What goes on here?

What goes on here?

I heard it's run by some kind of cult.

Attached: redding-vicinity-map.jpg (393x435, 29K)

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in the top ten sunniest places in america, 6 are in arizona but the number 1 spot goes to redding california
sometimes. its complicated

My brother spent 8 years living at various hippie communes across the US and Canada. There are weird cults all over the country, some weirder than others, but mostly they're just hippies.

The state of Oklafornia / Califlunkya.

seems like evangelical is an understatement

Actually it's yuma.

I was hitchhiking there one time and an old man picked me up from an I-5 on ramp in south Redding. He said he was going to Burney and instead of waiting and checking my map, I hopped in and said, "Sure. If it's out of the way, I'll just bail out at the next exit." We started driving up the 5.

The old man, who was about 75, then told me he was gay and propositioned me. I said, "No, sorry. I'm not into that." Then there was an awkward silence. I unfolded my map and found that his exit was only a couple miles away. I said, "Oh, your exits just a couple miles up ahead, on the right. I'll hop off there." I point out the 1 mile sign and then tell him to turn right to get to Burney but he takes a left-hand exit to go the other way. I'm like, "Where are you going? Your exit's that way." Then he says, "Uh, I think I might get some McDonald's." Then I got scared and said just let me out. But he's like, "It looks like it's going to rain." I'm like, "whatever, let me out." Luckily we pulled up to a stop light. I yanked my pack out of the back seat (the back doors of the van didn't open) and jumped out. And then it started raining.

Also, I saw an interesting pamphlet about Northern Separation. NorCal wants to be their own state.

Almost looks like mind control.

The northern cali southern Oregon thing is called the State of Jefferson. If people here in Oregon would just get their head out of their ass, it would be a thing already

Or MDMA. Probably MDMA.


Attached: Jefferson.jpg (768x511, 60K)

Only a leaf would get a ride with someone he doesn’t know. You could have died you dumb fuck.

Redding is interesting. Huge church community there called Bethel, they're pretty kooky. The kind of Christians that go up to strangers and just start praying for them. Kind of cool, kind of crazy.

I was there last summer in august. Literally 115 degrees during the day, it was unbearable. My friend has some land up on a mountain, totally off grid. Seems like the area has a lot of folks like that.

Real Northern Californians don’t want to join Oregon! Fucking disgusting! We have nothing in common.

we're not so crazy about you either but we want Mt Shasta.

Pretty much my experience when dealing with people from redding.

he has whitegirl syndrome

Last in-n-out if you're heading north.

Also, buncha cartel weed grow/biz stuff

Idk. I was just there a couple months ago for a wild fire

There's In and Outs in Medford now

Lots of weed farmers, trimmers/drifters, etc.

Nope. Last in n out is Medford Oregon.



Californians need to stay the fuck out of Oregon!

What did you see? Besides fire.

I was a 26 yr old, 6' tall, 200lb white male. I hitchhiked halfway down the Pacific coast, armed with a knife and bear spray. This encounter with a gay 75 yr old was the only time I felt genuinely threatened.

Stay safe in your bedroom faggot.


Well my family is from there and my uncle got into meth and shit when he was younger and told me he heard there were "baby farms"... iunno how legit that claim is

Also, in Red Bluff, there was a guy who kept a woman hostage under his bed for years... he was well known in the community and everyone was shocked to hear about it.

Any more detail? This definitely is Pizzagate.

Why are all the videos going against bethel so badly edited?

So creepy. Little is known about it. That's why.

This video has crap editing, but it's good info.

>it's run by some kind of cult.
Yeah, that cult is called judaism

Yes. Remember the Pelzer Finders stuff? The Finders' West Coast base was in San Francisco. This could be directly related.

Frail old man picks you up as you described, why do you like to lie on the internet, that makes Jesus cry?

Handgun beats all of that.


The New Apostolic Reformation

It is a 100% true story. If you want the long version, I'll happily share it.

So how do I go about obtaining a gun as a Canadian hitchhiking through the US?

That's where the ayys are

I just moved to medford 2 weeks ago. Can confirm

you may be surprised how long a man can remain threatening.

I positioned myself on the on-ramp off E Cypress and held out my thumb; no cardboard sign this time. After only about twenty minutes (and seeing at least three police cars go past, without seeming to mind me) an econoline van pulled over. I was so excited that someone had stopped so soon. I went up to the window. It was an old man driving, probably seventy-five years old. “I’m going up to 299,” he said. “Not sure how far it is.” I wasn’t either.
“Oh, okay. Umm…” I was gonna pull out the map and check but decided just to take the ride. “Well, if it’s an interstate exit, I’ll just get off there and catch another ride on the ramp.” I figured it would be another relatively busy on-ramp so I went and grabbed my pack.
“The back door don’t open. It’s broken,” the man said. So I stuffed my pack through the front seat into the back of the van. The interior had shag carpeting on the dash, around the centre console, and on the floor. I closed the door and we pulled up onto I-5.

Attached: blazeit.jpg (194x259, 6K)

I was digging through my small tote bag looking for the map when the man said, “I’m gay.” I wasn’t sure I had heard him.
“Sorry, what?”
“I’m gay. What do you think of that?” Unsure of what he was asking, thinking perhaps he was trying to start a debate about gay marriage or something political, I replied candidly.
“I have no problem with that.” There was about fifteen seconds of silence. I had found the map and was unfolding it.
“Are you gonna do anything?” he said. The implication was clear. He was propositioning me.
“No, no. I’m not gonna do anything.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not into that.” There was another fifteen seconds of silence. I had found northern California on the map and found the 299 exit, which was merely on the north end of Redding. “Oh, your exit’s just a couple miles ahead.”
“Oh,” he said. “I don’t know where it is. Tell me when you see it. I’m going to Burney.”
Just then we passed a sign that said, ‘Exit 299 1 ½ miles.’
“Okay, here it is. A mile and a half. The exit’s on the right. I’ll get off here.”

Attached: blazeit2.jpg (1088x598, 54K)

“It looks like it might rain,” he said. I gazed up through the windshield at the overcast sky, fairly annoyed that he would bring up the weather.
“Well, maybe,” I said shortly. At the 299 exit, instead of taking the eastbound exit towards Burney, he veered to the intersection to turn left. “Where are you going? You’re supposed to go right.”
“I think I’m gonna look for a McDonald’s or something.” My instincts starting sizing him up, looking to see if there were any weapons in plain sight. I was convinced that I could overpower him if he tried to take me anywhere.
“Just let me out here.” We were stopped at a red light.
“There’s traffic behind us.” I opened the door, yanked my pack out of the back of the van with some difficulty and dropped it on the road. The light had already turned green. I grabbed my tote and pulled all my stuff onto the curb by the traffic lights. I slid my pack on and crossed to the on-ramp a few hundred yards away...

Attached: goldblum.png (854x658, 557K)

and much more. Shasta is a major portal. too important to leave in the hands of Calfags.


Kek a knife and spray you really are a fucking leaf. White girl syndrome indeed

Just seemed like another commiefornia town to me.

You are really a lead faggot. You could of lied and said a handgun but you had to safe spray. KEK!! You truly are an idiot. Next time you won’t be so lucky and a pack of sand nigs will get
You hopefully your knife and spray work.

My first solo ride on a freight train was through there, in part. It was a good time.

This is evidence that you have never traveled in your life. What reason would I have to lie?

Lived in redding for 10 years. Redding and anderson are full of tweakers, cv is full of niggers from Chicago who killed the street gangs down there. And mountain gate is full of inbred tweakers on bass drive.

Its the last stop in the prison bus systen so every day more pedophiles with nowhere to go pour into caldwell park to be homeless and jack off at kids kingdom.

The cult you hear about is the megachurch called bethel. By far the biggest lobbying company there, fucking up the housing market with people from LA, paying 10 grand for a "religious studies" certificate.

Do not go down there , your missing nothing i promise you.