>has boyfriend
>goes on date with another guy
>said he was taking her to the movies
>instead drove her to a far-away isolated park where he raped her
>says guy that raped her was never caught
>even though she obviously knew him
>pic related
fucking roasties man
Has boyfriend
Other urls found in this thread:
>consensual regretful sex
Lol women
The unattainably attractive woman trying to elicit sympathy irritates me, just go fuck Chad, stop gloating about your high sexual market value
>unattainably attractive woman
pic not related?
she said the police "didnt believe" she was raped and also "that's why you're supposed to get to know people before going on dates with them".
im guessing the boyfriend demanded that she go to the cops and the cops probably found that neither her nor her "rapist" had any injuries suggesting an actual rape occurred.
>cheats on boyfriend, gets caught, claims rape
every fucking time
he should have killed her
>"Not only are you incredibly cute, you also have incredible mental strength!"
Simps. Simps everywhere.
>superficial girl
>getting superficial support for fake story
>feeling real feels
must be intoxicating for her
>i feel guilty because i'm a piece of shit human being
>so it must have been rape
the 21st century in a nutshell
The problem is radical Islamism. Islam, as a religious following, is not violent. The jihadists twist the religion just like all other hate groups to support their own crazy views. ISIS is a plague on the world. The world should unite and eradicate anyone who claims allegiance.
what in the fuck are you talking about leaf. a vast majority of muzzies just want to be left the fuck alone but Israel keeps getting us to kill a 100,000 of them every decade, which creates a shit ton of new radicals who have a legitimate and valid grievance against the illegal acts of the world hegemon.
Most rape claims are women getting caught cheating and seeking a out. Lucky guy not to be serving decades like countless others who got screwed
Most Muslims hate (((ISIS)))
i will rape her again to get her off the internet
reddit is just full of fake news and cia niggers
kek. this is her too
Freudian post.
Yes, incels are the real problem here
this is 1 year and 4 months ago too. haha.
Sounds fake and gay. Where are the sources user?
Is that the real story? Where did she say that?
Men who fornicate with sluts deserve to be locked up
it looks like she deleted comments where it was obvious her story was bullshit. if you read responses to deleted comments you can piece the story together.
made me think
She most likely never went to the police. Even if they don't believe you they wouldn't just say "I don't believe you". That's straight out of an oppression fantasy.
Women don’t realize that cuckholdry is the biological and psychological equivalent of rape for men. In terms she could understand, this balances out to a victimless crime.
Police would take her to the hospital to collect evidence of DNA in her pussy even if they doubted the story.
She sounds like a real keeper.
Women lie, wow.
I was wondering the story on that bitch. I had a feeling her “rape” was bullshit
If it were a real rapist he would have.
Did anyone have the nerve to ask why she was protecting a rapist? Just say his name if he's dangerous so other women can at least avoid him.
no way...
basically a bs 18yo girl lie. also, aside from the bf it appears that she's a mormon so "rape" is a convenient loophole for her to fuck someone.
The last two chicks I've met were also raped. The one was abused by her uncles for years as a child and the other one I raped
duh, how else are we gonna get the white goyim to have more kids? they aren't popping them out fast enough at all!
>it looks like she deleted comments where it was obvious her story was bullshit. if you read responses to deleted comments you can piece the story together.
You can read deleted comments when you replace "reddit" with "removeddit" in the URL
This girl is full of shit, we need to call her out!
Women are stupid af, and the "don't blame victims" is a total psy op to make women more likely to get raped and talk about it, which they should take to the grave with them because no sane man will ever deal with bat shit crazy like that in the darkest days of the #metoo era...also that bitch 100% cheated, fucking cuck boyfriend probably believed her too I'm gonna assume bc she got pregnant and had an abortion? Also fun fact: women are more likely to get pregnant when raped. Really makes you think
>She most likely never went to the police. Even if they don't believe you they wouldn't just say "I don't believe you". That's straight out of an oppression fantasy.
it sounds straight out of horror stories from women from the 1950s. 1 year ago #Metoo was at it's height. yet she wants us to believe that police departments are just dismissing rape victims.
what people need to do is raise hell about this police department that "turned her away". if the police department comes under fire the real story will come out.
Absolute fucking redpill post
Kys cancer leaf
t. Muhammad
I tend to agree but I hate Muslims bc they aren’t white. Neither are kikes tho. I would love for both to simple destroy each other.
It's pretty bad if the university sj court doesn't even take your side. They love to ruin lives on accusations. Also she was in an "open relationship" and he was 8 years older. Oh and she was in his car on a date "
>i was raped
>i'll never get over it without your upboats
Scary stuff. Just so this roast could stay with her man she could possibly put an innocent guy in prison. Be careful out there anons. Thots are pure evil.
>Open relationship
Stopped reading there, sluts and the weak Cucks who enable them Swing on dotr
Mohammad was a tribal warlord and he personally participated in caravan raids.
Every pretty girl with brown eyes ever is a lying little cheating slut; you think it's because one of their ancestors got moored/kebabbed?
she should be raped for real and then locked up in the brap barn forever
Had to walk away from the battlestation after reading this comment. Top tier, 10/10.
It's only young sluts who try to pull the rape sympathy card, smart men know real rape victims are broken and there fore bad relationship partners. Or they are fake rape victims, in which they are bat shit crazy and the exact type to bend you over the table for child support or alemony. Neither way is a net gain, so the majority of legit rape cases take this to their grave...I'm a 30 year old boomer, and the only legit rape I've heard of is from shitskins or at frat houses. Kinda hard to feel bad for coal burners or chicks that fuck frat guys. Something's to consider, Arby's Workers reading this
How much money she’s on her way to get her woman hole filled again
Alpha AF tbqh
>locked up in the brap barn forever
a just fate for all roasties
>It was horrible, I was unable to wear the clothing I used that day
It's like she puts all the shame, guilt, blame onto the clothing instead of reconsidering her own choices.
>Oh yea, I was raped, haven't worn the clothes ever since, lol.
>I'm strong, so now I can wear them.
Reddit is filled with people of mental illness
>I was raped
>I got over it
>This is me IRL
Indeed. Lots of people called her out on post history and are deleted. So many thirsty betas
>Sweden in charge of being white
>"I was working up in WY back in the 60s, being a herder for the summer. I was crazy poor and needed the money, so i just decided to do it. Another guy came up the mountain with me, and slowly but surely we became friends. One night, it was cold as all get out and I was sleeping outside of our little tent. Sure enough, my friend Jack told me to just come inside. As we were spooning, he put his arm around me. Immediately I shook him off, but after a tussle and him trying to kiss me, I gave in and we had sex. The day after it was awkward and we barely spoke, but finally I told him it was a one time thing and that I wasn’t gay, to which he said me neither. But throughout the summer it just kept happening, and oh man we loved having fun together. At the end of the summer we went our separate way, got married and had kids, but after a couple years we met up again and hooked up. We did this over the course of the next 20 years. I love that man."
Lol this "person" is insane
the internet is a daycare center for the mentally ill since they closed down all the institutions in the west and moved them into their own apartments and then they started breeding and then there was the red dit zoomer trannyhomo goy BASED
Thank you for your service!
Why are white women always the one to say they got raped?
Someone is going to marry her one day
Don't forget to count (you)rself in, too, cretin.
this. i fucking hate all women except the ones im related to.
Are you a fucking moron (rhetorical question you obviously are)? Mohammed was a murdering psychopath, a thief, a rapist, a liar, a pedophile, and every muslim legit believes he was without fault and is the most perfect man ever, an example they can only hope to aspire to be like. Think about that for a moment if you are capable you fucking brainwashed little fool.
Jesus christ what a thot
women are a meme