Why do wealthy liberals hate conservatives? Where is the conflict of interest.
Why do wealthy liberals hate conservatives? Where is the conflict of interest
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I think a lot of this is dependent on your thoughts about "wealthy liberals" and what that defines...
But I hate your poorer conservatives because they're generally uneducated on the issues (and I don't mean uneducated as in not having a piece of paper, I mean genuinely ignorant), and vote for things that actually aren't in their best interests.
They celebrate shit like getting a tax break of ten extra dollars on every paycheck, while ignoring that if they get sick, they don't have the coverage to not just die.
The bottom, foundational point of each side is based upon the strategy they want our species to take. At least when looking at the extremes of each side (which sadly are the loudest and at times the most influential). The two sides can be boiled down to the r/K species dynamic (there is a video explaining all of this, I'll link it in another post). But that OP is why there is conflict between Liberals and Conservatives.
>Why do wealthy liberals hate conservatives?
First those people aren't liberal (conservatives too), look up the definition of liberal. They are anti-free speech racist authoritarians. Leftists.
Protip they hate the south because its where most the black people are and to pretend they weren't the KKK. That's why they lie about a magical switch where all democrats became republicans and in reverse over night.
But to answer your question they all want power and control so they can be the ones to tell us what we are allowed to do but mainly fuck us over while getting rich instead of the other guys.
>voting against their interests
AKA they didn't vote the way I wanted them to, how dare they.
I feel more confused but whatever. I didn't expect a real answer.
This belongs on Jow Forums
user, a lot of people just don't apply much thought to these things. A lot of people, rich or poor, genuinely just believe that one party is "the good guys" and the other is "the bad guys" and it has more to do with following the general consensus of their social group and/or family than it does with real, thoughtful consideration of the goals, methods & actions of each party. A lot of people are kinda faking their passion for politics, because they want to be seen as a morally upstanding person who knows what they're talking about.
If you talk to ANYONE who "hates" an entire political party, either one, you can bet they're an idiot and their actual understanding of the issues is puddle-deep.
I'm the guy you're quoting here... When someone votes to "stick it to the liberals" or because they were taught they're good gun toting conservatives that need to vote against the Affordable Care Act, it's against their best interests.
Let's take my desert-living, handout taking "conservative" family members. They bitch and complain about all of the "entitlements" everyone is getting, but they're worse than any black family I know in taking all of the free shit.
Both my aunt and uncle retired on "disability" at 50 years old or so, because their health was too bad to sit at a desk, but they can travel the country in their RV with no problems. They convinced my cousin not to get married until he had another child out of wedlock so they could get welfare through some loophole. His brother, who went to prison and is deemed unfit to work, receives money from the state of California to live despite living in Arizona.
But yeah, the damn "entitlements" and "Mexicans stealing their jobs," better vote Republican at all times.
I'm actually a registered Republican. I'm a centrist, which I know is a dirty word here. I vote for what's right and what educate myself. Fuck the people who can't have the understanding of what's benefitting them.
Both sides in some sense have been hijacked. It definitely seems like liberals a little more so but both sides are being "represented" by the most obnoxious and extreme in their group or the vocal minority. This even further complicates things because a lot of people will be pushed towards those extremes more and more as a reaction towards the most vocal on the other side.
It's definitely a recipe for disaster but luckily not one the liberals could ever hope of winning.
I'll take that. Thx for the time.
I'm not very experienced but is this what you guys call a, meme?
>That's why they lie about a magical switch where all democrats became republicans and in reverse over night.
There actually was a part switch but it happened like 70 years before the left thinks it did and it wasn’t overnight.
Sort of how poor uneducated blacks voted for democrats who then got them "free" health care which was really an enforcement to buy insurance who then provided sub par care?
It's a dumb argument in the first place though because it usually comes up i
in the context of conservatives trying to claim the mantle of emancipation or the civil rights movement.
Like bitch come on, look at the population demographics of the modern GOP and tell with a straight face that, if legally enforced segregation was still around, they would be the ones advocating to change it.
Like, my perspective on this is - I'm pretty damn far left (outside the liberal mainstream for sure) but I can totally acknowledge the philosophical need for a conservative tendency that offers a reaction in thought and check upon political development - but this is an argument full of disingenuity on both sides, each party trying to claim the mantle of "justice" or even "the Black Man's Party" without any investigation of what that actually means. It is truly pure, distilled identity politics - No longer even examining the politics of identity, but reduced to nothing BUT identity, a debate devoid of any substance beyond advertising.
Fuck the DNC, the GOP, and the USA.
No it's what we call a fact.
yankee "left" is hardly leftist
apart from all else, the most important things is that they represent an existential threat
they advocate for a reduction/elimination of the welfare state
see French, Russian, and other revolutions to see what happens to us wealthy liberals when the poors have nothing to live on
not Jow Forums
....boy Jow Forums sure is leaking alot these days...
I don't want to post on pol. It's politically incorrect. I'm asking about a difference in party, not whether or not the parties are misrepresented or how they would/should fail to truly represent a populace that may or may not actually be interested in fulfilling on the failed efforts of a deposed German dictator that died 60 years ago.
Short term vrs long term goals.
So one thing the communists get *right* is that the parties represent the interest of the ruling classes - it's just that there's a genuine political divide in the upper classes as well. If anything, the parties are much less polarized than the US population as a whole. The Republicans in the Trump era are much more in sync with their base. The Democratic leadership is relatively weak, because in fact it is committed Democrats in the mass population that have swung further and further to the left, while their leaders, concerned about electability, push back.
Rural/ urban is the only divide that matters in the US right now. I read some retarded blog about using the state to murder everyone outside of a wealthy coastal city by 'Nuke Middle Ameriaca' while I jack off to sabatoging infrastructure and watching cities burn. There's no reconciling that difference in sight.
Wow, you arrogant dickcheese. The tax break is better than hyperinflation, produces more jobs and hours, and the healthcare we got was shit, and I have a 5,000 dollar deductible because of that "coverage" that doesn't cover average shit like c-sections.
You don't know shit about shit.
So youre saying liberal politicians are against the masses because the masses are too extreme while the current leadership's party is basically supported by it's electorate almost without question or need for compromise.
The mob is screaming for more gibs from the traditional gibsgivers, and the party leadership doesn't actually want to dig into their own or their friends' pockets to fund it. Meanwhile the Rs are the party of 'fuck you and a tax cut for my buddies'. Effective governing doesn't interestuch of their base anyway.
go to Jow Forums you shit eater.
Conservatism uses shit-tier religion, sociopolitical rhetoric to stir up support from their dirt-clod-kicking support base. All they need to do is spin some shit about guns, god and country and make some kind of half-assed stance against "political correctness" or some other poorly constructed social strawman they've erected on Fox News and their local yokel base will shit their overalls because their antiquated intellectualism values being tough and unwavering in your ideals as some kind of holy gift. In the mean time conservatives gut every last bit of social programs and legislation that actually help out their base because those bastards are so retarded they'll go to the poor house with a smile on their face so long as minorities go to a poorer house and they have some kind of predetermined liberal boogeyman to blame when everything goes to shit.
Wealthy liberals are much more conniving yet simultaneously stupider. Their power rests on their ability to "resonate" with youth and upcoming social issues yet after centuries of tinkering have yet to figure out the issue of actually getting something done and having something to show for their efforts. Liberals lose, plain and simple. They fall flat on their faces because they're just as old and white as their conservative counterparts but lack any of the means or know how to parlay their shock and dismay of current conservatism into actual action. Some may argue "well gay marriage is legal now and planned parenthood and yada yada". PEOPLE got that done, not liberals. Liberals just filtered in the back while change was happening and supported a movement that already had legs because if there's one thing that liberals suck at its fucking RESONATING with people. At least shit kicking repubs have momentum propelling their bullshit to the top. Even the hottest, freshest liberal candidate is about as exciting as a stale fart.