Espert is the libertarian candidate running in the coming 2019 presidential elections in Argentina. He's the last hope to fix the country's economy
>background José Luis Espert (born November 21, 1961) is an Argentine economist. He studied economics at Universidad de Buenos Aires. He has a Master's degree in economics from UCEMA, and master's in statistics from Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. In 2000, he founded his own firm, Estudio Espert, which offers macroeconomic consultancy and Asset Management. He worked as a professor at Econometrics in the UBA and public finances at UCEMA.
He is a columnist in many newspapers, like La Nación and El País from Uruguay. In 2015, he was interviewed by José del Río for Conversaciones program at La Nación and the interview was the second-most viewed interview of the year. He is one of the economists most consulted by the Argentine media.
>how can I help? Help sharing youtube videos of Espert, Milei, etc among normalfags, specially those that educate about the problems with our economy and our unsustenable state. Subscribe to related channels to stay on date
Start using your meme power! Create memes to fight Machir and Cucktina, diseminate them on social media, like Bolsonaro's campaign! Alternative channels like internet will be a deciding factor in this election!
>free market >open importations and foreign trade again >wants to reduce drastically taxes and the size of state >reduce drastically regulations (we have more than 69.000) >against M*rcosur >encourage competition in market >wants to reduce syndicalists power >reduce gradually gibs >close useless state services like Argetine Airlines >apply chilean and peruvian measures of free market >has MILEI >about Milei: >same of all the previous >fervent anti leftist and anti progressist >wants to close the central bank >wants to end the free university and healthcare for foreigners >has Giacomini >about Giacomini: >same of all the previous >pro gun
Authoritarianism != fascism. You can have economical freedom and be authoritarian in other aspects
Of course he'll must be authoritarian. No free market/capitalist society works without a working law enforcement organism. He also said that with the reduction of taxes, he'll redirect public spending to modernize the army and police force.
And, if not even that works, then the only solution is to leave this country (yeah, it basically is, I know it). If nothing changes, Argentina and argentines deserve everything and all the bad stuff that happen to them and more
>calls me a leftist >will vote for another "I'm le true peronism" autist who defends "social justice and statism" and who nobody votes Thanks for outing your skin color, my friend. Also, this is an english speaking board, so speak in english you filthy beaner
If he's extremely lucky, he might get past 10% on the elections and being extremely generous, I doubt much will come out of him. I'll still give him a try.
Julian Martinez
He won't get past 1%
Evan Brooks
>he'll redirect public spending to modernize the army and police force. BASED and FÜHRERPILLED
Brayden Wright
afaik about argentine politicians, Biondini is a conservative peronist who rejects the SJW agenda. In Brazil, we have a representative of such ideology in PRTB, party of the next vice president. They were even investigated for connection to neo-nazi organizations. However, if I were a che, boludo, I'd vote for Olmedo+Milei in order only to push a disruption in the status quo without necessarily fucking the country's economy. Espert doesn't seem very different from Macri.
Jonathan Garcia
>PRTB, party of the next vice president. They were even investigated for connection to neo-nazi organizations >vice president. Mourão (BIG MOOR) >investigated for connection to neo-nazi organizations Retarded PT shills are retarded.
Kevin Murphy
I'm wrong. It was a sort of nationalist front that was investigated, not exactly the PRTB. They have my sympathy, although.
> Olmedo+Milei Olmedo is a literal meme, I mean he's decent but too clownish for a normalfag shithole country like this. I doubt he'll achieve anything plus so far has no team. Don't get me wrong, if he takes the lead I'd vote him, he had more chance than Biondini, but I doubt he'll pass 1%
As regards to Milei it's Olmedo the one saying he'll be minister of economics, not Milei. Milei doesn't wants any politician job, he only wants to be president of the central bank to close it. He's also a personal friend of Espert and will go with him if needed but he doesn't want to run for politician
Espert = Amoedo Macri = PSDB CFK = PT Massa = Ciro Del Caño = Boulos Olmedo+Milei = Bolsonaro+Guedes
Olmedo even counts on the support of the evangelical community and also promised to rebuild the military. I never thought it was possible that the politics in a neighboring country could so faithfully mirror ours.
Noah Richardson
>Olmedo+Milei = Bolsonaro+Guedes Thanks for the rundown, huebro. If i see any Olmedo thread, i'll shill
Andrew Diaz
So, let's talk about something more relevant to the current political enviroment than this: who's the best character from Los Simuladores and why is it Ravenna?
Owen Cooper
Keep making these threads mate, spread the faith
Andrew Lopez
>"ni bolsonaro ni cristina" whats wrong about that you jew