What did he mean by this?
Isn’t it incredibly easy to get robbed by porch monkeys in LA?
Sigh… I want off this gay earth.
What did he mean by this?
Isn’t it incredibly easy to get robbed by porch monkeys in LA?
Sigh… I want off this gay earth.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What did he mean by this?
He means the white ones were stages so he didn't look like a racist
he's likely just saying that now after the inherent racism based on who exactly are package thieves was inadvertently revealed
what kind of cianigger goes from being an engineer to making youtube videos about glitter bombing for package thieves
Someone smart and creative
This story made the news in Australia but the video they used had no black people in it, it also had no footage of any glitter exploding which defeated the entire interest of the story.
Go to sleep and stop watching our garbage media.
The black ones were real, the white ones he put in there so he could skip the racism accusations.
What a stupid faggot. Never trust anyone that works for nasa. I hope he gets his ass beat.
Imagine that, A NASA employee making fake videos
Lol... I guess you are referring to the nasa global warming videos
he quickly realized they were all niggers so he had to hire some wypeepo
it's the same backlash that fatass jewish girl got when she walked around NYC and all the subhumans hollah'd at her phatazz
He asked friends if he could leave it at their houses too. Offered a small payment for their troubles, and more if they could retrieve it. Turns out, some of those people then told their own friends to show up and steal it. The nerd didn't know this at the time.
>guy makes glitter bomb to troll package thieves
>most of the thieves are niggers
>i-it was staged
He probably got some threatening phone calls when the video went viral. His video is a real look at who is doing most of the stealing and the media doesnt like it.
Too bad he cucked out. Should have told CNN to go fuck themselves.
>Should have told CNN to go fuck themselves.
He was way to much of a soi boy for that
original video
The one who realized he could make millions making videos for idiots
It's rayciss to put your amazon packages at your doorstep fucking bigoted whitteys
Why in the fuck did he blur their faces? Doesn't that defeat the purpose?
You ducking leaf
Trending youtube videos are heavily inspected by the (((PR))) fags as to not insult low IQ monkeys and their kike masters. I imagine a somali transgender got his affirmative action NASA job forcing this cuck to play with toys in front of a camera for the rest of his life.
The second a black dude showed up in his video Mr Goldberg called and told him that if he doesn't make a statement he will be demonetized and some woman he met 20 years ago got raped by him and heard him say the n word. The cuck obviously obliged instead of using his technical skills to bomb Mr Goldberg's apartment
That stupid video was painfully obviously fake
After looking at his Twitter, I agree.
Apparently he's friends with reporters too.
I think the video was 100% real but it was bad for media to use so he's claiming it was faked.
I don't believe the people in that video were asked to be a thief.
Imagine asking a black dude to pretend to be a thief for a youtube video.
>why do bugmen do illogical shit?
>Literally one letter from being “shithole”
I think he's going to wait 2 days then delete the video and hope people forget about it.
No. I saw the video before these kike articles. He has already explained it. He asked friends to set traps on their porches too and offered money for it. After realizing that they fucked him and just had someone they knew do it and exaggerate the reaction so they could get money, he removed the video and took those clips out and uploaded it again. The video up now is completely real.
Everyone figure it out the minute they started watching the video.
They robbers seemed fake as fuck, who they fuck waits to throw that shit out of the car/house. Also how did he manage get to back so many times? It reeks of the social experiment videos. Dumb NASA nigger.
I actually commented this exact thing on the video when it was brand new. No one listened to me tho.
A black dude would do that in a heart beat if you offered him 50 bucks
>make ied
>put it on youtube
>it's ok because the creator is nasa faggot and the payload is glitter
>literally 4 smartphones in the box
>people threw this package away
>niggers have never heard of a faraday cage
Imagine designing a NASA rover and then coming home and telling every future Kaczynski how to make a package bomb that actually works.
Fpbp this is the only answer
I knew it was fake by the bad acting.
the whites were faked and the blacks were actual thieves
>not real [ ]
>not all [ ]
>we went into the ghetto and asked black dudes to act like thieves
They’re the best method actors for that role
Shit like this is why I want to kill everyone indiscriminately.
Now I finally believe that the earth is flat.