Want to marry girl I've been dating

>want to marry girl I've been dating
>She was my first sexual partner, I was not hers
This is the only thing making me hesitate. I feel lesser than her. I don't know if I'm being retarded or not.

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You are.

You are a fucking retard. Just pop the question.

No, you're not retarded, just insecure. You have to decide now how much you're going to let this effect you and move forward.

Both these are correct, you are retarded for being this insecure. If you get along and have communicated and she knows your first and clearly doesn't care you're fine. If you're worried you're not as enjoyable in bed because of a lack of experience, look up some stuff you can do to impress her sexually, if that's even necessary.

Holy shit, I love that image, where is it from?

I'm not OP, this is kind of similar

why are you being gay over this

marriage is more important than who first had sex

1. How long have you been together?
2. How old are you, how old is she?
3. Has she ever cheated on a boyfriend? Does she have a significant history of impulsive, casual sex with men she didn't know well?

You're not retarded. And don't put this on mere insecurity on your part.

You have to first think deep about wether or not the fact that she got penetrated by other dicks than yours, that maybe they were more satisfying to her, will bother you long term.

And then you have to wonder wether or not this girl who's had other experiences is stable enough to marry.

Only when you have examined very carefully these matters should you make a decision.

>You have to first think deep about wether or not the fact that she got penetrated by other dicks than yours, that maybe they were more satisfying to her, will bother you long term.

Thanks for planting that idea in OP's brain lmao you're gonna turn him into another incel

Don’t fall for it.

Attached: image.jpg (666x692, 191K)

Holy fuck how are there so many insecure faggots on this board? At least OP actually fucked her like a man instead of being an incel cakeboy.

OP, if you love her then go for it. Doesn't matter either of your sexual histories. What matters is that you are the ones fucking now

Dump her then come back and make this same thread a year later so we can laugh at how you let a bunch of windowlicking incels convince you to chose your own insecurity over being with the girl you love.

I'm not planting that idea in OP's brain. It was already here. It's instinctive. I'm just making him fully aware of what's at stake, because otherwise he's not gonna be happy and it will always be there subconsciously.

>Hey you should dump the girl you love and want to marry because of this graph I found

>Enabling other people to be just as insecure and neurotic as I am helps normalize my own dysfunction

>caring about your partner's sexual past can only come from being insecure

Jesus, where did romanticism go?

>Thinks that "caring about your partner's sexual past" is equivalent to being constantly paranoid about your girlfriend enjoying other penises more than your penis even though she is in a faithful, committed long term relationship with you with.

This is the most incel-tier shit I've heard.

To be 100% honest OP, dating a girl with sexual experience is a good thing, because if she's willing to settle down with you, you satisfy her. Dating a virgin is always unsettling, because they don't know what sex with other people would be like, so they fantasize about it.

Don't let the fact someone's had sex ruin your view of them or yourself, that's such an insecure thing to do.

But really user, if you did dump this girl and went to try and find a virgin qt, it'd be a shit time because sexual promiscuity is a way of growing themselves so you'll be left with an immature brat who will also think less of you because you've fucked other women before.

>caring about your partners sexual past is romantic

fukken kek

You are not retarded nor insecure. Don't listen to the people projecting their shortcomings onto you. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be with someone who had a sexual history prior to the relationship.

People throwing around the word insecure like it's be supposed to be an insult insecurity in this instance is nothing more than uncertainty and regarding a situation like this that potentially make or break your life it's a perfectly rational way to be feeling folks telling you otherwise simply don't give a shit about your best interest.

With that said none of us know your situation better than you so the choice regarding marriage is still ultimately yours to make.