Oh goyim, please donate some shekels for our elderly and be a good goy

Oh goyim, please donate some shekels for our elderly and be a good goy.

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Why isn't the Israeli government providing for their elderly?

oy vey my dear mama has to eat outta that dumpster because the grocah wont gimme a deal on the meat please goyim you gotta help her out!

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They are, Jews are just so greedy they go dumpster diving for free food

Israel needs another handout from Trump

Are the dumpsters full of goyim baby parts?

>$38 billion to Israel a year

Honestly this is kind of how I picture all jews. Going through my trash for a free meal.
And then asking me for money afterwards.

I see elderly Americans digging through dumpsters from time to time. Why are old kikes in kikeland more important?

Because they are the Chosen People

>they eat out of dumpsters
man Israel mistreats their old people? they sound like horrible pieces of shit, we should stop supporting them.

but Jews deserve to eat out of dumpsters

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My fellow goys. Please have a heart give them 1 shekel. I know you hate them but it just takes 5 shekels to change someone's life. Won't you please spare 100 shekels?

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you mean like nigger bums? I got into a fight with one yesterday and fucked up my nice business casual attire. Jews are usually more smooth and stealthy than that

America will literally collapse before we reduce Israel's aid because we are in fact their vassal state.

That's irrelevant since the birth of Christ. This is why kikes hate Jesus so much.

Are we supposed to believe there are dumpsters in Israel?

I work nights, so if I want to watch the news when I'm home it's the daytime television cycle. this organization "International Fellowship of Christians and Jews", who sent that spam, routinely run sympathy ads on FOX targeting elderly christians. The president is an enormous kike, and he nepotistically made his daughter a VP, she's in the commercial too. I'm sure Jow Forums would enjoy looking into them.

>$20M salaries
>shell programs

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Many American Christians are donating 10-20% of their paycheck to Israeli widows.



Yeah, eat that garbage schlomo. Serves you right. In fact, you don't even deserve that garbage. You should be eating shit.

Christcucks are a jews best friend.

That’s natural.
When the juden reaches it’s last stage of metamorphosis it shed the skin and revel in it’s true demon form and cannot control the greedy urges of eating trash and raping. The young judens who are still hiding behind their hell curled hair and satanic noses will try to hide this and remove their elder fully spawned demons

How do I become an old isreali? I want to trick Christcucks out of their money


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