What do you think morally about plastic surgery?

What do you think morally about plastic surgery?

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What specific do you mean?

Breast augmentation, lips fillers, fat grafting, abdominoplasties, rhynoplasties, brow liftings, etc.

I think it cheapens humanity as a whole and ruins women who are naturally beautiful. Of course I feel the same way about piercings and tattoos, especially on gingers.

Gingers are proof god loves us. They're holy angels. Defacing them is just like pissing on the baby jesus.

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Unless you actually need it like you have a skin condition or your burned up, then it's pointless and a waste of money. It shows once your skin sags

I don't care; if it's aesthetically pleasing so be it. If it's garish and ugly, whatever. God is dead; do what you want.

I’m talking about following it as a career not for myself.

I think that it's basically lying about who YOU are, trying to pass yourself off as who you want to be. Same with make-up.

Of course there's a line between a white lie and a serious one, I'm sure you can tell which is which.

Did you mean state your stance on the matter and wait for people to echo your sentiment?

In that case, you're going to be helping to fabricate the lie people feel they need to be able to tell.

Would never date a girl who has had it or has talked about it casually. I remember my ex one time brought it up casually and I kind of wanted to be like 'wtf?' We broke up and sometimes when I feel bad about it I remember her saying that and it sort of makes me feel better

You gonna end up super rich. Every single real doc will be like a hobo compared to you. You will be the living proof that saving lives of poor people is less profitable than "fixing" appearance of rich people.

I wish you good luck and consider getting some kind of insurance so when inevitably some rich dude will sue you because his nose didnt work out as he wanted you wont go bankrupt.

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I see it as minor tweaks which can improve self esteem and confidence.

Thank you kind sir.

>Would never date a girl who has had it or has talked about it casually
>Proceeds to share anecdote that implies otherwise
Ideals Status:
[] Kept
[X] Unkept

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Adding a boost kit doesn't turn your POS Honda into a racecar, no matter how much you hope it does nor how much you pay for it, bar taking it completely apart and literally building a racecar.

Well I didn't know she had thoughts like that and she brought them up a couple days before we broke up, so in the end it's probably good

>what is an analogy
But it makes it look different, which is the goal. That's also why it's called "Cosmetic Surgery" friendo

Agreed, yet most people aren’t looking for a total makeover. It’s often small things that bothered them for a long time e.g: nose or chin.

Fine if you're fixing an actual deformity, beyond that it's a sign that someone is extremely vain. Not quite a dealbreaker, but a red flag for sure.

So you're saying the goal is just difference, not becoming unanimously better?

Cosmetically better, sure. But a lift kit won't affect performance; they're slapped on to change the look of the car and no one goes into a boob job thinking, "With these I'll sure be better at jogging," they just want bigger tits.
By "different" I meant it changed the aesthetic; better or worse is subjective when dealing with cosmetics.

if you're being responsible with your money I don't see the problem. It's your money, spend it on cosmetic surgery if you want. I don't really see any difference between this and laser hair removal, getting into body-building, or even something less permanent like getting a manicure or expensive haircut.

You only get to live once, so why not look they way you want to look? Life is too short to cater to other people's expectations. If you're self conscious about something and can afford to have it changed, I'm all for it.

Saying someone who wants to get cosmetic surgery is automatically vain seems like a projection, to be honest.

I said boost, not lift, which wouldn't matter anyway because lift kits do change performance, but that's not the point.
People go into cosmetic surgery thinking that their lives would be better, if only they could just readjust the geometry of their face or body into one they personally find pleasant. It doesn't always work out that way, however, sometimes people end up with botched jobs that they won't win a medical malpractice suit against.

My entire point is that plastic surgeons advertise a substandard product that offers no help to the individual, at least in the Hollywood setting which is what I thought OP wanted to join. If all they want to do is try their hardest to reconstruct the face a victim of an attack then it's all good IMO, as long as they don't go full Christ Restoration.

That's why you go to someone who's double board certified in something besides PS, because straight PS doctors cannot be trusted.

To each their own, I've said my p(ie)(ea)ce.

I think it's fine. Do what makes you feel good. If it makes you feel good, just do it.

Think about braces, how is (good) plastic surgery really any different from correcting your teeth with braces?

Red flag/would never date anyone that went under the knife in the name of beauty.

As long as you don't go for cheap surgery which is pretty sure to bite you in the ass post-OP, go ahead.

t. user who is happy with her nosejob, went from jew nose to chiseled-cute nose

As long as it's not being forced on someone, I could give less of a shit.

It's not a moral issue unless force or deception is involved. It's usually just a matter of aesthetics and is ill-advised on those grounds: the results of most of it look like shit.

Should be considered a human right in the modern era. Living as even an average human being simply isn't worth it anymore.

i don't care as long as they look mostly like they did before the surgeries. if i had a bf who had a nose job because he was insecure i would be fine with it, because i know what it's like to hate a part of yourself that you can't change without surgery. havent done any work to myself as of now though.

They're good if they're good
they're horrifying and soul wrenching when they're botched

I'm curious, so is your assertion is that there are honest and dishonest ways to feel good about yourself? That paying someone to fix something about your body that makes you feel bad about yourself is a lie? If you naturally have bad acne would getting cortisone shots be a lie? What about if you have really thick eyebrows that grow in the mirror and you get the hair laser removed? Would that be a lie? I mean, technically these are all just cosmetic issues, right? Is fixing superficial issues you have with your body for the sake of boosting your self-esteem all dishonest or do you draw a line somewhere?

Repulsive that doctors like that exist and destroys the notion that medicine is not about profit

Ugliness is an ailment and they're remedying it. What's wrong with that?

>Ugliness is an ailment
No it is not
>they're remedying it
They're modifying a human's face because of their twisted vanity, reinforcing the problem (which is psychological) and not fixing it

Because user's distaste for plastic surgery stems from some internalized insecurity about his own appearance. No reasonable person is "repulsed" by the fact that plastic surgeons exist.

>They're modifying a human's face because of their twisted vanity, reinforcing the problem (which is psychological) and not fixing it
Your grasp on the concept of vanity is so one-dimensional and childish.

There isn't any other reason for non reparation cosmetic surgery

You haven't met enough aspiring plastic surgeons

If you're ugly, you can't find a mate. Unless you're an SJW, sex is agreed upon to be one of the basic survival needs of any animal that reproduces with it i.e. damn near all of them.

>There isn't any other reason for non reparation cosmetic surgery
Like I said, your grasp on the concept is so infantile. You equate self-esteem with vanity so readily because for some reason anyone caring about what they look like, whether in their own eyes or the eyes of others is offensive to you.

"Vanity" permeates our every day existence, user. Every time you look in the closet for something to wear that day and choose not to wear something because you've gained some weight or makes your body look strange you're participating in vanity. Every time you comb your hair or pop a pimple or get excited about buying a new piece of clothing or pluck a hair, trim a beard or put on deodorant or cologne of any kind. On some level you do these things because they're social norms; you realize that stinking and refusing to wear deodorant will result in negative reactions at school or work but on another level you, just like every other human, likes to look in the mirror and be happy at what you see.

The reason people get plastic surgery is the same reason we do literally anything else concerning our appearance; we want people to like the way we look and we want to feel good about yourself. The fact that you're so vehemently opposed to people altering their bodies in ways to just feel better about themselves when they look in the mirror says way more about your fucked up psychology than theirs.

I do not.

I've seen too many women get plastic surgery that makes them look worse. Only gooks should look good with plastic surgery imo.

>sex is agreed upon to be one of the basic survival needs of any animal
You realise this statement implies you can die from a lack of sex? I'd like to see some proof for that

Not disagreeing with what you've said, everybody is guilty of vanity to some extent, but to be willing to modify your face for a very high price crosses a certain line. I don't think a doctor should be willing to do that.

>no sex = suicide.
Same as socialization my guy.

That's clearly a psychological problem moron

I’ve worked in for a plastic surgeon since I was 13. Seen basically every single augmentation/procedure you can see. Since I grew up around it, I can tell what’s good work and what’s bad work, have lots of experience dealing with patients, and although I’m sort of numb to it, I’m still extremely critical of surgeons and patients and ethical/unethical procedures.

If you get your shit done to look natural, even if it was like EVERYTHING done, you probably have a good head on your shoulders

If you wanna look like a bimbo or all your work on your bod and face look like shit, you’re probably fucking crazy

It really isn’t a moral issue. One thing though is that it’s extremely important for patients to be as confident as they possibly can be prior to the surgery. If they’re not, they’ll nit pick at everything they don’t like about their knew boobs or lips or nose almost like Dysmorphia and basically become a plastic surgery monster

Clearly you're pretty vain if you're belittling psychological problems.


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