How do I get over the fact I'll never experience prime teen pussy
How do I get over the fact I'll never experience prime teen pussy
By understanding it feels the same as never experiencing eating frozen pizza raw that's 6 months past expiry date.
You still can lol, I'm 23 and find 15yos willing to fuck for a weekend often. Its a meme pushed by society you can't get it.
The last time I hooked up with a 16 year old I was 25
>in b4 FBI
not American, and it's legal here
and also teen pussy is a bit of a meme. It's not like this 16 year old girl was an innocent virgin who just wanted senpai to notice her, she had more sexual partners than I ever did and I'm as close to a normie as possible. I did have sex with a virgin once but she was my age and we were both 19
I turned 30 last month. It's over.
Prime teen pussy is not different from any pussy. Some are tight, some aren't. Some are wet, some are dry. What is it that really bothers you?
That you didn't experience teenage love as whole rather than just pussy?
Or that you were never a girl's first? Cause that you can still do. Find a virgin girl, and take her. But hey, if you do, make sure you marry her dude, that's the only right thing to do.
I’m 50 and get teen pussy... Daddy issues are real.
Teenagers are a mixed bunch like any other group of people. There's hot, tight, sex up teenagers and teenagers that are flabby or acne ridden or damaged or whatever else. There's virginal young girls and ones that have done things that would make many adult women blush.
I mean, it's always painful to realize that a door has closed on you and part of life will never be experienced by you. Imo a lot of the times guys lament this it's not necessarily as much about "a teen girl" as it is about the full package of never having had that idyllic, fun, intense kind of puberty that movies depict. I have also had a rather uneventful time and from friends who lived wilder teenage/adolescent years the main thing that sticks out is that barely anyone feels like they had "it". There was always someone else REALLY living it up, REALLY having that perfect relationship, the attention from (wo)men, the looks. You cannot see other people's nagging regrets etc, only your own.
But if you feel like teenage women are inherently great or top quality or whatever I'd ask yourself if this is not telling about the kind of person you are, and that if you had a girl like that you'd move the goalposts ("no she isn't exactly what I had in mind because of xyz so I still don't get what I really want") and find something else to miss. Happy people don't tend to dwell on missed chances in the past. You can't go back in time but you can improve your life for the better now. Or else you'll look back in another decade and feel like you wasted more time still letting your past ruin more than it had to.
This ring true but honestly my teenage years were shit, my parents wouldn't let me work, get my license, go to school events outside class, or visit friends unsupervised until I was 18 and because of that I was a turboautist through my 20s as well so I never made up for it in college. I don't see how that gets better at this point, I no longer fit in with the early 20s crowd and people my age are mostly mellowed out and busy with life responsibilities - there's just no equivalent in life to being young and surrounded by young people.
I don't really ever see myself not being jealous of the guys who got laid in high school and the thing is, I realize entirely how stupid that is but it is *literally* killing me, as in I very often feel suicidal cause I can't get the feelings to go away and I can't cope with them constructively in any way.
That sure sucks but statistically speaking, you still have the brunt of your life ahead of you. You can't will yourself to not care anymore and it's a mourning process to realize that you missed out on things and went through (unpleasant) things, but asking yourself how much of your life you want to be dictated by that IS the first step to paving the way for yourself.
Youth is incredibly hyped because it is a very impressionable time, you try out many things for the first time, you literally create more memories as a teen/adolescent, and many people have a reasonable balance between maturity and lack of responsibilities. But other than that it's also just pretty brutal. Teenagers are much more likely to kill themselves than adults, and while that's an extreme scenario most anyone looks back on their younger self as awkward, insecure, self-conscious and all around ill at ease with who they really are. There's a famous quote from Oscar Wilde, "Youth is wasted on the young", in regards to young people having the hot bodies and energy to party and what not, but older people have a better mentality to actually let go and have fun without being weighed down by the emotional burden of hating yourself and going through hormonal/emotional roller coasters. And according to self-report, older people (like 60+) are actually happiest and most content with their life on average.
At thirty you can easily travel, go to festivals, mingle with people younger than you are and get pulled into that energy. Not like you're some middle aged man wanting to party with the young kids. But real happiness is about making a life for yourself that YOU enjoy and not beating yourself over the head with what you are shown as the ideal way to live.
If it's that bad that you think of killing yourself over it you should just get yourself to therapy. If nothing else it's someone who will constantly nudge you to invest in yourself and view yourself as a human being in development. Also try to limit your exposure to this site full of young guys obsessed with sex, that's not helping.
I don't want my life to be dictated by this but I'm really obsessed and I just cannot seem to get away from it. Like, I literally find spending time with people my own age depressing because it reminds me I'm not actually part of the young, high energy college crowd. A middle aged man trying to hang out with kids is *exactly* what I feel like, and I
all I see in the future is that getting worse and worse as I age.
I've tried talking to professionals about it, generally what I get is that I should be occupying my life with things I can actually engage with and I won't fixate on this as much.
That's the thing, you know. Mentally I think I am very much on the level with those young guys on this site. I think if it weren't for my actual physics age I would definitely not fit in with people my own age
you don't. just wait till it drives you mad and prompts you to suicide
Then try to create a broad network where you can spend time with people your age and people younger than you. Being with your peers will make you feel more like a part of that crowd, and if you meet fun people it'll show you that being 30+ doesn't mean you have no zest for life or you never do spontaneous stuff anymore.
I do agree that occupying yourself with the present and investing in that is key. Simply doing impulsive things that aren't normally "you" can make you feel your own youthfulness more. Ideally you want to develop both sides of yourselves. The best older folks are those who have held on to their "inner child" or whatever, playfulness and enthusiasm, but also have a well-developed sense of confidence, a hands on attitude towards life, a realistic idea of their competences, the certainty that their loved ones can rely on them and they can get shit done. It doesn't have to be one or the other, you an explore both at the same time. Just don't lean back feeling it's too late to get back in because I promise you, in ten years thirty won't seem that old anymore and you'll realize you were locked inside your head and your worries.
Also this site draws a particular audience of resentful, depressed, isolated etc guys. They only show a particular side of youth and not the kind of traits you want to further develop in yourself.
More than anything else in the world I wantes my 20s to be the opposite of my teens, getting out of my shell socially, going out to parties, getting to have friends I saw regularly, and yes, getting to sleep with pretty young girls, at least a few times.
None of that came true, in my lack of life experience I made a lot of poor decisions and now that I'm 30 I just don't see what's left or what to hold on for, like abstractly I wanted a family and things and I used to look forward to that but I don't even look forward to those things anymore, 99% of what I actually wanted out of life is in the past and it seems like the rest of my life is going to be spent watching it recede away while I just keep myself alive to avoid hurting others who care about me.
I don't know what else to say because I realize it's something you have to live through in order to believe it. But the abstraction of a wife + family is very different from meeting someone you are crazy about. When you do, everything looks different and you are going to be in an entirely different mindset than now. Until that happens the best you can do is make the most of your time now and surround yourself by other people so you get feedback/reactions on who you are NOW as a person, and don't just exist in your own perception as some overgrown loserboy. Plus even before meeting someone you connect with well, simply interacting with women, flirting a little etc can make the reality of love closer and give you a little taste of what's in store for you. Best of luck man.
No, I know you're right about that.
I just... I have such a hard time letting go of it that I even isolate myself from my peers to a certain extent, like I literally don't like being around the late 20s/early 30s crowds because it reminds me that I'm not and will never be some 21yo frat bro so a lot of the time it actually makes me feel more depressed than being alone. The only time I really feel comfortable with myself is in situations where I'm actually able to blend in with the early 20s or younger crowd. A year ago I slept with a 19 year old - once - and I was ecstatic and felt hopeful and optimistic about life again for at least 7 or 8 months after that. That's how ingrained this is in me, I have some kind of obsession going on with wanting to "make up for high school" to the point that Im seriously mentally fucked up about it and it completely refigures my life.
PTP is literally an Jow Forums meme
Vacation to Thai Land
I don't think I could ever go to a hooker, of age or not. It'd just be too weird for me.
>prime teen pussy
hm well you're wrong here. the only girls that ever had sex with older men were ones that had a very high partner count, and if you believe that as you have sex it becomes less "prime" then they would be the worst picks. You are old, your only real chance is to lure a 19 yo with money, it's not really prostitution and it's as close as most old men get to being in "love" with a younger girl
You can still if you are willing to seek virgins or groom a kid till she reach her teen years
I don't actually believe in that crap, I mostly mean physical prime. I would love to have a thing with a slutty 19yo. But yeah, I am well aware it's pretty much over at this point.
Id rather have an alien moon goddess