Organizer of Antifa attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems

Seems important

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Other urls found in this thread:ín_Alcoff

He's butthurt because tucker absolutely demolished his ugly longneck faggot cuck ass on national tv

Jews are going to jew.

Jose Martin
Joseph Alcoff

or just Jew

Castle doctrine

kek, the absolute embodyment of a low test, soiboi, beta cuck.
His wrists must be so limp it's a wonder he can feed himself at all.

He is fed fresh semen anally

That's a jew, i can tell by the pixels and seeing quite a few jews in my time

Here he is

Give me his dox and we'll see if he can throat 9 inches of barrel. Or if he can take a load of 00 shot in his shitter without spilling a drop.

Tucker wasn't even attacked nor was his home. It was a protest

LMAO you guys are pathetic.

Hahah you will literally do nothing.

Search up his surname. His family are the kings of leftists.

journalists, please stop posting extremist shit so you can report on it

His mother says he lives in the same street that her.

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don't you get annoyed when it's "every single time"?

i get annoyed at fat burgers

Sounds like straight from the boat

Bump because this is an important story.

What makes it important is that this guy is so tight with several well-known democrats that it would be impossible for them to purge all of the videos that are out there of him hob-nobbing with the democrats.

Beware, mods are banning for talking about this guy with info from DC article. His mother teaches at Hunter College and City University.

Oh look !
>It's an Asiatic nigger / Translation = Jew

Pure cohencidence.

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Really? I don't think this would violate the rules, since the person they are talking about is a fairly well know TV commentator, appearing on MSNBC and other networks on a fairly regular basis.

The DC article doesn't give away anything that isn't already known. They don't, for example, give his address.

Instead, they simply show public posts under one name, public posts under a different name, and public appearances at democrat meetings and on TV.

Again, I don't see this as a violation of either the letter or the spirit of any rules chan.

I can't post his dox here cause it's against the rules. But let's just say him and his families lives will be a living hell for a long time

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was meant for

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What's the redline under a post mean, fren?

We have to stop these kikes.

israelis are redpilled. the main problem is with the american/euro jews

Democrat foot soldiers then and now.

Attached: antifa kkk.jpg (631x426, 86K)

Mods are banning for posting his name and discussing information in the article. Be wary.

>Organizer of (((Antifa))) attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems

Attached: tucker on (((elites))).jpg (1452x869, 290K)

>Jews are going to jew.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now.

Fuck off, JIDF.

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This, it's so fucking obvious when they do it aswell

Oh, I believe you forgot that his wife was still home and feared for her life. And they still broke his property by slamming into the door, cracking it.

So it wasn't a protest Mr. Ironically fascist Ant-Fascist.

man Thunderfoot isn't looking so good these days

Bumping for greater distribution of the truth.

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A kike. Who knew. WHO.

wrong dude faggot, long neck is a Berkely fag

if he spat on me i'd tear his fucking throat out

>A kike. Who knew. WHO.
Wow what a surprise, LOL

Attached: _Jew Detected.gif (500x500, 745K)

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Thanks for the links. Jews could be genocided twice over, and it still wouldn't be enough to punish them for all the evil they've done.


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This is the jewess who bred this filthy JEWín_Alcoff

Attached: Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, and Milton Friedman.jpg (402x482, 114K)