the united states without nsa & dhs knowing. DONT SUPPORT CHINA or CHINESE INTERESTS, EVER! "Burners" are a myth.

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90% came from Israel

WTF is this 12.1% all about?

I'd say China's source is its Uyghur region, but how many of those Eastern European weapons are just Cold War era weapons that have been in Europe for decades?


Dumb fucking Mutts, the CIA, Israelis and Saudis purchase these weapons from outher countries and send them to their Wahabbist dogs
Why the fuck do you think Saudis are buying massive shipments of AKs from Serbia when they don't even use the same fucking ammo

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we make AKs, that's true, but we don't directly sell/give them to muslims, lmao?
We probably sell them to NATO members, many of which probably sell them to sandniggers, think of France or something.

So at a second thought OP's picture is not wrong, we MAKE that many, but we don't sell/give them to shitskins.


Lmao, no one is dumb enough to believe this shit, right?

Can someone explain this image to a retard? Wouldn't china be able to buy cheaper oil if Israel didn't hold a pipeline monopoly? Why would they fund terrorist organizations to destabilize the middle east?

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It only means that they have AK's nothing else.

Why on Earth would you capitalize "Mutts?"

It's country of origin not the middlemen sellers who are more likely than not the Jews.

At some even Finland bought shit load of Chinese AK as they were stupidly cheap.


Who gave Iraqi insurgents thousands of QW-1s that were fired at American aircraft in iraq?

Who sold the Iraqi insurgents shaped charges that were used as IEDs to destroy heavy armor?

Who supported, trained and let Iraqi insurgents use their land to fight Americans in Iraq?

The games have only just started. The revenge is sweet. And very lucrative. The demand for weapons in southwest Asia is going to be overwhelming. Start making connections now. This is big business.

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too much is talked about (((them))) in Jow Forums, when it's been said before the chinese admire the formers' subversive ways
the fact that seldom is talked about the chinese could be explained by an active campaign of supressing and diverting, sponsored by the state with the most active online subversive force these days

The weapons from Eastern block countries are bought and paid for by the Americans and Saudi.
The Russian ones are probably loots from the SAA
China sells weapons there to test their toys and make profits.

>us 1.8 %

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> (OP) (You)
>The weapons from Eastern block countries are bought and paid for by the Americans and Saudi.
>The Russian ones are probably loots from the SAA
>China sells weapons there to test their toys and make profits.

It's going to be glorious watching chinese and Russians getting blown in half. Love ya.

REALLY? were you getting your info

i'v never seen Isis using China weapons
>i never seen type-98 rifles QBU-88 snipers , PF-98 anti tank launchers , HJ-8 anti tank missiles

I have seen Isis use a mishmash of US and Russian weapons
> M4's ,M16s203's Barret 50 snipers, m24, sniper rifles, G36's,mp5's ,uzi's M240's,M60's
Ak47/74's, RPK's ,PKM's - Metis anti tank,m9133Kornet anti tank launcher , AT4 launcher ,Javelin launcher ,Dshk

Modern China is like the Asian Jew nation in many ways and the other Asians are redpillled on it. Saying that Mao's handler was Israel Epstein and China is ZOG too it seems

Exactly this. Israel gave ISIS and other terror groups hospital treatments. ISIS attack's every nation standing up to Israel like Syria in the region but never Israel and Saudi. They did terror attacks in France after France supported Palestine and appeared in the Philipines after Duterte goes anti Rothschild and murders Japanese journalists when Japan voted pro Palestine its obvious what's going on

So you're saying the EU is responsible for half the deaths in Syria.

пpoдaвaмe кaлaши и шиeeeeeeeт

> (OP) (You)
>So you're saying the EU is responsible for half the deaths in Syria.
Learn to add bong.

How do I get into the business, mr. Yuri?

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fake and gay, most are from israel and US

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You have no idea. The games have just begun. Enjoy the show. Cheers.

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Bullshit. Anyone who had seen ISIS videos knows how many M16s and M4s they have.
There's a video where pissed off Russian speaking ISIS members show the weapons they got from abroad. They were fond of some sort of "Colombian" M16s. Were these CIA provided?
Also they were real mad at Ukrainians who sent them broken ATGMs. The video is hillaruous because of how mad they are, literally called Ukrainians worse kuffar than Russians.

The eternal (((HungAryan))) - incites wars, finances wars.

Also pretty sure they got some from that Fast and Furious thing.

Dumb post. The chinks are selling everything to everyone these days

Could you at least learn to provide a source? Jow Forums users become more retarded by the hour.

the source might be tagging everything as norinco knockoffs, which explains the high percentage given to china