Imagine that in the next 10 years, some fringe radical right-wing party wins the public, and get into power. What if they aimed their sights at Israel and jewry?
What would legit happen?
Imagine that in the next 10 years, some fringe radical right-wing party wins the public, and get into power. What if they aimed their sights at Israel and jewry?
What would legit happen?
worthless hypotheticals
what if a woman tore off her cunt because it stank
Israel would nuke the whole planet
Shut up, hebrew
... Where would they live?
So you gave them the same nukes that could be shot at you?
War with the (((eu)))
Lol no. We have antiMissile batteries in all NATO countries. Israel would try and then one single HBomb would eradicate them forever.
Ever heard of the Samson option? Look into it.
Well, gonna be tough times. No primary source of funding, war with a big dick Nato country and Arabs on other side.
>What would legit happen?
The jews would nuke every western country. The end.